Changeset 3323

Jul 13, 2006, 10:33:03 AM (19 years ago)

updates for Onslow report

3 added
1 deleted
33 edited


  • production/onslow_2006/

    r3300 r3323  
    99#time_dir = '20060704_063005' #HAT
    10 #time_dir = '20060706_235246' #LAT
     10time_dir = '20060706_235246' #LAT
    1111#time_dir = '20060704_063234' #MSL
    1212#time_dir = '20060515_001733' #DTED data
  • production/onslow_2006/report/damage.tex

    r3268 r3323  
    6666based on the total contents value of \$85,410,060 for
    6767the Onslow region. The injuries sustained is summarised
    68 in Table \ref{table:injuries} with around 10\% affected in the 0m AHD
     68in Table \ref{table:injuries} with around \% affected in the 0m AHD
    70 %Around 21\%
    71 %of the population are affected in the 1.5m AHD scenario with around 10\%
    72 %affected in the 0m AHD scenario.
     70Around \%
     71of the population are affected in the 1.5m AHD scenario with around \%
     72affected in the 0m AHD scenario.
    8181&Inundated & Collapsed & Repair Cost
    8282& of Total Value & Losses & of Total Value \\ \hline
    83 MSL &54 & 1 & \$5,317,783 &  8.8 \% & \$11,592,602 & 13.6 \% \\ \hline
     83MSL & & 1 & \$ &   \% & \$ & \% \\ \hline
    8484HAT & & & & & & \\ \hline
    8585LAT & & & & & & \\ \hline
    111111and is situated close to the coast as seen in Figure \ref{fig:points}.
    112112At 0m AHD, over 2m of water will inundate parts of the community (Figure
    113 \ref{fig:20060515001733gaugeBindiBindiCommunity})
    114114indicating 100\% damage of contents.
  • production/onslow_2006/report/interpretation.tex

    r3317 r3323  
    4141(3.8 hours) after the tsunami is generated.
    4242Prior to the drawdown, maximum amplitudes are approximately 50cm at
    43 West of Groyne (Figure \ref{fig:20060515001733gaugeWestofGroyne}) and
     43West of Groyne (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeWestofGroyne}) and
    4444the mouth of Beadon Creek
    45 (Figure \ref{fig:20060515001733gaugeBeadonCreekmouth}), for example.
     45(Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonCreekmouth}), for example.
    4646The first wave
    4747after the drawdown ranges from approximately 2m in the
    48 west of Beadon Bay (Figure \ref{fig:20060515001733gaugeBeadonBaywest})
     48west of Beadon Bay (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBaywest})
    4949to 1.5m in the east of Beadon Bay
    50 (Figure \ref{fig:20060515001733gaugeBeadonBayeast}).
     50(Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBayeast}).
    5151The speed
    5252sharply increases at drawdown with further increases as the
    6161The maximum speed found for the offshore locations occur at the West of
    62 Groyne location (Figure \ref{fig:20060515001733gaugeWestofGroyne})
     62Groyne location (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeWestofGroyne})
    6363with speeds halved at the Beadon Bay west location.
    6464The speed at west of Beadon Bay is greater than the east of Beadon
    65 Bay location (Figure \ref{fig:20060515001733gaugeBeadonBayeast}).
     65Bay location (Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonBayeast}).
    6666There is similar differences in amplitude (from drawdown to maximum
    6767amplitude), however, the western location is in deeper water than the eastern
    9090The tsunami wave penetrates the river east of Onslow with wave height
    9191approximately 2m at the mouth
    92 (Figure \ref{fig:20060515001733gaugeBeadonCreekmouth})
     92(Figure \ref{fig:gaugeBeadonCreekmouth})
    9393and inundation
    9494exceeding 1m found at the Beadon Creek south of dock location (Figure
    95 \ref{fig:20060515001733gaugeBeadonCreeksouthofdock}).
    9696The wave penetrates the river east of Onslow with increasingly
    9797greater inundation between the -1.5m AHD and 1.5m AHD simulations.
  • production/onslow_2006/report/latexoutput.tex

    r3094 r3323  
    55\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBeadonPointLoadingBerthspeed.png}\\
    7  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Point Loading Berth gauge location (elevation -8.69m)}
     7 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Point Loading Berth location (elevation -8.70m)}
    88 \label{fig:gaugeBeadonPointLoadingBerth}
    99 \end{figure}
    1515\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeHospitalspeed.png}\\
    17  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Hospital gauge location (elevation 7.56m)}
     17 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Hospital location (elevation 6.02m)}
    1818 \label{fig:gaugeHospital}
    1919 \end{figure}
    2525\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBindiBindiCommunityspeed.png}\\
    27  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Bindi Bindi Community gauge location (elevation 1.00m)}
     27 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Bindi Bindi Community location (elevation 4.08m)}
    2828 \label{fig:gaugeBindiBindiCommunity}
    2929 \end{figure}
    3535\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugePowerStationspeed.png}\\
    37  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Power Station gauge location (elevation 5.17m)}
     37 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Power Station location (elevation 5.81m)}
    3838 \label{fig:gaugePowerStation}
    3939 \end{figure}
    4545\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeAirportRunwayspeed.png}\\
    47  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Airport Runway gauge location (elevation 3.00m)}
     47 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Airport Runway location (elevation 5.49m)}
    4848 \label{fig:gaugeAirportRunway}
    4949 \end{figure}
    5555\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBeadonCreekDocksspeed.png}\\
    57  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Creek Docks gauge location (elevation 1.76m)}
     57 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Creek Docks location (elevation 1.65m)}
    5858 \label{fig:gaugeBeadonCreekDocks}
    5959 \end{figure}
    6565\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeWestofGroynespeed.png}\\
    67  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at West of Groyne gauge location (elevation -2.10m)}
     67 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at West of Groyne location (elevation -2.11m)}
    6868 \label{fig:gaugeWestofGroyne}
    6969 \end{figure}
    7575\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBeadonCreekmouthspeed.png}\\
    77  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Creek mouth gauge location (elevation -2.80m)}
     77 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Creek mouth location (elevation -2.90m)}
    7878 \label{fig:gaugeBeadonCreekmouth}
    7979 \end{figure}
    8585\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBeadonCreeksouthofdockspeed.png}\\
    87  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Creek south of dock gauge location (elevation -1.49m)}
     87 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Creek south of dock location (elevation -1.81m)}
    8888 \label{fig:gaugeBeadonCreeksouthofdock}
    8989 \end{figure}
    9595\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeCentredamwallspeed.png}\\
    97  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Centre dam wall gauge location (elevation 3.00m)}
     97 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Centre dam wall location (elevation 2.09m)}
    9898 \label{fig:gaugeCentredamwall}
    9999 \end{figure}
    105105\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeDamoverflowspeed.png}\\
    107  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Dam overflow gauge location (elevation 1.53m)}
     107 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Dam overflow location (elevation 0.88m)}
    108108 \label{fig:gaugeDamoverflow}
    109109 \end{figure}
    115115\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeLightTowerspeed.png}\\
    117  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Light Tower gauge location (elevation 1.47m)}
     117 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Light Tower location (elevation 3.86m)}
    118118 \label{fig:gaugeLightTower}
    119119 \end{figure}
    125125\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBeadonBaywestspeed.png}\\
    127  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Bay west gauge location (elevation -4.61m)}
     127 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Bay west location (elevation -4.62m)}
    128128 \label{fig:gaugeBeadonBaywest}
    129129 \end{figure}
    135135\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBeadonBayeastspeed.png}\\
    137  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Bay east gauge location (elevation -3.56m)}
     137 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Beadon Bay east location (elevation -3.56m)}
    138138 \label{fig:gaugeBeadonBayeast}
    139139 \end{figure}
  • production/onslow_2006/report/onslow_2006_report.tex

    r3313 r3323  
    2727\usepackage{lscape} %landcape pages support
    3031\topmargin 0pt
    7778     \label{sec:results}
    79 \begin{table} \label{table:locations}
    80 \caption{Defined point locations for Tsunami impact modelling for the North West shelf: Onslow study area.}
    81 \begin{center}
     80\begin{table} \begin{center}
     81\caption{Defined point locations for onslow_2006 study area.}
    8384\bf{Point Name} & \bf{Easting} & \bf{Northing} & \bf{Elevation}\\ \hline
    84 Beadon Point Loading Berth & 302986.51 & 7607334.65 & -8.69 \\ \hline
    85 Hospital & 304973.04 & 7605500.42 & 7.56 \\ \hline
    86 Bindi Bindi Community & 305430.37 & 7605586.65 & 1.00 \\ \hline
    87 Power Station & 305687.62 & 7605062.62 & 5.17 \\ \hline
    88 Airport Runway & 304471.19 & 7602750.41 & 3.00 \\ \hline
    89 Beadon Creek Docks & 306622.77 & 7604706.10 & 1.76 \\ \hline
    90 West of Groyne & 306556.76 & 7605791.87 & -2.10 \\ \hline
    91 Beadon Creek mouth & 306626.50 & 7605532.27 & -2.80 \\ \hline
    92 Beadon Creek south of dock & 306676.87 & 7604408.63 & -1.49 \\ \hline
    93 Centre dam wall & 308516.86 & 7603955.82 & 3.00 \\ \hline
    94 Dam overflow & 307913.42 & 7604034.90 & 1.53 \\ \hline
    95 Light Tower & 304562.88 & 7606431.74 & 1.47 \\ \hline
    96 Beadon Bay west & 305311.01 & 7606557.16 & -4.61 \\ \hline
     85Beadon Point Loading Berth & 302986.51 & 7607334.65 & -8.70 \\ \hline
     86Hospital & 304973.04 & 7605500.42 & 6.02 \\ \hline
     87Bindi Bindi Community & 305430.37 & 7605586.65 & 4.08 \\ \hline
     88Power Station & 305687.62 & 7605062.62 & 5.81 \\ \hline
     89Airport Runway & 304471.19 & 7602750.41 & 5.49 \\ \hline
     90Beadon Creek Docks & 306622.77 & 7604706.10 & 1.65 \\ \hline
     91West of Groyne & 306556.76 & 7605791.87 & -2.11 \\ \hline
     92Beadon Creek mouth & 306626.50 & 7605532.27 & -2.90 \\ \hline
     93Beadon Creek south of dock & 306676.87 & 7604408.63 & -1.81 \\ \hline
     94Centre dam wall & 308516.86 & 7603955.82 & 2.09 \\ \hline
     95Dam overflow & 307913.42 & 7604034.90 & 0.88 \\ \hline
     96Light Tower & 304562.88 & 7606431.74 & 3.86 \\ \hline
     97Beadon Bay west & 305311.01 & 7606557.16 & -4.62 \\ \hline
    9798Beadon Bay east & 307989.36 & 7606591.95 & -3.56 \\ \hline
     110 \clearpage
     113 \clearpage
    109116 \clearpage
    114121     \input{damage}
    116    \section{Issues}
     123   \section{Impact due to data accuracy}
    117124     \input{discussion}
    118 \label{sec:issues}
     125     \label{sec:issues}
    120127     \section{Summary}
    123130    \input{references}
     132    ppendix
    125134   \section{Metadata}
    129138   \section{Time series}
    130139     \label{sec:timeseries}
     141 \clearpage
    132144   \section{Damage modelling inputs}
    133145     \label{sec:damageinputs}
    134146     \input{damage_inputs}
    135 \input{latexoutput20060515001733}
     148        \section{Time series}
     149     \label{sec:timeseriescompare}
    136152 \clearpage
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