Aug 12, 2009, 6:07:53 PM (16 years ago)

Script and htmls changed to incorporate PO.pdf document.

4 edited


  • DVD_images/extra_files/BatemansBay/index.html

    r7335 r7356  
    3636  The data provided on this DVD is:
    3737  <ul>
    38     <li> The Professional Opinion Report 2009/07 entitled <blink><i><a href="documents/PO_2009_09.pdf">Capacity building for tsunami planning and preparation:
     38    <li> The Professional Opinion Report 2009/07 entitled <blink><i><a href="documents/professionalopinion_2009_09_NSW_inundation_modelling.pdf">Capacity building for tsunami planning and preparation:
    3939         inundation models for two New South Wales communities</a></i></blink>
    4040    <li>  <a href="documents/Figures">Figures</a> of maximum inundation depth and maximum flow speed
  • DVD_images/extra_files/GoldCoast/index.html

    r7300 r7356  
    2929  The Attorney General's Department (AGD) has supported Geoscience Australia (GA) in developing a range of products to support
    3030  the understanding of tsunami hazard through the Australian Probabilistic Tsunami Warning System Project. The work reported here is intended
    31   to further build the capacity of the Jurisdictions in developing inundation models for prioritised locations. 
     31  to further build the capacity of the Jurisdictions in developing inundation models for prioritised locations.
    3232  <p>
    3333  While the associated report provides background, model results and interpretations, the DVD contains all data, scripts and
    3434  software necessary to reproduce and potentially augment the models underpinning the report. This will allow the Jurisdiction
    3535  to rerun the models with minor modifications or new elevation data as needed and also potentially replicate the methodology
    36   to other locations within the model extent, if desired. 
     36  to other locations within the model extent, if desired.
    3737  <p>
    3838  The data provided on this DVD is:
    3939  <ul>
    40     <li> The Professional Opinion Report 2009/XX entitled <blink><i><a href="documents/not_there.pdf">Capacity Building for Tsunami Planning and Preparation:
    41          Inundation Models for Four East Coast Australian Communities</a> <b><font color="red">UNFINISHED</font></b></i></blink>
    42     <li>  <a href="documents/Figures">Figures</a> of maximum inundation and maximum speed
    43     <li> Generated <a href="data/queensland/gold_coast_tsunami_scenario_2009/anuga/outputs">Arc grids</a> of maximum inundation and maximum speed for the areas of interest
    44     <li> Generated <a href="data/queensland/gold_coast_tsunami_scenario_2009/anuga/outputs">timeseries</a> from the models
    45     <li> Combined <a href="data/queensland/gold_coast_tsunami_scenario_2009/anuga/topographies">elevation data</a> used by the simulation
    46     <li> The <a href="data/queensland/gold_coast_tsunami_scenario_2009/anuga/outputs/elevation">Arc grid</a> of the resulting elevation generated by ANUGA
    47     <li> The Python scripts used to run the models
     40      <li> The Professional Opinion Report 2009/07 entitled <blink><i><a href="documents/professionalopinion_2009_08_QLD_inundation_modelling.pdf">Capacity building for tsunami planning and preparation:
     41           inundation models for south east Tasmania</a></i></blink>
     42      <li> <a href="documents/Figures">Figures</a> of maximum inundation depth and maximum flow speed
     43      <li> <a href="data/tasmania/hobart_tsunami_scenario_2009/anuga/outputs">Model outputs</a> including:
     44      <ul>
     45        <li>ArcGIS grids of maximum inundation depth and maximum flow speed for the areas of interest
     46        <li>CSV files containing timeseries for specific locations in the models
     47        <li>ArcGIS grid of the resulting elevation generated by the model software <a href="https://datamining.anu.edu.au/anuga">ANUGA</a>
     48      </ul>
     49      <li> Combined <a href="data/tasmania/hobart_tsunami_scenario_2009/anuga/topographies">elevation data</a> used by the simulation
     50      <li> The <a href="project">Python scripts</a> used to run the models
    4851  </ul>
    4952  <p>
  • DVD_images/extra_files/Gosford/index.html

    r7336 r7356  
    3636  The data provided on this DVD is:
    3737  <ul>
    38     <li> The Professional Opinion Report 2009/07 entitled <blink><i><a href="documents/PO_2009_09.pdf">Capacity building for tsunami planning and preparation:
     38    <li> The Professional Opinion Report 2009/07 entitled <blink><i><a href="documents/professionalopinion_2009_09_NSW_inundation_modelling.pdf">Capacity building for tsunami planning and preparation:
    3939         inundation models for two New South Wales communities</a></i></blink>
    4040    <li>  <a href="documents/Figures">Figures</a> of maximum inundation depth and maximum flow speed
  • DVD_images/extra_files/Hobart/index.html

    r7334 r7356  
    3636  The data provided on this DVD is:
    3737  <ul>
    38     <li> The Professional Opinion Report 2009/07 entitled <blink><i><a href="documents/PO_2009_09.pdf">Capacity building for tsunami planning and preparation:
     38    <li> The Professional Opinion Report 2009/07 entitled <blink><i><a href="documents/professionalopinion_2009_07_TAS_inundation_modelling.pdf">Capacity building for tsunami planning and preparation:
    3939         inundation models for south east Tasmania</a></i></blink>
    4040    <li>  <a href="documents/Figures">Figures</a> of maximum inundation depth and maximum flow speed
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