Opened 18 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#98 closed defect (fixed)

A test that failed the first time test_all is run, after an anuga install, but not the 2nd time

Reported by: duncan Owned by: anybody
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: Testing and validation Version: 1.0
Severity: normal Keywords:


Some tests only seem to fail once, after an install. Here's an example;


ERROR: Test that stage is conserved globally

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 2191, in tes
    for t in domain.evolve(yieldstep = 0.05, finaltime = 10.0):
  File "shallow_water\", line 398, in evolve
  File "shallow_water\", line 437, in initialis
    self.writer = get_dataobject(self, mode = 'w')
  File "source\anuga\shallow_water\", line 1197, in get
    return cls(domain, mode)
  File "source\anuga\shallow_water\", line 266, in __in
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.filename, mode)
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Duncan <duncan.gray@…>

Here is some more. Same sort of problem.

..........................netcdf: Permission denied
Enetcdf: Permission denied
Enetcdf: Permission denied
Enetcdf: Permission denied
Enetcdf: Permission denied
Enetcdf: Permission denied
Enetcdf: Permission denied
Enetcdf: Permission denied
Enetcdf: Permission denied
Enetcdf: Permission denied
Enetcdf: Permission denied
Enetcdf: Permission denied
Enetcdf: Permission denied

ERROR: Test that sww information can be converted correctly to pts dat
a at specified coordinates

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


ERROR: Test that constant sww information can be written correctly

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


ERROR: Test that constant sww information can be written correctly

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


ERROR: Not a test, rather a look at the sww format

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


ERROR: Test that sww information can be written correctly

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


ERROR: Test that sww information can be written correctly

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


ERROR: Test that sww information can be written correctly

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


ERROR: Test that sww information can be written correctly

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


ERROR: Test info stored at each timestep is as expected (incl initial

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


ERROR: test_tsh2sww (test_data_manager.Test_Data_Manager)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


ERROR: test_urs2sww (test_data_manager.Test_Data_Manager)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


ERROR: test_urs2sww_test_fail (test_data_manager.Test_Data_Manager)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


ERROR: test_urs2sww_test_fail2 (test_data_manager.Test_Data_Manager)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "shallow_water\", line 91, in setUp
    fid = NetCDFFile(self.test_MOST_file + ext, 'w')
  File "C:\Software\Python23\lib\site-packages\Scientific\IO\
", line 143, in NetCDFFile
    return apply(_NetCDFFile, args)
IOError: No error


comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by nariman

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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