
May 2, 2007:

11:29 AM Ticket #146 (unable to browse source via trac) closed by steve
fixed: Somehow the ga repository had some locked files. Odds are there was …

May 1, 2007:

1:45 PM Ticket #143 (setting initial conditions using Polygon_function) closed by Duncan <duncan@…>
invalid: The polygon points are absolute values. domain.set_quantity uses …
10:58 AM Ticket #147 (Store min and max values of all quantities in sww file) created by ole
A viewer that colour-codes surfaces based on values of quantities will …
5:11 AM Ticket #146 (unable to browse source via trac) created by darran

Apr 30, 2007:

6:54 PM Ticket #145 (Forcing function implementing Culverts) created by ole
A forcing function that can add and remove water at arbitrary …
6:51 PM Ticket #144 (Investigate small timesteps induced by 'new' slope limiters) created by ole
Make new slope limiters default. A few unprepared tests remaini and …

Apr 29, 2007:

3:16 PM Ticket #143 (setting initial conditions using Polygon_function) created by jane.sexton@…
When setting high tide initial conditions, we want to ensure that …
3:14 PM Changeset [4424] by sexton
incorporating new test for Polygon_function - used in ICs

Apr 27, 2007:

1:29 PM Changeset [4423] by sexton
updates for export scripts

Apr 24, 2007:

12:03 PM Changeset [4422] by nick
good version of dampier and update the export_results.py
10:34 AM Changeset [4421] by duncan
removing files no longer needed
10:32 AM Changeset [4420] by duncan
check in current scenario
10:31 AM Changeset [4419] by duncan
modify run_compile_test_all.py to run a verbose test all as well
10:16 AM Changeset [4418] by ole
Ran Duncan's verbose tests, verified problem with mint and maxt, and …
10:00 AM Changeset [4417] by nick
clean up and comment validation

Apr 23, 2007:

4:39 PM Changeset [4416] by duncan
small bug fix
4:33 PM Ticket #142 (small change in Data_manager that needs to be checked) closed by Duncan <duncan@…>
fixed: I changed the code so it's ok. This occurred since code in verbose …
4:24 PM Changeset [4415] by duncan
tidy up and set tests up for testing verbose code
4:02 PM Changeset [4414] by duncan
checking in a set up of testing verbose sections of the code. May not …
3:58 PM Changeset [4413] by duncan
bug fix
11:58 AM Changeset [4412] by nick
small change to screen_catcher
11:57 AM Changeset [4411] by nick
automated validation boundary file test …
11:54 AM Changeset [4410] by nick
fix and update boundary file test
10:03 AM Changeset [4409] by nick
update to automated tests
10:02 AM Changeset [4408] by nick
update to automated tests
9:08 AM Ticket #142 (small change in Data_manager that needs to be checked) created by nick
Hi Dunc This is tiny... But for some reason I was getting this error …
9:03 AM Changeset [4407] by nick
changed print statment in urs2sww function to not use starttime

Apr 20, 2007:

3:47 PM Ticket #141 (Problem with parallel code in Field_boundary (Interpolation_function)) closed by nick
fixed: It seems that this problem was caused by mpirun having issues. because …
3:32 PM Ticket #140 (I can't remember how to compile metis ) closed by Duncan <duncan@…>
3:28 PM Ticket #141 (Problem with parallel code in Field_boundary (Interpolation_function)) created by nick
I have run similar code in parallel on both Tornado and cyclone and …
3:18 PM Changeset [4406] by duncan
added some help when metis does not import
11:40 AM Changeset [4405] by duncan
scenario check in

Apr 19, 2007:

2:03 PM Changeset [4404] by ole

Apr 18, 2007:

4:29 PM Ticket #140 (I can't remember how to compile metis ) created by Duncan <duncan@…>
if the .so for metis isn't in X:\anuga_core\source\pymetis parallel …
2:57 PM Changeset [4403] by nick
added Boundary_file test, this compares 2 time series from one …
2:45 PM Changeset [4402] by nick
update to exmouth
2:44 PM Changeset [4401] by nick
update to dampier
2:40 PM Changeset [4400] by duncan
name fix
1:19 PM Changeset [4399] by nick
updates to exmouth
12:33 PM Ticket #139 (Model seems to die with dampier runs on cyclone, using 8 processors) created by nick
I have this model …
11:58 AM Changeset [4398] by nick
commented out "write_time" and since parallel_shallow_water.py …
11:54 AM Changeset [4397] by nick
added test_track_speeds again by svn merge -r4392:4393
11:48 AM Changeset [4396] by nick
reverted to revision 4391 because tests were broken.
10:52 AM Changeset [4395] by nick
commented out "write_time" and since parallel_shallow_water.py …
10:43 AM Changeset [4394] by nick
add print statement to interpolate function
10:42 AM Changeset [4393] by nick
add test_track_speeds
10:41 AM Changeset [4392] by nick
added print statements
10:10 AM Changeset [4391] by duncan
nit noy (small change)
10:09 AM Changeset [4390] by duncan
adding a test
8:42 AM Changeset [4389] by duncan
backwards compatibility

Apr 17, 2007:

5:10 PM Changeset [4388] by duncan
removing dead code
5:07 PM Changeset [4387] by duncan
small modifications to geo-reffing
3:40 PM Ticket #105 (new unit test for create_mesh_from_regions) closed by nick
invalid: This issue doesn't exist... there is a test that passes if an error …
2:23 PM Changeset [4386] by duncan
new UA friction scenario - elevation calculated by a function, initial …
1:15 PM Changeset [4385] by ole
Temporarily removed two tests in caching, due to breakage at the …
10:53 AM Ticket #138 (one problem with caching) created by nick
this problem is hard to track as it seems to disappear when you …
10:37 AM Changeset [4384] by ole
Changed destination from risk_assesment_methods to natural_hazard_impacts.

Apr 16, 2007:

9:55 PM Changeset [4383] by steve
4:41 PM Changeset [4382] by duncan
add option of sellecting a hole in urs_ungridded2sww
3:28 PM Changeset [4381] by duncan
removing dead code
2:40 PM Ticket #137 (test_caching crashes) created by duncan
I got this error when running anuga_core\source\anuga\test_all.py in …
11:35 AM Changeset [4380] by duncan
removing code to run urs_ungridded2sww from urs2sww
11:31 AM Changeset [4379] by duncan
11:30 AM Changeset [4378] by duncan
mux file name change
10:08 AM Ticket #134 (Problem with URS data?, momentum or conversion problem) closed by duncan
fixed: The specification of the mux binary files was incorrect. Velocity was …

Apr 15, 2007:

7:03 PM Changeset [4377] by steve

Apr 14, 2007:

4:05 PM Changeset [4376] by ole
Prepared tests for making new slope limiters default. Still a few …
1:55 PM Changeset [4375] by ole
Small fix in TeX definition of hmin
1:06 PM Changeset [4374] by ole
Fixed typo in user manual

Apr 13, 2007:

5:00 PM Changeset [4373] by nick
update dampier
4:59 PM Changeset [4372] by nick
update broome
4:58 PM Changeset [4371] by nick
small correction
4:56 PM Changeset [4370] by nick
corrected docstring in _call_ of interpolate_function
2:37 PM Changeset [4369] by ole
Added blurb about track_speeds diagnostics in documentation.

Apr 11, 2007:

5:21 PM Changeset [4368] by nick
update broome
5:18 PM Changeset [4367] by nick
update broome
3:43 PM Changeset [4366] by nick
updates to broome
5:54 AM Changeset [4365] by jack
More work on the traited visualiser. Not working yet.

Apr 10, 2007:

4:54 PM Changeset [4364] by duncan
tidy up
4:43 PM Changeset [4363] by duncan

Apr 5, 2007:

4:13 PM Changeset [4362] by ole
Work on convergence of solitary wave

Apr 4, 2007:

3:11 PM Changeset [4361] by sexton
last pic for Sydney report I promise
12:48 PM Changeset [4360] by nick
Mux to sww tests almost finished added field_boundary to _init_
12:44 PM Changeset [4359] by nick
update perth
12:44 PM Changeset [4358] by nick
update to broome
12:43 PM Changeset [4357] by nick
update to dampier
8:36 AM Changeset [4356] by ole
Added file with convergence results for solitary waves.
8:29 AM Changeset [4355] by ole
Verified that okushiri auto validation passes on windows platforms as …
4:45 AM Changeset [4354] by jack
Started work on the trait-oriented restructure of the visualiser.

Apr 3, 2007:

4:45 PM Changeset [4353] by ole
Extended refined region all the way to external boundary.
4:25 PM Changeset [4352] by ole
Introduced new slope limiters (limit2007) in auto validation. Test …
4:22 PM Changeset [4351] by duncan
checking in a scenario
3:51 PM Changeset [4350] by sexton
update of Rosh' example
2:37 PM Changeset [4349] by duncan
change file format of URS points
2:36 PM Changeset [4348] by duncan
Changing the definition of a mux file. South is now the positive …

Apr 2, 2007:

6:23 PM Changeset [4347] by sexton
update export_results script with updates calculation for speed
6:11 PM Changeset [4346] by sexton
slide modelling updates and slide report updates
5:58 PM Changeset [4345] by sexton
new pics for report
11:23 AM Ticket #136 (Allow max inundation level to apply to polygons only) created by ole
Rosh Ranasinghe needs this for his convergence study.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.