Changeset 4093

Dec 19, 2006, 3:21:40 PM (18 years ago)

smf report updates

2 added
6 edited


  • anuga_work/production/sydney_2006/report/anuga_setup.tex

    r4090 r4093  
    55\item onshore and offshore elevation data (topographic and bathymetric data,
    66see Section \ref{sec:data}),
    7 \item initial conditions, such as initial water levels (e.g. determined by tides),
    8 \item boundary conditions (the tsunami source as described in
    9 Section \ref{sec:methodology}), and
     7\item initial conditions, such as initial water levels (e.g. determined by tides) and the tsunami source
     8as described in Section \ref{sec:methodology},
     9\item boundary conditions and
    1010\item computational requirements relating to the mesh construction.
    8080The final item to be addressed to complete the model setup is the
    81 definition of the boundary condition. As
    82 discussed in Section \ref{sec:methodology}, a Mw 9 event provides
    83 the tsunami source. The resultant tsunami wave is made up of a series
    84 of waves with different amplitudes which is affected by the energy
    85 and style of the event as well as the bathymetry whilst it travels
    86 from its source to Dampier. The amplitude and velocity of each of these
    87 waves are then provided to ANUGA as boundary conditions and propagated
    88 inshore.
     81definition of the boundary condition. The tsunami source in this
     82study is given as an initial condition, as opposed to a boundary
     83condition to studies when the tsunami is generated by an undersea
     84earthquake. Hence, the boundary conditions for this model will
     85be Dirichlet boundary conditions, that is, all quantities are
     86given constant values. Here, stage and velocity at the boundaries
     87are set to 0.
    9089Sea floor friction will generally provide resistance to the water flow
    104103\caption{Parameters used in ANUGA for the the submarine mass failure scenarios.}
    106 Model parameters  & Value \hline
    107 friction & 0
    108 minimum stored height & 0.1 m \hline
     105Model parameters  & Value \\ \hline
     106friction & 0 \\ \hline
     107minimum stored height & 0.1 m \\ \hline
  • anuga_work/production/sydney_2006/report/execsum.tex

    r4089 r4093  
    1 This report is being provided to the Australian Tsunami Warning System Project by the
    2 Risk Assessment Methods Project (RAMP). The purpose of this
    3 study is to determine the potential tsunami inundation extent generated
     1The purpose of this
     2study is to determine the potential of tsunami inundation generated
    43from a range of historical and potential submarine mass failures off
    5 the NSW coast.
     4the NSW coast. The outputs of this study are directed to the Australian
     5Tsunami Warning Project and NSW emergency managers.
    77This report describes the modelling methodology (Section \ref{sec:methodology}),
  • anuga_work/production/sydney_2006/report/interpretation.tex

    r4090 r4093  
    1616\caption{Parameters used in ANUGA for the the submarine mass failure scenarios.}
    17 %\begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline
    18 %Parameter & Bulli & Shovel & Yacaaba \hline
    19 %Length & 16840m & 13500m & 7050m \hline
    20 %Width & 8860m  & 4350m & 3080m \hline
    21 %Thickness & 424m & 165m & 144m \hline
    22 %Density & 1.46 & 1.49 & 1.48 \hline
    23 %Water depth to centre of mass & 2087m & 968m & 1119m \hline
    24 %Bathymetric slope & 4 \degree & 4 \degree & 3 \degree \hline
    25 %Angular orientation & 126 \degree & 118 \degree & 133 \degree \hline
    26 %\end{tabular}
     18Parameter & Bulli & Shovel & Yacaaba \\ \hline
     19Length & 16840m & 13500m & 7050m \\ \hline
     20Width & 8860m  & 4350m & 3080m \\ \hline
     21Thickness & 424m & 165m & 144m \\ \hline
     22Density & 1.46 & 1.49 & 1.48 \\ \hline
     23Water depth to centre of mass & 2087m & 968m & 1119m \\ \hline
     24Bathymetric slope & 4 \degree & 4 \degree & 3 \degree \\ \hline
     25Angular orientation & 126 \degree & 118 \degree & 133 \degree \\ \hline
  • anuga_work/production/sydney_2006/report/modelling_methodology.tex

    r4089 r4093  
    2222mass failures modelled here occur much closer to the Australian coastline and do not require a
    2323separate model for the deep water propagation. Here, we choose to model the submarine mass failure
    24 according to the work by Grilli and Watts which provides an inital surface elevation function
    25 which can then be propagated ashore.
     24according to the work by Watts and Grilli \cite{watts:smf}
     25which provides an inital surface elevation function
     26which can then be propagated ashore. This model has been based on
     27experimental work by these authors and allows an initial condition to be applied rather
     28than modelling the mechanism of the slide. Therefore, this model is adequate for the purposes of this study
     29to highlight the potential danger from a slide. Further validation work is required before
     30this model is used for detailed impact analysis.
    2732To capture the \emph{impact} of a tsunami to a coastal community, we use ANUGA \cite{ON:modsim}.
  • anuga_work/production/sydney_2006/report/references.tex

    r4089 r4093  
     16\bibitem{watts:smf} Watts, P., Grilli, S.T., Tappin, D.R. and Fryer, G.J. (2005)
     17Tsunami generation by submarine
     18mass failure Part II: Predictive equations and case studies,
     19Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 131, 298 - 310
    1621\bibitem{antt:06} Australian National Tide Tables 2006:
    1722Australia, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and Antarctica and East Timor.
  • anuga_work/production/sydney_2006/report/smfmodel.tex

    r4089 r4093  
    1 Slide nomenclature
    5 \begin{tabular}{|l|l}\hline
    6 Variable name & Quantity \hline
    7 $b$ & length \hline
    8 $w$ & width \hline
    9 $T$ & thickness \hline
    10 $\gamma$ & density \hline
    11 $d$ & water depth to centre of mass
    12 $\theta$ & bathymetric slope\hline
    13 $\psi$ & angular orientaion \hline
    14 $C_d$ & drag coefficient \hline
    15 $C_m$ & added mass coefficient \hline
     6Variable name & Quantity \\ \hline
     7$b$ & length \\ \hline
     8$w$ & width \\ \hline
     9$T$ & thickness \\ \hline
     10$\gamma$ & density \\ \hline
     11$d$ & water depth to centre of mass \\ \hline
     12$\theta$ & bathymetric slope \\ \hline
     13$\psi$ & angular orientaion \\ \hline
     14$C_d$ & drag coefficient \\ \hline
     15$C_m$ & added mass coefficient \\ \hline
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