
Oct 16, 2007:

9:56 AM Ticket #201 (Memory errors in latest version (1.0beta_4733) - and possible speed ...) created by duncan
Hi, I've encountered memory errors when applying ANUGA to large …

Oct 8, 2007:

1:32 PM Changeset [4747] by nick
small update

Oct 5, 2007:

5:13 PM Changeset [4746] by nick
more updates
5:10 PM Ticket #200 (Finish Earthquake generated tsunami source function) created by Nick
This has been worked on to some extent and is close to finished. See …

Oct 4, 2007:

5:13 PM FirstAnugaMeeting edited by anonymous
5:12 PM Ticket #199 (tracking the coastline) created by anonymous
It would be beneficial to be able to dynamically track the location of …
4:03 PM Changeset [4745] by nick
small fix for machines without pylab installed
3:45 PM Changeset [4744] by nick
Finished find_optimal_smoothing_parameter with doc string. AND added …

Oct 3, 2007:

2:08 PM Changeset [4743] by nick
small update

Oct 2, 2007:

1:23 PM Ticket #198 (restricting csv file for damage modelling) created by anonymous
Some input csv files for damage modelling will be very large …

Sep 28, 2007:

5:17 PM Ticket #196 (damage modelling with more than one exposure input file) closed by duncan
fixed: This was implemented by changeset:4742.
5:15 PM Changeset [4742] by duncan
3:35 PM Changeset [4741] by duncan
adding tests and comments
3:33 PM Changeset [4740] by duncan
The repository version generates a mesh now
2:29 PM Ticket #193 (Mesh generation (and consequently, timestepping) differs between Linux ...) closed by duncan
wontfix: I fixed the code, so running island.py ran the mesh generator and got …
9:52 AM Ticket #193 (Mesh generation (and consequently, timestepping) differs between Linux ...) reopened by duncan

Sep 26, 2007:

5:36 PM Ticket #193 (Mesh generation (and consequently, timestepping) differs between Linux ...) closed by duncan
worksforme: Ticket #34 notes that there is a difference between the output from …
4:27 PM Ticket #197 (interpolate can't handle a grid where one vertex is connected to 14 ...) created by duncan
Interpolate can't handle a grid where one vertex is connected to 14 …
4:25 PM Changeset [4739] by duncan
Increasing the number of verts in a quad tree cell. Having it set at …

Sep 24, 2007:

11:11 AM Changeset [4738] by duncan
adding comments
10:59 AM Changeset [4737] by duncan
10:58 AM Changeset [4736] by duncan
remove references to pmesh as the name for the graphical mesh generator.

Sep 19, 2007:

3:28 PM Ticket #147 (Store min and max values of all quantities in sww file) closed by duncan
fixed: This was implemented by changeset:4455.

Sep 18, 2007:

6:10 PM Ticket #196 (damage modelling with more than one exposure input file) created by jane.sexton@…
inundation_damage function allows for one exposure input file. For …
3:18 PM Changeset [4735] by ole
Cleaned up some obsolete code

Sep 17, 2007:

2:02 PM FirstAnugaMeeting edited by ole
1:48 PM Ticket #195 (Convergence problem) created by ole
A pure sine wave gets attenuated when propagated over a long distance. …
1:13 AM Changeset [4734] by jack
Added quick run for testing during development.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.