Jun 2, 2006:
- 4:57 PM Changeset [3061] by
- Corrected further small errors and added material on polygons
- 4:26 PM Changeset [3060] by
- moving text to the correct document
- 4:19 PM Changeset [3059] by
- Removed reference to pmesh_to_domain_instance
- 3:42 PM Changeset [3058] by
- geo_ref thoughts
- 3:25 PM Changeset [3057] by
- adding test to show bug, ticket #81
- 3:24 PM Ticket #81 (mesh doesn't know it has a geo_reference ) created by
- When using pyvolution.mesh.get_boundary_polygon with georeferencing it …
- 3:10 PM Changeset [3056] by
- Fixing mesh_interface tests. geospatial_data.py now has ensure_geospatial.
- 3:07 PM Changeset [3055] by
- bugger
- 3:03 PM Ticket #79 (Create mesh should check that interior regions are contained in ...) closed by
- fixed: Actually other tests were failing since the interior polygons were …
- 3:02 PM Changeset [3054] by
- removing geo-ref from inside_polygon
- 1:55 PM Changeset [3053] by
- Various minor corrections. Added material in Appendix A on …
- 1:12 PM Changeset [3052] by
- Changed semantics of inside_polygon (and outside_polygon) so that one …
- 12:33 PM Changeset [3051] by
- checking in changes half way thru, so Ole can help
- 12:10 PM Changeset [3050] by
- Addressed memory problem in interpolation function
- 11:33 AM Changeset [3049] by
- Minor corrections and additions in the first 4 chapters
- 11:25 AM Changeset [3048] by
- Removing failing test from repository.
- 9:56 AM Changeset [3047] by
- seg fault problems
- 9:28 AM Changeset [3046] by
- changed parameters
Jun 1, 2006:
- 6:46 PM Changeset [3045] by
- minor updates
- 6:12 PM Changeset [3044] by
- start on document comparing the MOST and ANUGA outputs
- 5:07 PM Changeset [3043] by
- Got run_flagstaff going with buildings
- 4:32 PM Ticket #80 (Enable caching and verbose in create_mesh_from_regions) created by
- It would be nice if create_mesh_from_regions behaved like most other …
- 4:29 PM Changeset [3042] by
- Moved mesh generation so that it only takes place if create mesh is …
- 3:32 PM Changeset [3041] by
- Added a script to quickly view hotshot format profiles, and the test …
- 1:27 PM Changeset [3040] by
- First stab at re-running Flagstaff point (Wollongong harbour)
- 12:31 PM Changeset [3039] by
- Roll back changes, so it'll stop segfaulting.
- 12:17 PM Ticket #79 (Create mesh should check that interior regions are contained in ...) created by
- Jane's test has been added to the beginning but because georeferencing …
- 12:13 PM Changeset [3038] by
- Added test for detecting interior polygons that stick outside bounding …
- 10:03 AM Changeset [3037] by
- Updated header comments
May 31, 2006:
- 5:52 PM Changeset [3036] by
- small update to sww2timeseries
- 5:03 PM Changeset [3035] by
- Working with Suresh at ACFR
- 4:41 PM Changeset [3034] by
- Continued testing parallel timestepping
- 3:45 PM Changeset [3033] by
- Further testing on time calculation in parallel computation
- 2:59 PM Ticket #77 (test_all is segmentation faulting, some of the time) closed by
- fixed: superseeded by ticket #78
- 2:41 PM Ticket #78 (triangle seg faulting) created by
- running the tests in test_triangmodule and test_triangmoduleII in the …
- 2:33 PM Changeset [3032] by
- removing a test that seg faults in Windows
- 2:24 PM Changeset [3031] by
- more tests
- 2:15 PM Changeset [3030] by
- improve warning message
- 1:53 PM Changeset [3029] by
- David's changes
- 10:11 AM Changeset [3028] by
- trying to fix a problem with import statements
- 9:49 AM Changeset [3027] by
- directory name change to avoid name conflicts.
- 9:35 AM Changeset [3026] by
- changing import statement back. problems in unix environment with new …
- 9:28 AM Changeset [3025] by
- removing triangle test from test_all for a while. I'm trying to debug …
May 30, 2006:
- 5:20 PM Changeset [3024] by
- some more words
- 4:38 PM Changeset [3023] by
- setting file as head
- 4:26 PM Changeset [3022] by
- Slight problem with triangle test, had to change import command for windows
- 4:17 PM Changeset [3021] by
- updated timestep using only full cells
- 4:03 PM Changeset [3020] by
- sync'ing across platforms
- 3:19 PM Changeset [3019] by
- interpolate: adding warnings
- 3:15 PM Ticket #77 (test_all is segmentation faulting, some of the time) created by
- In windows. I can't reproduce it. It's coming from …
- 3:10 PM Ticket #9 (Feedback on errors) closed by
- fixed: A warning is given when a point is outside the mesh and if no points …
- 2:48 PM Changeset [3018] by
- interpolate: Warning message if points are outside the mesh
- 2:32 PM Ticket #43 (Duplicate points in interior regions cause spurious mesh) closed by
- fixed: see ticket #23
- 2:26 PM Ticket #23 (bad mesh generated.) closed by
- fixed: All user points are turned into triangulation vertices in triangle. …
- 12:22 PM Changeset [3017] by
- updates to damage section
- 12:08 PM Changeset [3016] by
- fixups
- 12:00 PM Changeset [3015] by
- including references and more updates to report words
- 11:57 AM Changeset [3014] by
- produce a warning if vertices without triangles are in the input.
- 11:27 AM Changeset [3013] by
- fixing the black screen of death bug at the mesh generation end.
- 11:00 AM Changeset [3012] by
- started fixing the black screen of death at the fit.py end.
May 29, 2006:
- 3:39 PM Changeset [3011] by
- Stochastic plotting
- 2:53 PM Changeset [3010] by
- beautification
- 2:18 PM Changeset [3009] by
- Work on stochastic_study
- 2:09 PM Changeset [3008] by
- Allowed parallel version to run sequentially
- 1:10 PM Changeset [3007] by
- couple of minor fixups
- 1:07 PM Changeset [3006] by
- Work on plot_spread.py
- 1:04 PM Changeset [3005] by
- more updates
- 12:48 PM Changeset [3004] by
- updates
- 11:54 AM Changeset [3003] by
- typo
- 11:53 AM Changeset [3002] by
- typo
- 11:51 AM Changeset [3001] by
- fix - all files created are removed. (I hope..)
- 11:10 AM Changeset [3000] by
- updates
- 10:52 AM Changeset [2999] by
- removing generated file from repository
- 10:45 AM Changeset [2998] by
- test for black screen of death
- 10:38 AM Changeset [2997] by
- more updates
- 10:34 AM Changeset [2996] by
- Fix - all files created are now deleted after they have been used.
- 10:28 AM Changeset [2995] by
- Added extra test (from real life)
- 10:23 AM Changeset [2994] by
- testing all tests
- 10:13 AM Changeset [2993] by
- moving imports around
May 28, 2006:
- 12:25 PM Changeset [2992] by
- more words on tide
May 27, 2006:
- 7:23 PM Changeset [2991] by
- updates
- 7:15 PM Changeset [2990] by
- update to plot in mins rather than secs for sww2timeseries
- 11:28 AM Changeset [2989] by
- Ready to run parallel stochastic study (I hope)
May 26, 2006:
- 4:52 PM Changeset [2988] by
- absolute pathname added
- 4:48 PM Changeset [2987] by
- diagnostics
- 3:53 PM Changeset [2986] by
- More stochastic plotting
- 3:46 PM Changeset [2985] by
- updates figures with fixed axis'
- 3:15 PM Changeset [2984] by
- Parallel version of stochastic study
- 2:26 PM Changeset [2983] by
- updates to report
- 2:12 PM Ticket #8 (Least squares memory issue (A vs AtA)) closed by
- fixed
- 9:16 AM Changeset [2982] by
- bugger!
May 25, 2006:
- 6:16 PM Changeset [2981] by
- updates to sww2timeseries
- 6:15 PM Changeset [2980] by
- onslow report updates
- 5:30 PM Changeset [2979] by
- Arbitrary working dir
- 5:29 PM Changeset [2978] by
- testing
- 5:26 PM Changeset [2977] by
- testing
- 5:22 PM Changeset [2976] by
- Option in histogram for frequency
- 5:21 PM Changeset [2975] by
- Stochastic work
- 5:04 PM Changeset [2974] by
- updates
- 5:02 PM Changeset [2973] by
- 3:42 PM Changeset [2972] by
- Added create_bins and refactored pyvolution/mesh.py
- 3:15 PM Changeset [2971] by
- More testing of histogram
- 12:22 PM Changeset [2970] by
- use original realisation for extract_timeseries.py
- 12:00 PM Changeset [2969] by
- Store simulation without noise separately
- 11:57 AM Changeset [2968] by
- Work
- 11:47 AM Changeset [2967] by
- Added function for plotting realisations of timeseries
- 11:45 AM Changeset [2966] by
- Work on stochastic study
- 9:25 AM Changeset [2965] by
- update to velocity calculation
May 24, 2006:
- 6:01 PM Changeset [2964] by
- update to sww2timeseries
- 6:01 PM Changeset [2963] by
- incorporate new gauges into pt hedland project file
- 5:58 PM Changeset [2962] by
- and some more!
- 5:56 PM Changeset [2961] by
- forgot one
- 5:53 PM Changeset [2960] by
- onslow report
- 5:43 PM Changeset [2959] by
- Fiddling with stochastic study. Realisations seemed identical?
- 5:33 PM Changeset [2958] by
- new gauges for Onslow
- 2:35 PM Changeset [2957] by
- Using new interface to interpolation function and some restructuring
- 11:54 AM Changeset [2956] by
- update to Onslow
- 11:39 AM Changeset [2955] by
- update pt hedland geospatial_data object updated updated polygon.py to …
- 10:10 AM WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 9:47 AM Changeset [2954] by
- update pt hedland
May 23, 2006:
- 5:32 PM Changeset [2953] by
- update
- 5:32 PM Changeset [2952] by
- update to sww2timeseries
- 5:16 PM Changeset [2951] by
- update to sww2timeseries for report generation
- 5:16 PM Changeset [2950] by
- moving tex files to report directory for Onslow and Pt Hedland; moving …
- 4:44 PM Changeset [2949] by
- Updated compile and install for Opteron 64 using the Portland group …
- 3:59 PM Changeset [2948] by
- Added area for Wollongong scenario revisit
- 3:31 PM Changeset [2947] by
- updates for consideration of indigeneous communities
- 2:46 PM Changeset [2946] by
- First cut at grad proposal for validation of 2005 tsunami
- 2:25 PM Changeset [2945] by
- updates to smf
- 2:24 PM Changeset [2944] by
- updates
- 1:38 PM Changeset [2943] by
- graduate proposals
- 10:50 AM Changeset [2942] by
- changing errors thrown by geo_ref. adding tests to geospatial
- 9:11 AM Changeset [2941] by
- added more tests to geo_ref. It throws a different error as well now. …
May 22, 2006:
- 2:36 PM Changeset [2940] by
- fixed geospatial_data more
- 2:15 PM Changeset [2939] by
- adding fit_to_mesh_file
- 10:29 AM Changeset [2938] by
- Final organised folders of data
- 10:25 AM Changeset [2937] by
- additions
- 10:21 AM Changeset [2936] by
- additions
- 9:39 AM Changeset [2935] by
- small changes
May 19, 2006:
- 6:20 PM Changeset [2934] by
- get_version and matplotlib requirement
- 6:15 PM Changeset [2933] by
- Fixed get_version
- 5:52 PM Changeset [2932] by
- Modified beach example to better match the new allowance of non-zero …
- 5:48 PM Changeset [2931] by
- Fixed open test file
- 5:34 PM Changeset [2930] by
- update to pt hedland
- 5:30 PM Changeset [2929] by
- added get_version_number to util.py
- 5:29 PM Changeset [2928] by
- geospatial_data object updated so not to use dictionaries
- 5:11 PM Changeset [2927] by
- final update of all relavent data
- 5:02 PM Changeset [2926] by
- sync'ing platforms
- 4:49 PM Changeset [2925] by
- small changes to Scenario manual.doc and priorities.tex
- 4:12 PM Changeset [2924] by
- changing pyvolution code so fit_interpolate/fit.py is used.
- 3:23 PM Changeset [2923] by
- updates to smf doc
- 2:47 PM Changeset [2922] by
- trying to include location of indigeneous communities (need to check …
- 11:12 AM Changeset [2921] by
- including references to new polygon things
May 18, 2006:
- 6:48 PM Changeset [2920] by
- updates for reports
- 6:29 PM Changeset [2919] by
- updates
- 5:25 PM Changeset [2918] by
- updating script to add clearpage into report generation
- 5:23 PM Changeset [2917] by
- updating
- 4:58 PM Changeset [2916] by
- updates
- 4:54 PM Changeset [2915] by
- Onslow report updates
- 4:41 PM Changeset [2914] by
- tidying up
- 4:35 PM Changeset [2913] by
- update script using plot_polygons
- 4:32 PM Changeset [2912] by
- incorporate plot_polygon in polygon rather than pyvolution.util; also …
- 3:08 PM Changeset [2911] by
- documentation update
- 1:39 PM Changeset [2910] by
- Added -Wall to compile options to track down why metis spits the dummy …
- 1:06 PM Changeset [2909] by
- The parallel listed in the documentation is stored in the …
- 11:57 AM Changeset [2908] by
- changes to plotting polygons
- 11:47 AM Changeset [2907] by
- Temporarly removed copy of example code from parallel directory
- 11:45 AM Changeset [2906] by
- Made correction to the parallel report
- 11:01 AM Changeset [2905] by
- plotting polygon functionality added
- 11:00 AM Changeset [2904] by
- add plot of polygons to script
- 10:52 AM Ticket #76 (Allow job recovery after a node crash) created by
- Store all values of all varibles every 12-24 hours to disk and develop …
- 10:19 AM Changeset [2903] by
- check interior_regions fall in bounding_polygon - tells you which is …
- 10:01 AM Changeset [2902] by
- update onslow and pt hedland
May 17, 2006:
- 5:31 PM Changeset [2901] by
- few minor changes
- 5:28 PM Changeset [2900] by
- few more updates to Onslow report
- 5:26 PM Changeset [2899] by
- updates
- 5:16 PM Changeset [2898] by
- updates to Onslow report
- 4:13 PM Changeset [2897] by
- close to finishing fit, which replaces least squares
- 3:26 PM Changeset [2896] by
- scripts for determining building inundation - Onslow and Pt Hedland
- 2:37 PM Changeset [2895] by
- Changes appearance of anuga logo. Added fixme.
- 2:20 PM Changeset [2894] by
- Added background to user guide
- 2:06 PM Changeset [2893] by
- Wrote more text to the first example
- 12:16 PM Changeset [2892] by
- Brought index back (why was it commented out?)
- 12:14 PM Ticket #74 (Compute values at centroids from sww file) closed by
- fixed: Added function sww2pts in data_manager.py. See changeset:2891
- 12:12 PM Ticket #71 (Automatically obtain head revision number from subversion) closed by
- fixed: Can be done using svn info if svn is available. Nick has started …
- 12:11 PM Changeset [2891] by
- Added sww2pts and a test. This can be used to export values at centroids.
- 12:10 PM Changeset [2890] by
- added function ensure_absolute
- 10:45 AM Changeset [2889] by
- changes with comments
- 10:03 AM Changeset [2888] by
- comments
May 16, 2006:
- 5:50 PM Changeset [2887] by
- prettyfied code example and minor editions
- 5:31 PM Changeset [2886] by
- Name changes
- 2:47 PM Changeset [2885] by
- Updated production codes in regard to replacing f.T with f.get_time()
- 2:42 PM Changeset [2884] by
- Replaced reference to f.T with f.get_time() and retested
- 2:32 PM Changeset [2883] by
- added get_time() to file_function
- 2:21 PM Changeset [2882] by
- notes
- 2:16 PM Changeset [2881] by
- add blocking to tests
- 2:14 PM Changeset [2880] by
- updates
- 2:10 PM Changeset [2879] by
- bug fix
- 2:06 PM Changeset [2878] by
- intro updates
- 2:01 PM Changeset [2877] by
- updates for Onslow report
- 1:55 PM Changeset [2876] by
- updates to smf
- 1:35 PM Changeset [2875] by
- sydney - export results
- 1:32 PM Changeset [2874] by
- updates to smf document
- 11:47 AM Changeset [2873] by
- update test_smf
- 11:29 AM Ticket #75 (Build in okushiri validation as an automatic validation test) created by
- The Okushiri validation checks that the model is capturing essential …
- 11:12 AM Changeset [2872] by
- onslow report
- 11:03 AM Changeset [2871] by
- updating smf document
- 10:35 AM Changeset [2870] by
- including damage modelling into report script
May 15, 2006:
- 5:34 PM Changeset [2869] by
- updates to slump/slide formulation and document
- 4:30 PM Changeset [2868] by
- note
- 4:07 PM Changeset [2867] by
- 2:26 PM Changeset [2866] by
- Implemented Domain(meshfile) variant widely, updated documentation and …
- 2:01 PM Changeset [2865] by
- updates to smf
- 12:46 PM Changeset [2864] by
- Added pts version of bathymetry
- 12:23 PM Changeset [2863] by
- onslow updates
May 13, 2006:
- 6:49 PM Changeset [2862] by
- examining smf function -This line, and those below, will be ignored-- …
May 12, 2006:
- 4:36 PM Changeset [2861] by
- Further additions to section 3.1 describing how meshes are stored
- 4:14 PM Changeset [2860] by
- updates for reports
- 3:41 PM Changeset [2859] by
- Removed underscores from picture
- 3:38 PM Changeset [2858] by
- Added further descriptive material to description of the simple …
- 3:23 PM Changeset [2857] by
- report updates
- 3:06 PM Changeset [2856] by
- updates
- 1:37 PM Changeset [2855] by
- updates
- 12:48 PM Changeset [2854] by
- Triangular mesh figure
May 11, 2006:
- 5:36 PM Changeset [2853] by
- updates to smf doc
- 5:17 PM Changeset [2852] by
- Nailed the problem with tests failing when fixing duplicate timestep issue.
- 4:38 PM Changeset [2851] by
- Another stab at removing potential for duplicate timesteps
- 4:10 PM Changeset [2850] by
- test_parallel_sw.py now correctly shows up the problem with losing …
- 4:08 PM Changeset [2849] by
- Editorial suggestions
- 4:01 PM Changeset [2848] by
- scripts for Pt Hedland
- 3:18 PM Changeset [2847] by
- Corrected errors that prevented compilation.
- 3:15 PM Changeset [2846] by
- Plugged a memory leak and improved graceful exits on errors.
- 3:10 PM Changeset [2845] by
- Added (hopefully) safe downcasting of the long array passed to pymetis.
- 2:15 PM Changeset [2844] by
- updates
- 1:50 PM Changeset [2843] by
- updating smf document
- 1:26 PM Changeset [2842] by
- Rolled back the patching of the metis sources. Now passes the unittest …
May 10, 2006:
- 4:08 PM Changeset [2841] by
- cg_solve now works if b is an array
May 9, 2006:
- 12:10 PM Changeset [2840] by
- update
- 11:52 AM Changeset [2839] by
- updates and setting up scripts for timeseries and report generation …
- 10:04 AM Changeset [2838] by
- report set up for Pt Hedland
May 8, 2006:
- 5:37 PM Changeset [2837] by
- Cosmetics
- 4:55 PM Changeset [2836] by
- updates to sww2timeseries
- 4:54 PM Changeset [2835] by
- updates
- 4:51 PM Changeset [2834] by
- updates
- 4:30 PM Changeset [2833] by
- Updates from meeting 5 May 2006
- 3:27 PM Changeset [2832] by
- updates
- 3:21 PM Changeset [2831] by
- 3:12 PM Changeset [2830] by
- updates
- 3:06 PM Changeset [2829] by
- 2:51 PM Changeset [2828] by
- 2:51 PM Changeset [2827] by
- 2:46 PM Changeset [2826] by
- testing
- 2:45 PM Changeset [2825] by
- 2:43 PM Changeset [2824] by
- new graphs
- 2:42 PM Changeset [2823] by
- deleting files
- 2:14 PM Changeset [2822] by
- testing
- 1:57 PM Changeset [2821] by
- testing report
- 1:48 PM Changeset [2820] by
- updates
- 1:45 PM Changeset [2819] by
- updates
- 1:43 PM Changeset [2818] by
- onslow report
- 1:39 PM Changeset [2817] by
- deleting/moving files
- 1:38 PM Changeset [2816] by
- deleting/moving files
- 1:30 PM Changeset [2815] by
- moving files within production directory; scripts for report making …
May 5, 2006:
- 9:26 PM Changeset [2814] by
- Resolving conflicts between Ole's new cache argument and the ghost and …
- 8:47 PM Changeset [2813] by
- Moving ghosts into domain.py
- 5:42 PM Ticket #74 (Compute values at centroids from sww file) created by
- This is perceived to be better than interpolating to regular grids.
- 5:41 PM Changeset [2812] by
- Forgot to pass caching arguments to Domain
- 5:39 PM Changeset [2811] by
- This is an excerpt from a CDL representation of the output .sww file …
- 5:22 PM Changeset [2810] by
- Tested Domain(filename) mode a bit more
- 5:03 PM Changeset [2809] by
- New material on file formats and some other minor changes
- 5:01 PM Changeset [2808] by
- Domain from meshfile, set storage of unique vertex values etc
- 4:56 PM Changeset [2807] by
- Keep the unpatched version of the metis code in the repository. Unsure …
- 4:27 PM Changeset [2806] by
- Update to use long as the index type. Needs verification on 32-bit …
- 4:26 PM Changeset [2805] by
- Comments
- 4:17 PM Changeset [2804] by
- Examples of dem files
- 1:36 PM Ticket #4 (improve efficency of least_squares algorithm for speed increase ) closed by
- fixed: The same search algorithm is used. Cropping is now inforced, which …
- 1:06 PM Changeset [2803] by
- updates to tsunami scenario
- 11:12 AM Changeset [2802] by
- adding the fit class
May 4, 2006:
- 5:39 PM Changeset [2801] by
- updates to smf doc
- 5:03 PM Changeset [2800] by
- report updates
- 4:23 PM Changeset [2799] by
- update sww2timeseries - png output for latex and use pdflatex instead
- 4:22 PM Changeset [2798] by
- new timeseries script - apply to Onslow
- 2:35 PM Changeset [2797] by
- supporting files for report
Note: See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.