Changeset 4313

Mar 22, 2007, 5:22:18 PM (18 years ago)

update slide report (incorporation of new historical slide + new potential area)

12 added
5 edited


  • anuga_work/production/sydney_2006/report/anuga_setup.tex

    r4309 r4313  
    2525cell in the region does not necessarily have the same area.}.
    27 Figures \ref{fig:regionA}, \ref{fig:regionB} and \ref{fig:regionC} show the study areas with regions
    28 of different cell areas for regions A, B and C
     27Figures \ref{fig:regionA}, \ref{fig:regionB}, \ref{fig:regionC} and
     28\ref{fig:regionC0} show the study areas with regions
     29of different cell areas for regions A, B, C and C0
    2930respectively. The study areas have been defined where data
    30 is available. The total number of cells are 395403, 499816, 518362 and for regions A, B and C respectively.
     31is available. The total number of cells are 395403, 499816, 518362 and 333835
     32for regions A, B, C and C0 respectively.
    3133Each study area approximately centres the slide origin and extends approximately 50 - 100 km east of each origin. Typically,
    3234the region 
    3436area of interest. Typical models do not extend to these depths, however, the extent has been increased
    3537to ensure the surface elevation function generated for the slide failure is captured in the domain.
    36 The study areas are approximately 19000 km$^2$, 10350 km$^2$ and 20900 km$^2$
    37 for regions A, B and C respectively.
     38The study areas are approximately 19000 km$^2$, 10350 km$^2$, 20900 km$^2$ and 13920 km$^2$
     39for regions A, B, C and C0 respectively.
    3840Lateral accuracy refers to the distance at which we are confident in stating a region is inundated.
    39 Figures \ref{fig:regionA}, \ref{fig:regionB} and \ref{fig:regionC} show
     41Figures \ref{fig:regionA}, \ref{fig:regionB}, \ref{fig:regionC} and \ref{fig:regionC} show
    4042the maximum triangular cell area and lateral accuracy for each region.
    4143Therefore we can only be confident in the calculated inundation extent surrounding major populations centres to within 30 m.
    7779  \label{fig:regionC}
     84  \centerline{ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{../report_figures/regionC0model.jpg}}
     86  \caption{Study area for region C0 highlighting four regions of increased refinement.
     87Region 1: Surrounding the major population centre of Newcastle with a cell area of 2500 m$^2$ (lateral accuracy 50m).
     88Region 2: Surrounding The Entrance with a cell area of 2500 m$^2$ (lateral accuracy  50m).
     89Region 3: Surrounding the coastal regions with a cell area of 50000 m$^2$ (lateral accuracy  315 m).
     90Region 4: The remaining area is given a cell area of 500000 m$^2$ (lateral accuracy  1000 m).
     92  \label{fig:regionC0}
    127142A & Yacaaba & ${\rm wollongong \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
    128143\backslash outputs \backslash
    129 20070213\_035302}$ \\ \hline
     14420070322\_035513}$ \\ \hline
     145A & Birubi & ${\rm wollongong \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     146\backslash outputs \backslash
     14720070322\_035640}$ \\ \hline
    130149B & Bulli &  ${\rm sydney \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
    131150\backslash outputs \backslash
    136155B & Yacaaba & $\rm{ sydney \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
    137156\backslash outputs \backslash
    138 20070213\_033058}$ \\ \hline
    139 C & Bulli &  ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     15720070322\_035214}$ \\ \hline
     158B & Birubi & $\rm{ sydney \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     159\backslash outputs \backslash
     16020070322\_035135}$ \\ \hline
     162C & Birubi - Historical & ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     163\backslash outputs \backslash
     16420070322\_003255}$ \\ \hline
     165C & Bulli (near Historical Birubi) &  ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
    140166\backslash outputs \backslash
    14116720070219\_060722}$ \\ \hline
    142 C & Shovel &  ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     168C & Shovel (near Historical Birubi) &  ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
    143169\backslash outputs \backslash
    14417020070219\_060808}$ \\ \hline
     171C & Yacaaba (near Historical Birubi) & ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     172\backslash outputs \backslash
     17320070322\_003255}$ \\ \hline
    145176C & Yacaaba - Historical & ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
    146177\backslash outputs \backslash
    147 20070219\_060854}$ \\ \hline
     17820070322\_003255}$ \\ \hline
     180C & Birubi (near Historical Yacaaba) & ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     181\backslash outputs \backslash
     18220070322\_032618}$ \\ \hline
     183C & Shovel (near Historical Yacaaba) & ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     184\backslash outputs \backslash
     18520070322\_060132}$ \\ \hline
     186C & Bulli (near Historical Yacaaba) & ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     187\backslash outputs \backslash
     18820070322\_060006}$ \\ \hline
     190C0 & Bulli &  ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     191\backslash outputs \backslash
     19220070322\_033608}$ \\ \hline
     193C0 & Shovel &  ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     194\backslash outputs \backslash
     19520070322\_033716}$ \\ \hline
     196C0 & Yacaaba & ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     197\backslash outputs \backslash
     19820070322\_033545}$ \\ \hline
     200C0 & Birubi & ${\rm newcastle \_tsunami\_scenario\_2006 \backslash anuga
     201\backslash outputs \backslash
     20220070322\_033350}$ \\ \hline
  • anuga_work/production/sydney_2006/report/bulli_C_map.tex

    r4309 r4313  
    3 \caption{Maximum inundation map for the Bulli slide in region C. Data: NSW Department of Lands and AHO.} 
     3\caption{Maximum inundation map for the Bulli slide in region C (near Historical Birubi). Data: NSW Department of Lands and AHO.} 
  • anuga_work/production/sydney_2006/report/execsum.tex

    r4294 r4313  
    99and results (Section \ref{sec:results})
    1010for submarine mass failures based on results from the October 2006 Continental
    11 Slope Survey. In particular, three slides are modelled in three regions;
    12 Wollongong, Sydney and Newcastle. Three of the nine slides modelled
     11Slope Survey. In particular, four slides are modelled in three regions;
     12Wollongong, Sydney and Newcastle. Four of the twenty slides modelled
    1313represent historical events and the remainder represent potential slide scenarios.
  • anuga_work/production/sydney_2006/report/shovel_C_map.tex

    r4309 r4313  
    3 \caption{Maximum inundation map for the Shovel slide in region C. Data: NSW Department of Lands and AHO.} 
     3\caption{Maximum inundation map for the Shovel slide in region C (near Historical Birubi). Data: NSW Department of Lands and AHO.} 
  • anuga_work/production/sydney_2006/report/yacaaba_C_map.tex

    r4309 r4313  
    22\centerline{\includegraphics[scale=0.55]{../report_figures/yacaabaCimageryreviseddepth.jpg} }
    3 \caption{Maximum inundation map for the Yacaaba slide in region C. Data: NSW Department of Lands and AHO.} 
     3\caption{Maximum inundation map for the Yacaaba slide in region C (near Historical Birubi). Data: NSW Department of Lands and AHO.} 
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