Aug 9, 2006, 4:10:32 PM (19 years ago)

(1) updates to Onslow and Pt Hedland reports and (2) introduction of broome scenario

5 edited


  • production/onslow_2006/report/acknowledgements.tex

    r3361 r3477  
    1010for nominated areas and ably assisting in queries regarding bathymetric data
    1111\item The WA DLI in their assistance in supplying the onshore 20m DEM for use in this project
    12 \item The National Mapping Division, in particular Hamish Anderson, for sourcing onshore
     12\item The National Mapping and Information Group, in particular Hamish Anderson, for sourcing onshore
    1313data for the FESA project and building a DEM
    1414suitable for purposes of inundation modelling
    2222\item The engineering section in RAMP for calculating the damage estimates,
    2323and finally
    24 \item FESA, for providing a range of support to the project.
     24\item FESA, for providing strong support to the project.
  • production/onslow_2006/report/damage.tex

    r3404 r3477  
    4343and the injury categories are presented in Table \ref{table:injury}.
    4444Input data comprised of resident population data at census
    45 district level derived from the ABS 2001 Census. Give the exposure database is
     45district level derived from the ABS 2001 Census. Given the exposure database is
    4646based on residential structures, we assume that the
    4747population are at home and sleeping when the event occurs and that there is no
  • production/onslow_2006/report/interpretation.tex

    r3407 r3477  
    33We have
    44chosen a number of locations to illustrate the features
    5 of the tsunami as it approaches Onslow and runs ashore.
    6 These locations have be chosen as we believe they would
     5of the tsunami as it approaches and impacts Onslow.
     6These locations have been chosen as we believe they would
    77either be critical
    88in an emergency situation, (e.g. the hospital and power station) or
  • production/onslow_2006/report/modelling_methodology.tex

    r3402 r3477  
    8282inundation model presented in Section \ref{sec:anuga}.
    84 \begin{figure}[hbt]
    8686  \centerline{ \includegraphics[width=140mm, height=100mm]
  • production/onslow_2006/report/references.tex

    r3407 r3477  
    33\bibitem{CB:ausgeo} Cummins, P. and Burbidge, D. (2004)
    44Small threat, but warning sounded for tsunami research. AusGeo News 75, 4-7.
     6\bibitem{BC:FESA} Burbidge, D. and Cummins, P. (2005) Preliminary Tsuanmi
     7Hazard Assesment of Western Australia. Report
     8to the Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia.
    610\bibitem{VT:MOST} Titov, V.V., and F.I. Gonzalez (1997)
    1721Sisano Lagoon, Papua New Guinea.
    1822Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 23, 3513-3516.
    20 \bibitem{BC:FESA} Burbidge, D. and Cummins, P. (2005) Preliminary Tsuanmi
    21 Hazard Assesment of Western Australia. Report
    22 to the Fire and Emergency Services Authority of Western Australia.
    2424\bibitem{ON:modsim} Nielsen, O., Roberts, Gray, D., McPherson, A. and
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