Opened 17 years ago
Closed 16 years ago
#205 closed defect (fixed)
test_all failing on windows for current release - due to
Reported by: | duncan | Owned by: | Stephen |
Priority: | lowest | Milestone: | |
Component: | Functionality and features | Version: | |
Severity: | normal | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
I installed ANUGA from anuga-1.0beta_4733.tgz onto a windows box and got the following error;
__________________________________________________________ .....................................................WARNING: Too small timestep 0.0000000000000000 reached even after 50 steps of 1 order scheme E............................................................................... ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ........................................ ====================================================================== ERROR: test_advection_example (test_advection.Test_Advection) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "advection\", line 166, in test_advection_example for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = 0.05, finaltime = 10): File "C:\Python24\lib\site-packages\anuga\advection\", line 362, i n evolve skip_initial_step=skip_initial_step): File "abstract_2d_finite_volumes\", line 1117, in evolve self.evolve_one_euler_step(yieldstep,finaltime) File "abstract_2d_finite_volumes\", line 1176, in evolve_one_euler_st ep self.update_timestep(yieldstep, finaltime) File "abstract_2d_finite_volumes\", line 1483, in update_timestep raise Exception, msg Exception: WARNING: Too small timestep 0.0000000000000000 reached even after 50 steps of 1 order scheme ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 653 tests in 107.307s FAILED (errors=1)
Change History (7)
comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by
comment:2 Changed 17 years ago by
Component: | Appearance and visualisation → Testing and validation |
I will try this with a more recent distribution.
comment:3 Changed 17 years ago by
Owner: | changed from ole to duncan |
The test that fails belongs to the advection module - which is hardly ever being used let alone kept up to date.
On Linux platforms it is excluded from the test because of weave.
However, it is interesting that the error can be reproduced on Windows by going to the advection folder and running - likewise it can be reproduced by checking out the repository on the C-drive and running test_all as Duncan noticed.
HOWEVER - on the network drive, when running, test_advection is not run at all. That is a mystery!
I have included some print statements in the advection module and the test to see if it gets called on other platforms.
Duncan, can you please run test all and see if it gets called as it should?
comment:4 Changed 17 years ago by
Owner: | changed from duncan to ole |
got test_advection running from test_all
comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by
Component: | Testing and validation → Functionality and features |
Owner: | changed from ole to stephen |
Priority: | normal → lowest |
Disabled the offending test, commented the logging info out (as this causes errors in the test suite as well) and finally decided to exclude on all platforms for the time being. See changeset:4796
It is there to revive whenever someone needs to. I have flicked this ticket to Stephen as he can decide whether to revive it.
comment:6 Changed 17 years ago by
Owner: | changed from stephen to Stephen |
Summary: | test_all failing on windows for current release. → test_all failing on windows for current release - due to |
comment:7 Changed 16 years ago by
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
Just run the latest version of ANUGA and got the same error.
I get it when I'm running on C:, but not when I run in Perlite. I'm also getting this log error;