Changeset 3852

Oct 25, 2006, 3:49:53 PM (18 years ago)

updated results based on refined mesh

46 added
24 edited


  • anuga_work/production/hobart_2006/

    r3763 r3852  
    88#time_dir = '20061006_062319' # Mw 8-5
    9 time_dir = '20061008_234702' # Mw 8-7
     9#time_dir = '20061008_234702' # Mw 8-7
     10time_dir = '20061022_224422' # Mw 8-7
    1112directory = project.outputdir
  • anuga_work/production/hobart_2006/

    r3763 r3852  
    4545                                      time_min = None,
    4646                                      time_max = None,
    47                                       title_on = True,
     47                                      title_on = False,
    4848                                      verbose = True)
  • anuga_work/production/hobart_2006/

    r3763 r3852  
    7373# WA DLI data
    74 production_dirs = {'20061008_234702': 'Mw 8-7', # 2500 res
     74production_dirs = {#'20061008_234702': 'Mw 8-7', # 2500 res
    7575                   #'20061004_230438': 'Mw 8-7', # 7500 res
     76                   '20061022_224422': 'Mw 8-7', # refined mesh
    7677                   '20061006_062319': 'Mw 8-5'} # 2500 res
  • anuga_work/production/hobart_2006/

    r3809 r3852  
    7979#gauge_filename = gaugedir + 'hobart_gauges_final.csv'
    80 gauge_filename = gaugedir + 'check_boundary.csv'
     80gauge_filename = gaugedir + 'hobartGauges20061019.csv'
     81#gauge_filename = gaugedir + 'check_boundary.csv'
    8283codedir = getcwd()+sep                           
    215216poly_bruny = read_polygon(polygondir+'bruny_refine.csv')
    216217poly_site13 = read_polygon(polygondir+'Site13.csv')
     218#print 'areas of refined polys', polygon_area(poly_kingston), polygon_area(poly_bruny), polygon_area(poly_site13)
    218220plot_polygons([polyAll, poly_kingston,poly_bruny,poly_site13,poly_hobart5],'orig_model',verbose=False)
  • anuga_work/production/hobart_2006/report/hobart_2006_report.tex

    r3763 r3852  
    8585\bf{Point Name} & \bf{Easting} & \bf{Northing} & \bf{Elevation}\\ \hline
    86 St10 & 540651.00 & 5236544.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    87 St12 & 534735.00 & 5234376.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    88 St13 & 533266.00 & 5237952.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    89 St24 & 526314.00 & 5205738.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    90 Kingston & 526581.00 & 5241268.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    91 HobartWarf & 527257.00 & 5251866.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    92 Oil & 526824.00 & 5255822.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    93 BelleriveBeach & 530798.00 & 5252544.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    94 St1 & 553902.00 & 5251497.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    95 St2 & 551643.00 & 5253212.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    96 D1 & 543176.00 & 5218136.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    97 D2 & 531296.00 & 5232876.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    98 D3 & 530050.00 & 5240869.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    99 D4 & 531150.00 & 5249083.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    100 D5 & 528297.00 & 5252936.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    101 D6 & 527685.00 & 5255201.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     86St 10 & 540670.27 & 5236439.90 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     87St 12 & 534785.06 & 5234236.99 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     88St 13 & 533229.80 & 5237903.98 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     89St 25 & 526313.67 & 5205738.45 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     90KingstonBeach & 526612.87 & 5241255.50 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     91HobartWarf & 527257.44 & 5251865.97 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     92Oil & 526823.52 & 5255821.63 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     93BelleriveBeach & 530800.33 & 5252506.11 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     94St 1 & 553870.10 & 5251442.46 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     95St 2 & 551608.73 & 5253128.98 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     96D1 & 543175.98 & 5218136.37 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     97D2 & 531296.19 & 5232876.12 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     98D3 & 530049.54 & 5240869.32 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     99D4 & 531149.52 & 5249082.51 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     100D5 & 528297.22 & 5252936.40 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     101D6 & 527684.71 & 5255201.25 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     102bn1 & 526853.53 & 5206624.76 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     103bn2 & 527548.57 & 5207778.52 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     104bn3 & 528285.31 & 5208807.18 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     105bn4 & 528938.65 & 5209530.02 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     106bn5 & 529758.79 & 5210336.26 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     107bn6 & 530870.85 & 5211100.81 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     108bn7 & 532247.03 & 5211907.05 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     109AdventureBay & 527636.38 & 5198373.94 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     110D7 & 527009.86 & 5256612.30 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     111D8 & 526352.14 & 5257989.79 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     112D9 & 525471.04 & 5258883.30 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     113D10 & 524614.77 & 5259615.48 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     114D11 & 528015.06 & 5251474.64 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     115D12 & 528548.68 & 5251673.19 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     116D13 & 529007.84 & 5251884.16 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     117D14 & 529392.55 & 5252057.90 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     118D15 & 526525.93 & 5240955.00 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     119D16 & 526650.82 & 5241115.57 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     120D17 & 526811.39 & 5241258.30 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     121D18 & 526945.20 & 5241472.39 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     122D19 & 527070.08 & 5241624.04 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     123D20 & 529655.69 & 5246651.36 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     124D21 & 530556.07 & 5246610.43 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     125D22 & 531374.60 & 5246610.43 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     126D23 & 532193.13 & 5246569.51 & 0.00 \\ \hline
     127D24 & 533093.51 & 5246610.43 & 0.00 \\ \hline
    103129  \end{center}
  • anuga_work/production/hobart_2006/report/latexoutput.tex

    r3727 r3852  
    22 \centering
    33 \begin{tabular}{cc}
    4 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt10stage.png}&
    5 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt10speed.png}\\
    6 \end{tabular}
    7  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at St10 location (elevation -0.92m)}
    8  \label{fig:gaugeSt10}
    9  \end{figure}
    11 \begin{figure}[hbt]
    12  \centering
    13  \begin{tabular}{cc}
    14 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt12stage.png}&
    15 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt12speed.png}\\
    16 \end{tabular}
    17  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at St12 location (elevation -3.14m)}
    18  \label{fig:gaugeSt12}
    19  \end{figure}
    21 \begin{figure}[hbt]
    22  \centering
    23  \begin{tabular}{cc}
    24 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt13stage.png}&
    25 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt13speed.png}\\
    26 \end{tabular}
    27  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at St13 location (elevation 0.77m)}
    28  \label{fig:gaugeSt13}
    29  \end{figure}
    31 \begin{figure}[hbt]
    32  \centering
    33  \begin{tabular}{cc}
    34 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt24stage.png}&
    35 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt24speed.png}\\
    36 \end{tabular}
    37  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at St24 location (elevation -3.97m)}
    38  \label{fig:gaugeSt24}
    39  \end{figure}
    41 \begin{figure}[hbt]
    42  \centering
    43  \begin{tabular}{cc}
    44 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeKingstonstage.png}&
    45 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeKingstonspeed.png}\\
    46 \end{tabular}
    47  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Kingston location (elevation -2.90m)}
    48  \label{fig:gaugeKingston}
     4\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt_10stage.png}&
     5\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt_10speed.png}\\
     7 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at St_10 location (elevation -3.75m)}
     8 \label{fig:gaugeSt_10}
     9 \end{figure}
     12 \centering
     13 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     14\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt_12stage.png}&
     15\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt_12speed.png}\\
     17 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at St_12 location (elevation -4.37m)}
     18 \label{fig:gaugeSt_12}
     19 \end{figure}
     22 \centering
     23 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     24\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt_13stage.png}&
     25\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt_13speed.png}\\
     27 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at St_13 location (elevation -2.51m)}
     28 \label{fig:gaugeSt_13}
     29 \end{figure}
     32 \centering
     33 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     34\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt_25stage.png}&
     35\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt_25speed.png}\\
     37 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at St_25 location (elevation -3.96m)}
     38 \label{fig:gaugeSt_25}
     39 \end{figure}
     42 \centering
     43 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     44\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeKingstonBeachstage.png}&
     45\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeKingstonBeachspeed.png}\\
     47 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at KingstonBeach location (elevation -5.11m)}
     48 \label{fig:gaugeKingstonBeach}
    4949 \end{figure}
    6565\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeOilspeed.png}\\
    67  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Oil location (elevation -2.59m)}
     67 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at Oil location (elevation -2.56m)}
    6868 \label{fig:gaugeOil}
    6969 \end{figure}
    7575\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeBelleriveBeachspeed.png}\\
    77  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at BelleriveBeach location (elevation -0.70m)}
     77 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at BelleriveBeach location (elevation -5.16m)}
    7878 \label{fig:gaugeBelleriveBeach}
    7979 \end{figure}
    8282 \centering
    8383 \begin{tabular}{cc}
    84 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt1stage.png}&
    85 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt1speed.png}\\
    86 \end{tabular}
    87  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at St1 location (elevation -2.98m)}
    88  \label{fig:gaugeSt1}
    89  \end{figure}
    91 \begin{figure}[hbt]
    92  \centering
    93  \begin{tabular}{cc}
    94 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt2stage.png}&
    95 \includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt2speed.png}\\
    96 \end{tabular}
    97  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at St2 location (elevation -1.49m)}
    98  \label{fig:gaugeSt2}
     84\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt_1stage.png}&
     85\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt_1speed.png}\\
     87 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at St_1 location (elevation -4.98m)}
     88 \label{fig:gaugeSt_1}
     89 \end{figure}
     92 \centering
     93 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     94\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt_2stage.png}&
     95\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeSt_2speed.png}\\
     97 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at St_2 location (elevation -2.53m)}
     98 \label{fig:gaugeSt_2}
    9999 \end{figure}
    135135\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD4speed.png}\\
    137  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D4 location (elevation -24.87m)}
     137 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D4 location (elevation -24.88m)}
    138138 \label{fig:gaugeD4}
    139139 \end{figure}
    145145\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD5speed.png}\\
    147  \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D5 location (elevation -27.62m)}
     147 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D5 location (elevation -27.64m)}
    148148 \label{fig:gaugeD5}
    149149 \end{figure}
    159159 \end{figure}
     162 \centering
     163 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     164\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn1stage.png}&
     165\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn1speed.png}\\
     167 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at bn1 location (elevation -7.12m)}
     168 \label{fig:gaugebn1}
     169 \end{figure}
     172 \centering
     173 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     174\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn2stage.png}&
     175\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn2speed.png}\\
     177 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at bn2 location (elevation -8.02m)}
     178 \label{fig:gaugebn2}
     179 \end{figure}
     182 \centering
     183 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     184\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn3stage.png}&
     185\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn3speed.png}\\
     187 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at bn3 location (elevation -9.23m)}
     188 \label{fig:gaugebn3}
     189 \end{figure}
     192 \centering
     193 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     194\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn4stage.png}&
     195\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn4speed.png}\\
     197 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at bn4 location (elevation -6.17m)}
     198 \label{fig:gaugebn4}
     199 \end{figure}
     202 \centering
     203 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     204\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn5stage.png}&
     205\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn5speed.png}\\
     207 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at bn5 location (elevation -9.60m)}
     208 \label{fig:gaugebn5}
     209 \end{figure}
     212 \centering
     213 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     214\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn6stage.png}&
     215\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn6speed.png}\\
     217 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at bn6 location (elevation -7.38m)}
     218 \label{fig:gaugebn6}
     219 \end{figure}
     222 \centering
     223 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     224\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn7stage.png}&
     225\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugebn7speed.png}\\
     227 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at bn7 location (elevation -7.84m)}
     228 \label{fig:gaugebn7}
     229 \end{figure}
     232 \centering
     233 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     234\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeAdventureBaystage.png}&
     235\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeAdventureBayspeed.png}\\
     237 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at AdventureBay location (elevation -2.46m)}
     238 \label{fig:gaugeAdventureBay}
     239 \end{figure}
     242 \centering
     243 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     244\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD7stage.png}&
     245\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD7speed.png}\\
     247 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D7 location (elevation -10.98m)}
     248 \label{fig:gaugeD7}
     249 \end{figure}
     253 \centering
     254 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     255\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD8stage.png}&
     256\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD8speed.png}\\
     258 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D8 location (elevation -3.79m)}
     259 \label{fig:gaugeD8}
     260 \end{figure}
     263 \centering
     264 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     265\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD9stage.png}&
     266\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD9speed.png}\\
     268 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D9 location (elevation -17.55m)}
     269 \label{fig:gaugeD9}
     270 \end{figure}
     273 \centering
     274 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     275\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD10stage.png}&
     276\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD10speed.png}\\
     278 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D10 location (elevation -12.35m)}
     279 \label{fig:gaugeD10}
     280 \end{figure}
     283 \centering
     284 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     285\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD11stage.png}&
     286\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD11speed.png}\\
     288 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D11 location (elevation -17.21m)}
     289 \label{fig:gaugeD11}
     290 \end{figure}
     293 \centering
     294 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     295\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD12stage.png}&
     296\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD12speed.png}\\
     298 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D12 location (elevation -20.97m)}
     299 \label{fig:gaugeD12}
     300 \end{figure}
     303 \centering
     304 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     305\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD13stage.png}&
     306\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD13speed.png}\\
     308 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D13 location (elevation -20.62m)}
     309 \label{fig:gaugeD13}
     310 \end{figure}
     313 \centering
     314 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     315\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD14stage.png}&
     316\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD14speed.png}\\
     318 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D14 location (elevation -19.23m)}
     319 \label{fig:gaugeD14}
     320 \end{figure}
     323 \centering
     324 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     325\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD15stage.png}&
     326\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD15speed.png}\\
     328 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D15 location (elevation -5.66m)}
     329 \label{fig:gaugeD15}
     330 \end{figure}
     333 \centering
     334 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     335\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD16stage.png}&
     336\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD16speed.png}\\
     338 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D16 location (elevation -5.62m)}
     339 \label{fig:gaugeD16}
     340 \end{figure}
     343 \centering
     344 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     345\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD17stage.png}&
     346\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD17speed.png}\\
     348 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D17 location (elevation -5.32m)}
     349 \label{fig:gaugeD17}
     350 \end{figure}
     353 \centering
     354 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     355\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD18stage.png}&
     356\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD18speed.png}\\
     358 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D18 location (elevation -3.66m)}
     359 \label{fig:gaugeD18}
     360 \end{figure}
     363 \centering
     364 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     365\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD19stage.png}&
     366\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD19speed.png}\\
     368 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D19 location (elevation -3.92m)}
     369 \label{fig:gaugeD19}
     370 \end{figure}
     373 \centering
     374 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     375\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD20stage.png}&
     376\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD20speed.png}\\
     378 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D20 location (elevation -8.00m)}
     379 \label{fig:gaugeD20}
     380 \end{figure}
     383 \centering
     384 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     385\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD21stage.png}&
     386\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD21speed.png}\\
     388 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D21 location (elevation -26.29m)}
     389 \label{fig:gaugeD21}
     390 \end{figure}
     393 \centering
     394 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     395\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD22stage.png}&
     396\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD22speed.png}\\
     398 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D22 location (elevation -25.37m)}
     399 \label{fig:gaugeD22}
     400 \end{figure}
     403 \centering
     404 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     405\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD23stage.png}&
     406\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD23speed.png}\\
     408 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D23 location (elevation -23.67m)}
     409 \label{fig:gaugeD23}
     410 \end{figure}
     413 \centering
     414 \begin{tabular}{cc}
     415\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD24stage.png}&
     416\includegraphics[width=0.49\linewidth, height=50mm]{../report_figures/gaugeD24speed.png}\\
     418 \caption{Time series for stage and speed at D24 location (elevation -23.93m)}
     419 \label{fig:gaugeD24}
     420 \end{figure}
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.