Changeset 3323
- Timestamp:
- Jul 13, 2006, 10:33:03 AM (19 years ago)
- Location:
- production/onslow_2006
- Files:
- 3 added
- 1 deleted
- 33 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3300 r3323 8 8 9 9 #time_dir = '20060704_063005' #HAT 10 #time_dir = '20060706_235246' #LAT10 time_dir = '20060706_235246' #LAT 11 11 #time_dir = '20060704_063234' #MSL 12 12 #time_dir = '20060515_001733' #DTED data -
r3268 r3323 66 66 based on the total contents value of \$85,410,060 for 67 67 the Onslow region. The injuries sustained is summarised 68 in Table \ref{table:injuries} with around 10\% affected in the 0m AHD68 in Table \ref{table:injuries} with around \% affected in the 0m AHD 69 69 scenario. 70 %Around 21\%71 %of the population are affected in the 1.5m AHD scenario with around 10\%72 %affected in the 0m AHD scenario.70 Around \% 71 of the population are affected in the 1.5m AHD scenario with around \% 72 affected in the 0m AHD scenario. 73 73 74 74 … … 81 81 &Inundated & Collapsed & Repair Cost 82 82 & of Total Value & Losses & of Total Value \\ \hline 83 MSL & 54 & 1 & \$5,317,783 & 8.8 \% & \$11,592,602 & 13.6\% \\ \hline83 MSL & & 1 & \$ & \% & \$ & \% \\ \hline 84 84 HAT & & & & & & \\ \hline 85 85 LAT & & & & & & \\ \hline … … 111 111 and is situated close to the coast as seen in Figure \ref{fig:points}. 112 112 At 0m AHD, over 2m of water will inundate parts of the community (Figure 113 \ref{fig: 20060515001733gaugeBindiBindiCommunity})113 \ref{fig:gaugeBindiBindiCommunity}) 114 114 indicating 100\% damage of contents. -
r3317 r3323 41 41 (3.8 hours) after the tsunami is generated. 42 42 Prior to the drawdown, maximum amplitudes are approximately 50cm at 43 West of Groyne (Figure \ref{fig: 20060515001733gaugeWestofGroyne}) and43 West of Groyne (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeWestofGroyne}) and 44 44 the mouth of Beadon Creek 45 (Figure \ref{fig: 20060515001733gaugeBeadonCreekmouth}), for example.45 (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonCreekmouth}), for example. 46 46 The first wave 47 47 after the drawdown ranges from approximately 2m in the 48 west of Beadon Bay (Figure \ref{fig: 20060515001733gaugeBeadonBaywest})48 west of Beadon Bay (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBaywest}) 49 49 to 1.5m in the east of Beadon Bay 50 (Figure \ref{fig: 20060515001733gaugeBeadonBayeast}).50 (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBayeast}). 51 51 The speed 52 52 sharply increases at drawdown with further increases as the … … 60 60 61 61 The maximum speed found for the offshore locations occur at the West of 62 Groyne location (Figure \ref{fig: 20060515001733gaugeWestofGroyne})62 Groyne location (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeWestofGroyne}) 63 63 with speeds halved at the Beadon Bay west location. 64 64 The speed at west of Beadon Bay is greater than the east of Beadon 65 Bay location (Figure \ref{fig: 20060515001733gaugeBeadonBayeast}).65 Bay location (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBayeast}). 66 66 There is similar differences in amplitude (from drawdown to maximum 67 67 amplitude), however, the western location is in deeper water than the eastern … … 90 90 The tsunami wave penetrates the river east of Onslow with wave height 91 91 approximately 2m at the mouth 92 (Figure \ref{fig: 20060515001733gaugeBeadonCreekmouth})92 (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonCreekmouth}) 93 93 and inundation 94 94 exceeding 1m found at the Beadon Creek south of dock location (Figure 95 \ref{fig: 20060515001733gaugeBeadonCreeksouthofdock}).95 \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonCreeksouthofdock}). 96 96 The wave penetrates the river east of Onslow with increasingly 97 97 greater inundation between the -1.5m AHD and 1.5m AHD simulations. -
r3094 r3323 5 5 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBeadonPointLoadingBerthspeed.png}\\ 6 6 \end{tabular} 7 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Point Loading Berth gauge location (elevation -8.69m)}7 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Point Loading Berth location (elevation -8.70m)} 8 8 \label{fig:gaugeBeadonPointLoadingBerth} 9 9 \end{figure} … … 15 15 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeHospitalspeed.png}\\ 16 16 \end{tabular} 17 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Hospital gauge location (elevation 7.56m)}17 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Hospital location (elevation 6.02m)} 18 18 \label{fig:gaugeHospital} 19 19 \end{figure} … … 25 25 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBindiBindiCommunityspeed.png}\\ 26 26 \end{tabular} 27 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Bindi Bindi Community gauge location (elevation 1.00m)}27 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Bindi Bindi Community location (elevation 4.08m)} 28 28 \label{fig:gaugeBindiBindiCommunity} 29 29 \end{figure} … … 35 35 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugePowerStationspeed.png}\\ 36 36 \end{tabular} 37 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Power Station gauge location (elevation 5.17m)}37 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Power Station location (elevation 5.81m)} 38 38 \label{fig:gaugePowerStation} 39 39 \end{figure} … … 45 45 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeAirportRunwayspeed.png}\\ 46 46 \end{tabular} 47 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Airport Runway gauge location (elevation 3.00m)}47 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Airport Runway location (elevation 5.49m)} 48 48 \label{fig:gaugeAirportRunway} 49 49 \end{figure} … … 55 55 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBeadonCreekDocksspeed.png}\\ 56 56 \end{tabular} 57 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Creek Docks gauge location (elevation 1.76m)}57 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Creek Docks location (elevation 1.65m)} 58 58 \label{fig:gaugeBeadonCreekDocks} 59 59 \end{figure} … … 65 65 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeWestofGroynespeed.png}\\ 66 66 \end{tabular} 67 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at West of Groyne gauge location (elevation -2.10m)}67 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at West of Groyne location (elevation -2.11m)} 68 68 \label{fig:gaugeWestofGroyne} 69 69 \end{figure} … … 75 75 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBeadonCreekmouthspeed.png}\\ 76 76 \end{tabular} 77 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Creek mouth gauge location (elevation -2.80m)}77 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Creek mouth location (elevation -2.90m)} 78 78 \label{fig:gaugeBeadonCreekmouth} 79 79 \end{figure} … … 85 85 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBeadonCreeksouthofdockspeed.png}\\ 86 86 \end{tabular} 87 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Creek south of dock gauge location (elevation -1.49m)}87 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Creek south of dock location (elevation -1.81m)} 88 88 \label{fig:gaugeBeadonCreeksouthofdock} 89 89 \end{figure} … … 95 95 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeCentredamwallspeed.png}\\ 96 96 \end{tabular} 97 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Centre dam wall gauge location (elevation 3.00m)}97 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Centre dam wall location (elevation 2.09m)} 98 98 \label{fig:gaugeCentredamwall} 99 99 \end{figure} … … 105 105 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeDamoverflowspeed.png}\\ 106 106 \end{tabular} 107 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Dam overflow gauge location (elevation 1.53m)}107 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Dam overflow location (elevation 0.88m)} 108 108 \label{fig:gaugeDamoverflow} 109 109 \end{figure} … … 115 115 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeLightTowerspeed.png}\\ 116 116 \end{tabular} 117 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Light Tower gauge location (elevation 1.47m)}117 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Light Tower location (elevation 3.86m)} 118 118 \label{fig:gaugeLightTower} 119 119 \end{figure} … … 125 125 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBeadonBaywestspeed.png}\\ 126 126 \end{tabular} 127 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Bay west gauge location (elevation -4.61m)}127 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Bay west location (elevation -4.62m)} 128 128 \label{fig:gaugeBeadonBaywest} 129 129 \end{figure} … … 135 135 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBeadonBayeastspeed.png}\\ 136 136 \end{tabular} 137 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Bay east gaugelocation (elevation -3.56m)}137 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Bay east location (elevation -3.56m)} 138 138 \label{fig:gaugeBeadonBayeast} 139 139 \end{figure} -
r3313 r3323 27 27 \usepackage{lscape} %landcape pages support 28 28 \usepackage{setspace} 29 \include{appendix} 29 30 \setstretch{1.25} 30 31 \topmargin 0pt … … 77 78 \label{sec:results} 78 79 79 \begin{table} \ label{table:locations}80 \caption{Defined point locations for Tsunami impact modelling for the North West shelf: Onslowstudy area.}81 \ begin{center}80 \begin{table} \begin{center} 81 \caption{Defined point locations for onslow_2006 study area.} 82 \label{table:locations} 82 83 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline 83 84 \bf{Point Name} & \bf{Easting} & \bf{Northing} & \bf{Elevation}\\ \hline 84 Beadon Point Loading Berth & 302986.51 & 7607334.65 & -8. 69\\ \hline85 Hospital & 304973.04 & 7605500.42 & 7.56\\ \hline86 Bindi Bindi Community & 305430.37 & 7605586.65 & 1.00\\ \hline87 Power Station & 305687.62 & 7605062.62 & 5. 17\\ \hline88 Airport Runway & 304471.19 & 7602750.41 & 3.00\\ \hline89 Beadon Creek Docks & 306622.77 & 7604706.10 & 1. 76\\ \hline90 West of Groyne & 306556.76 & 7605791.87 & -2.1 0\\ \hline91 Beadon Creek mouth & 306626.50 & 7605532.27 & -2. 80 \\ \hline92 Beadon Creek south of dock & 306676.87 & 7604408.63 & -1. 49\\ \hline93 Centre dam wall & 308516.86 & 7603955.82 & 3.00\\ \hline94 Dam overflow & 307913.42 & 7604034.90 & 1.53\\ \hline95 Light Tower & 304562.88 & 7606431.74 & 1.47\\ \hline96 Beadon Bay west & 305311.01 & 7606557.16 & -4.6 1\\ \hline85 Beadon Point Loading Berth & 302986.51 & 7607334.65 & -8.70 \\ \hline 86 Hospital & 304973.04 & 7605500.42 & 6.02 \\ \hline 87 Bindi Bindi Community & 305430.37 & 7605586.65 & 4.08 \\ \hline 88 Power Station & 305687.62 & 7605062.62 & 5.81 \\ \hline 89 Airport Runway & 304471.19 & 7602750.41 & 5.49 \\ \hline 90 Beadon Creek Docks & 306622.77 & 7604706.10 & 1.65 \\ \hline 91 West of Groyne & 306556.76 & 7605791.87 & -2.11 \\ \hline 92 Beadon Creek mouth & 306626.50 & 7605532.27 & -2.90 \\ \hline 93 Beadon Creek south of dock & 306676.87 & 7604408.63 & -1.81 \\ \hline 94 Centre dam wall & 308516.86 & 7603955.82 & 2.09 \\ \hline 95 Dam overflow & 307913.42 & 7604034.90 & 0.88 \\ \hline 96 Light Tower & 304562.88 & 7606431.74 & 3.86 \\ \hline 97 Beadon Bay west & 305311.01 & 7606557.16 & -4.62 \\ \hline 97 98 Beadon Bay east & 307989.36 & 7606591.95 & -3.56 \\ \hline 98 99 \end{tabular} … … 106 107 \end{figure} 107 108 \input{interpretation} 109 \input{HAT_map} 110 \clearpage 111 108 112 \input{MSL_map} 113 \clearpage 114 115 \input{LAT_map} 109 116 \clearpage 110 117 … … 114 121 \input{damage} 115 122 116 \section{I ssues}123 \section{Impact due to data accuracy} 117 124 \input{discussion} 118 \label{sec:issues}125 \label{sec:issues} 119 126 120 127 \section{Summary} … … 122 129 123 130 \input{references} 131 132 ppendix 124 133 125 134 \section{Metadata} … … 129 138 \section{Time series} 130 139 \label{sec:timeseries} 131 140 \input{latexoutput} 141 \clearpage 142 143 132 144 \section{Damage modelling inputs} 133 145 \label{sec:damageinputs} 134 146 \input{damage_inputs} 135 \input{latexoutput20060515001733} 147 148 \section{Time series} 149 \label{sec:timeseriescompare} 150 151 \input{compare_output_datasets} 136 152 \clearpage 137 153
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