
May 10, 2006:

4:08 PM Changeset [2841] by duncan
cg_solve now works if b is an array

May 9, 2006:

12:10 PM Changeset [2840] by sexton
11:52 AM Changeset [2839] by sexton
updates and setting up scripts for timeseries and report generation …
10:04 AM Changeset [2838] by sexton
report set up for Pt Hedland

May 8, 2006:

5:37 PM Changeset [2837] by ole
4:55 PM Changeset [2836] by sexton
updates to sww2timeseries
4:54 PM Changeset [2835] by sexton
4:51 PM Changeset [2834] by sexton
4:30 PM Changeset [2833] by ole
Updates from meeting 5 May 2006
3:27 PM Changeset [2832] by sexton
3:21 PM Changeset [2831] by sexton
3:12 PM Changeset [2830] by sexton
3:06 PM Changeset [2829] by sexton
2:51 PM Changeset [2828] by sexton
2:51 PM Changeset [2827] by sexton
2:46 PM Changeset [2826] by sexton
2:45 PM Changeset [2825] by sexton
2:43 PM Changeset [2824] by sexton
new graphs
2:42 PM Changeset [2823] by sexton
deleting files
2:14 PM Changeset [2822] by sexton
1:57 PM Changeset [2821] by sexton
testing report
1:48 PM Changeset [2820] by sexton
1:45 PM Changeset [2819] by sexton
1:43 PM Changeset [2818] by sexton
onslow report
1:39 PM Changeset [2817] by sexton
deleting/moving files
1:38 PM Changeset [2816] by sexton
deleting/moving files
1:30 PM Changeset [2815] by sexton
moving files within production directory; scripts for report making …

May 5, 2006:

9:26 PM Changeset [2814] by steve
Resolving conflicts between Ole's new cache argument and the ghost and …
8:47 PM Changeset [2813] by steve
Moving ghosts into domain.py
5:42 PM Ticket #74 (Compute values at centroids from sww file) created by ole
This is perceived to be better than interpolating to regular grids.
5:41 PM Changeset [2812] by ole
Forgot to pass caching arguments to Domain
5:39 PM Changeset [2811] by howard
This is an excerpt from a CDL representation of the output .sww file …
5:22 PM Changeset [2810] by ole
Tested Domain(filename) mode a bit more
5:03 PM Changeset [2809] by howard
New material on file formats and some other minor changes
5:01 PM Changeset [2808] by ole
Domain from meshfile, set storage of unique vertex values etc
4:56 PM Changeset [2807] by jack
Keep the unpatched version of the metis code in the repository. Unsure …
4:27 PM Changeset [2806] by jack
Update to use long as the index type. Needs verification on 32-bit …
4:26 PM Changeset [2805] by ole
4:17 PM Changeset [2804] by ole
Examples of dem files
1:36 PM Ticket #4 (improve efficency of least_squares algorithm for speed increase ) closed by duncan
fixed: The same search algorithm is used. Cropping is now inforced, which …
1:06 PM Changeset [2803] by sexton
updates to tsunami scenario
11:12 AM Changeset [2802] by duncan
adding the fit class

May 4, 2006:

5:39 PM Changeset [2801] by sexton
updates to smf doc
5:03 PM Changeset [2800] by sexton
report updates
4:23 PM Changeset [2799] by sexton
update sww2timeseries - png output for latex and use pdflatex instead
4:22 PM Changeset [2798] by sexton
new timeseries script - apply to Onslow
2:35 PM Changeset [2797] by sexton
supporting files for report

May 3, 2006:

4:17 PM Changeset [2796] by sexton
4:12 PM Changeset [2795] by sexton
(1) inclusion of sww2timeseries which generates time series figures …
3:58 PM Changeset [2794] by sexton
Updates for report and report generating script for end FY06
1:46 PM Changeset [2793] by ole
Renaming and comments
10:32 AM Changeset [2792] by jakeman
Add new files
10:30 AM Changeset [2791] by jakeman
Evolve is initially working

May 2, 2006:

5:51 PM Changeset [2790] by sexton
report for FESA project
1:51 PM Changeset [2789] by sexton
Moving to production directory

May 1, 2006:

9:00 PM Changeset [2788] by steve
4:01 PM Changeset [2787] by duncan
added ability to pass geospatial instances into interpolate_block
10:36 AM Changeset [2786] by linda
Continued working on parallel documentation. Finished (waiting on …
9:12 AM Changeset [2785] by linda
Tidied up the documentation directory. Added a code and figure subdirectory

Apr 30, 2006:

10:50 AM Changeset [2784] by ole
Slight change of duplicate timestepping fix + comments
5:35 AM Changeset [2783] by ole
Investigated duplicate yield of finaltime but no conclusive verdict.

Apr 28, 2006:

4:55 PM Changeset [2782] by howard
Continued adding material on file formats and conversions to Ch 5
4:54 PM Changeset [2781] by duncan
investigating ticket #8
3:37 PM Changeset [2780] by howard
Added further material on file formats to Ch 5
2:08 PM Changeset [2779] by howard
Some material on file formats added to Chapter 5

Apr 27, 2006:

3:44 PM Changeset [2778] by steve
On our 64 bit machine, ran into problem in pmesh/mesh.py where seg[0], …
1:59 PM Changeset [2777] by jack
Added abs() calls to the tolerance checks.
1:27 PM Changeset [2776] by jack
Update to the parallel shallow water test case.
11:54 AM Changeset [2775] by sexton
test case for the "Black Screen of Death" (bsod) doc string describes …
11:48 AM Changeset [2774] by ole
Update from 26 April meeting
11:11 AM Changeset [2773] by nick
changes to onslow
11:10 AM Changeset [2772] by nick
small changes
11:00 AM Changeset [2771] by nick
small update to docs
8:47 AM Changeset [2770] by linda
Removed all parallel_merimbula files
8:46 AM Changeset [2769] by linda
Removed the old pmesh_divide routines, the mesh is now divided using …
8:41 AM Changeset [2768] by linda
Added some example code to the parallel report
8:40 AM Changeset [2767] by linda
Added some example code to the parallel report

Apr 26, 2006:

8:04 PM Changeset [2766] by steve
5:19 PM Changeset [2765] by duncan
changes for loading mesh files
4:19 PM Changeset [2764] by duncan
exclude test_interpolate_sww
3:44 PM Ticket #72 (test_all fails, but the tests, when run in their local directory work.) closed by duncan
3:37 PM Changeset [2763] by sexton
updated "The Black Screen of Death" - looks like the problem is …
2:48 PM Changeset [2762] by duncan
fixing test_all ticket issue #72
10:31 AM Ticket #73 (test_advection fails on nautilus. It's to do with weave..) created by duncan
Here's some of the error messges printed. It prints more than this …

Apr 25, 2006:

9:51 PM Changeset [2761] by steve
9:49 PM Changeset [2760] by steve
Removed import of metis

Apr 24, 2006:

4:09 PM Ticket #72 (test_all fails, but the tests, when run in their local directory work.) created by duncan
This could be caused by multiple files with the same name, import …
3:57 PM Changeset [2759] by duncan
hack to remove a file from peoples sandpits
3:56 PM Changeset [2758] by duncan
hack to remove a file from peoples sandpits
3:56 PM Changeset [2757] by ole
3:55 PM Changeset [2756] by ole
3:32 PM Changeset [2755] by ole
Resolved issue on Linux box to do with comparison of number to array
2:28 PM Changeset [2754] by duncan
fixing imports that were breaking tests
1:57 PM Changeset [2753] by ole
Play with testing of least_squares' variants
1:11 PM Changeset [2752] by duncan
file name change
12:34 PM Changeset [2751] by nick
update to simple example

Apr 21, 2006:

5:20 PM Changeset [2750] by duncan
Do interpolation using fit_interpolate/interpolate.py, instead of …
4:56 PM Changeset [2749] by sexton
updates to report template
4:56 PM Changeset [2748] by sexton
updates to slump document
4:47 PM Changeset [2747] by howard
Minor additions to Chap 4
4:11 PM Changeset [2746] by howard
Added items arising from Jack Kelly's comments
3:07 PM Changeset [2745] by howard
Fixed up heading names and levels (Jane's comments). Minor corrections …
12:58 PM Changeset [2744] by duncan
test_parallel_sw.py removed since its breaking test_all.py. pmesh put …
11:47 AM Changeset [2743] by ole
Update of workbook
8:45 AM Changeset [2742] by ole
More FAQs
7:46 AM Changeset [2741] by ole
added missing chapter heading

Apr 20, 2006:

5:17 PM WikiStart edited by ole
5:10 PM Changeset [2740] by sexton
latex updates
5:03 PM Changeset [2739] by jack
test_parallel_sw.py prints a warning because it doesn't handle being …
4:59 PM Changeset [2738] by jack
Unit test for the parallel shallow water domain, compared to the …
4:50 PM Changeset [2737] by sexton
more updates
4:43 PM Changeset [2736] by ole
Comments and take care of latex2html not knowing about datetime
4:42 PM Changeset [2735] by sexton
4:31 PM Changeset [2734] by ole
Added time of day to title page
4:07 PM Changeset [2733] by ole
Added script to automatically update, compile and generate pdf and html
3:46 PM Changeset [2732] by sexton
updates on the black screen of death
11:14 AM Ticket #59 (remove dependency on points dicts from export pts to file) closed by Nick <nick.bartzis@…>

Apr 19, 2006:

10:24 PM Changeset [2731] by steve
6:34 PM Changeset [2730] by ole
More explanation of flux calculations in test
6:15 PM Changeset [2729] by sexton
updates to user_manual (modelling questions)
6:10 PM Changeset [2728] by ole
Update from meeting
5:39 PM Changeset [2727] by sexton
updates to user manual (glossary and slump)
4:46 PM Changeset [2726] by ole
Forgot to add create_realisations.py
4:38 PM Ticket #71 (Automatically obtain head revision number from subversion) created by ole
Need code to get current revision of ANUGA. A beginning (working only …
4:01 PM Changeset [2725] by sexton
some more updates
4:00 PM Changeset [2724] by sexton
Updated planning document after Wed morning meeting.

Apr 18, 2006:

8:50 PM Changeset [2723] by steve
5:14 PM Changeset [2722] by sexton
Update Sydney documentation with recent results Start on automatic tex …
4:31 PM Changeset [2721] by sexton
Working out max and min tide heights for Onslow scenario
8:42 AM Changeset [2720] by howard
Added some material on file formats

Apr 17, 2006:

10:55 PM Changeset [2719] by steve
10:47 PM Changeset [2718] by steve

Apr 16, 2006:

9:52 PM Changeset [2717] by howard
Changed more \code to \function, \file, etc.

Apr 13, 2006:

4:34 PM Changeset [2716] by jakeman
Adding new files
3:42 PM WikiStart edited by anonymous
3:41 PM WikiStart edited by anonymous
1:59 PM WikiStart edited by anonymous
1:57 PM WikiStart edited by anonymous
1:28 PM Changeset [2715] by ole
Comments regarding friction
1:26 PM Changeset [2714] by ole
Updated Howard's plan
11:15 AM Ticket #70 (Memory useage of Create_mesh_from_regions) created by Nick <nick.bartzis@…>
create_mesh_from_regions, starts uses alot of swap mem when the mesh …
9:59 AM Ticket #67 (possible error in "create_mesh_from_regions) closed by anonymous
9:58 AM Ticket #68 (possible error in "create_mesh_from_regions) closed by anonymous
9:57 AM Ticket #69 (possible error in "create_mesh_from_regions) closed by anonymous

Apr 12, 2006:

11:03 PM Changeset [2713] by ole
Comments regarding plotting module requirements
4:03 PM Changeset [2712] by ole
Added old example of automatically generated LaTeX files
3:11 PM Changeset [2711] by sexton
modifications for testing input
3:07 PM Changeset [2710] by ole
Cleaned up in angle computation
2:41 PM Ticket #65 (mesh.get_boundary_polygon does not work as expected if triangles are ...) closed by ole
fixed: I have changed the algorithm completely and run the tests with the new …
2:28 PM Changeset [2709] by ole
Added algorithm for boundary_polygon in the presence of multiple …
2:13 PM Changeset [2708] by ole
Added reference to geospatial data
2:12 PM Ticket #69 (possible error in "create_mesh_from_regions) created by Nick
using the below... eg no interior region defined produces an error …
2:10 PM Ticket #68 (possible error in "create_mesh_from_regions) created by Nick
using the below... eg no interior region defined produces an error …
2:10 PM Ticket #67 (possible error in "create_mesh_from_regions) created by Nick
using the below... eg no interior region defined produces an error …
1:54 PM Changeset [2707] by nick
update onslow
1:50 PM Changeset [2706] by nick
updates to onslow
10:58 AM Changeset [2705] by jakeman
domain with working neighbour structure
5:52 AM Changeset [2704] by ole
Generalised angle computation and tested it

Apr 11, 2006:

6:15 PM Changeset [2703] by sexton
report template for FESA project
5:28 PM Changeset [2702] by sexton
5:10 PM Changeset [2701] by nick
added functionality, now can print screen output to file
5:05 PM Changeset [2700] by nick
added functionality to export_results.py
4:54 PM Changeset [2699] by nick
added a comment
4:53 PM Changeset [2698] by nick
updates to geospatial_data.py removed absolute from init and updated …
3:36 PM Changeset [2697] by linda
Started working on the report for the parallel computations
3:16 PM Changeset [2696] by sexton
small change - add Russell Blong to contacts
2:53 PM Changeset [2695] by duncan
A copy of least squares to play with and modify.
2:49 PM Changeset [2694] by duncan
2:32 PM Changeset [2693] by duncan
added mesh stuff to the user interface
2:07 PM Changeset [2692] by sexton
updating requirements for plotting module
1:18 PM Changeset [2691] by duncan
1:13 PM Changeset [2690] by duncan
added support for geospatial and geo_ref
1:10 PM Changeset [2689] by duncan
fixing depreciated warning messages
12:45 PM Changeset [2688] by ole
Updated credits

Apr 10, 2006:

5:20 PM Changeset [2687] by sexton
updating working documents
4:37 PM Changeset [2686] by steve
4:36 PM Changeset [2685] by steve
3:15 PM Changeset [2684] by duncan
Moving methods around, comments, a new test (to use when …
2:14 PM Changeset [2683] by nick
removed print statements from least_squares.py and mesh.py
1:25 PM Ticket #66 (Problem with large meshes and cache) created by Nick
it was noticed that if model has more than about 400,000 triangles a …
11:43 AM Ticket #65 (mesh.get_boundary_polygon does not work as expected if triangles are ...) created by duncan
Hi Ole, Would you be able to change get_boundary_polygon so it works …
9:39 AM Changeset [2682] by nick
updates to onslow add print outs to least_squares and mesh
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.