
Jun 8, 2007:

4:18 PM Changeset [4540] by ole
Moved more irrelevant stuff from the anuga distribution to the work area
4:09 PM Ticket #127 (Some codes in the Examples directory don't work ) closed by ole
fixed: Done in changeset:4539
4:08 PM Changeset [4539] by ole
Moved files from examples to anuga_work
3:50 PM Changeset [4538] by ole
New area for anuga demos and outlandish tests

Jun 7, 2007:

8:56 AM Changeset [4537] by nick

Jun 6, 2007:

5:52 PM Ticket #165 ("glibc detected" error in exmouth when ran in parallal) closed by ole
fixed: Fixed in changeset:4536 The problem was that the inverted triangle …
5:46 PM Changeset [4536] by ole
Fixed ticket:165 thanks to Duncan's excellent reduction of the problem …
5:27 PM Changeset [4535] by duncan
getting fit 2 mesh file going again
5:10 PM Changeset [4534] by sexton
update clipping region for Exmouth

Jun 5, 2007:

1:39 PM Changeset [4533] by nick
update to WA model scripts
10:53 AM Changeset [4532] by ole
Disabled rsync of installation files but left code in as an example.

Jun 4, 2007:

4:58 PM Changeset [4531] by ole
Automated upload to sourceforge in create_distribution.py
2:14 PM Changeset [4530] by ole
Added Rainfall forcing function from Rudy van Drie
1:59 PM Changeset [4529] by ole
Disable assertions when timeseries are plotted in …
1:32 PM Changeset [4528] by ole
Fixed polygon test so that it can run both from within its own …

Jun 3, 2007:

4:45 PM Ticket #162 (Move test file used by test polygon into same directory as the test) closed by anonymous
4:43 PM Changeset [4527] by sexton

Jun 1, 2007:

4:43 PM Ticket #169 (export_grid doesn't throw an error if swwfile doesn't exist) closed by anonymous
4:39 PM Changeset [4526] by duncan
4:06 PM Changeset [4525] by nick
update run
4:00 PM Changeset [4524] by nick
fixed export grid a bit more
3:56 PM Ticket #170 (Investigate further improvements on code management) created by ole
Look at Python Eggs Cruise Control Maven (if a Python version …
1:54 PM Ticket #169 (export_grid doesn't throw an error if swwfile doesn't exist) created by nick
data_mananger.export_grid doesn't throw an error if swwfile doesn't …
1:34 PM Ticket #168 ("could not find triangle" crash when exporting a grid from SERIAL results) closed by duncan
12:31 PM Changeset [4523] by nick
added "dir" to the export_grid function
12:29 PM Changeset [4522] by duncan
working on ticket#168

May 30, 2007:

3:23 PM Ticket #168 ("could not find triangle" crash when exporting a grid from SERIAL results) created by duncan
from ticket#160; running \production\onslow_2006\export_results.py for …
3:18 PM Ticket #160 ("could not find triangle" crash when exporting a grid from parallel results) closed by duncan
fixed: I'm closing this ticket, since Ole has fixed the original problem, and …
2:35 PM Changeset [4521] by sexton
update to script for looking at "cannot find triangle for point"
1:59 PM Changeset [4520] by nick
added some comments to tests
1:54 PM Changeset [4519] by nick
cleaned up store_parameters and added 3 tests
1:53 PM Changeset [4518] by duncan
5:54 AM Changeset [4517] by ole
5:51 AM Changeset [4516] by ole
Better error message if version number cannot be obtained
5:25 AM Changeset [4515] by ole
Modified get_bounding_polygon to deal cleanly with pathological …

May 29, 2007:

4:44 PM Ticket #167 (Trac is not sending duncan emails) closed by ole
4:14 PM Ticket #167 (Trac is not sending duncan emails) created by duncan
I used to get emails from trac all the time. But I don't get any …
4:11 PM Ticket #166 (both of the tests in source/anuga_parallel fail) created by duncan
both tests in X:\anuga_core\source\anuga_parallel fail. Having more …
3:55 PM Changeset [4514] by duncan
debug code for ticket:160
3:54 PM Changeset [4513] by duncan
1:28 PM Changeset [4512] by nick
correction to removed function to make them backward compatible
11:43 AM Changeset [4511] by duncan
bug hunt for ticket:160
11:31 AM Changeset [4510] by nick
remove store_parmeters, copy_code_files, get_data_from_file and …
10:31 AM Changeset [4509] by nick
updates to exmouth
10:13 AM Changeset [4508] by ole
Forgot to add mesh file in changeset:4507
10:06 AM Changeset [4507] by ole
Committed benchmark that highlighted inefficiency described in ticket:154
9:55 AM Changeset [4506] by duncan
bug hunting
9:38 AM Changeset [4505] by nick
draft shark bay files

May 28, 2007:

6:08 PM Changeset [4504] by sexton
minor change to inundation_damage + updates to damage scripts for all …
4:42 PM Ticket #164 (allow inundation_damage to work with multiple sww files) closed by duncan
fixed: inundation_damage now inputs a base sww name, then iterates over all …
4:34 PM Changeset [4503] by duncan
inundation_damage now inputs a base sww name, then iterates over all …
1:34 PM Changeset [4502] by nick
added umask
1:14 PM Changeset [4501] by nick
fixed split function to run quicker and use less memory
1:11 PM Changeset [4500] by nick
added functions which were removed from …
10:19 AM Changeset [4499] by duncan
10:15 AM Changeset [4498] by duncan
10:14 AM Ticket #165 ("glibc detected" error in exmouth when ran in parallal) created by nick
Can you provide any information about this error, it is the third time …
10:12 AM Changeset [4497] by duncan
commenting out test code
10:10 AM Changeset [4496] by duncan
generalising so info without attributes can be used
10:07 AM Changeset [4495] by duncan
remove dead code, comments

May 25, 2007:

10:06 PM Changeset [4494] by steve
Testing eclipse settings
10:02 PM Changeset [4493] by steve
Testing eclipse settings
4:04 PM Changeset [4492] by ole
Temporarily disable defunct test mentioned in ticket:162
3:29 PM Changeset [4491] by duncan
don't use cache when validating things
2:03 PM Changeset [4490] by nick
re-add lone_vert tests that i accidentally removed
12:17 PM Ticket #163 (Problem with export grid on tornado) closed by duncan
12:16 PM Ticket #157 (Export grid may fail if old sww files are around??) closed by duncan
12:01 PM Changeset [4489] by ole
fix export_grid tests that called export grid on sww files from other tests
12:01 PM Changeset [4488] by ole
Documented clip_outside in manual
11:40 AM Ticket #164 (allow inundation_damage to work with multiple sww files) created by jane.sexton@…
The current inundation_damage functionality has a single sww file as …

May 24, 2007:

6:39 PM Changeset [4487] by sexton
minor update to sww2timeseries
5:31 PM Changeset [4486] by nick
corrected problem that i introduced, all tests pass now.
5:08 PM Changeset [4485] by nick
moved copy_code_files, get_data_from_file, store_parameters and …
4:57 PM Ticket #163 (Problem with export grid on tornado) created by ole
Starting in changeset:4463 there is an error that only shows up on the …
4:15 PM Changeset [4484] by ole
Made Geospatial addition absolute together with Nick to save alot of …
3:01 PM Changeset [4483] by nick
9:29 AM Changeset [4482] by nick
updates to exmouth
5:08 AM Ticket #162 (Move test file used by test polygon into same directory as the test) created by ole
The test test_polygon_function_csvfile currently relies on a test file …
5:03 AM WikiStart edited by ole
Removed flaky html versions and also old project plan (diff)
5:00 AM WikiStart edited by ole

May 23, 2007:

5:08 PM Changeset [4481] by duncan
changing warning message
5:07 PM Changeset [4480] by duncan
removing lone verts when using sww2dem. checking in to test.
1:35 PM Changeset [4479] by sexton
minor updates
1:29 PM Ticket #161 (Group directory and file permissions not working correctly when using ...) closed by nick
fixed: Solution: for anuga runs that use a "project.py" file, add the …
1:26 PM Ticket #161 (Group directory and file permissions not working correctly when using ...) created by nick
When running anuga models using 'mpirun' command the permissions of …
12:14 PM Ticket #154 (quantity.get_vertex_values is slow) closed by ole
fixed: Closed by changeset:4478
12:13 PM Changeset [4478] by ole
Retired old structure vertexlist completely and replaced all …
10:22 AM Changeset [4477] by sexton
update project file to include newly acquired residential building …
9:38 AM Changeset [4476] by nick
update to exmouth

May 22, 2007:

6:02 PM Changeset [4475] by ole
Move integrity test to new inverted triangle structure and verified …
5:10 PM Changeset [4474] by ole
Documented new inverted structure for listing triangles that per node.
1:48 PM Ticket #160 ("could not find triangle" crash when exporting a grid from parallel results) created by ole
When running \anuga_work\production\onslow_2006/test_export_results.py …
12:06 PM Changeset [4473] by duncan
making get_revision_number quieter.
11:43 AM Changeset [4472] by duncan
info for csv/txt files
10:08 AM Ticket #159 (Variable forcing functions) created by ole
There is a need to apply a forcing function such as 'rainfall' based …

May 21, 2007:

5:56 PM Changeset [4471] by ole
Rewrote quantity.get_vertex_values in C and introduced new data …
5:01 PM Ticket #158 (polygon information has no geo reference.) created by duncan
We use a list of UTM coordinates to pass polygon infomation around. …
4:40 PM Ticket #155 (Error msg on Geospatial_data input) closed by duncan
4:38 PM Changeset [4470] by duncan
changing error messages for loading .txt/.csv files
3:11 PM Ticket #157 (Export grid may fail if old sww files are around??) created by ole
In the presence for old sww files, test_all (verbose) gave the …
2:54 PM Ticket #156 (Could we remove shallow_water_kinetic ?) created by ole
This file causes compile to take longer and is essentially just a copy …
11:16 AM Ticket #155 (Error msg on Geospatial_data input) created by anonymous
Geospatial expects a comma separated file (with header). This needs to …
11:14 AM Changeset [4469] by nick
accidentally checked in a bad test
11:04 AM Changeset [4468] by nick
add store_parameter which writes meta data to a file
11:00 AM Changeset [4467] by nick
10:59 AM Changeset [4466] by nick
10:59 AM Changeset [4465] by nick
updates to exmouth
10:58 AM Changeset [4464] by nick
update broome
10:24 AM Ticket #150 (incorporate the Export_data.py script into anuga source) closed by anonymous
10:24 AM Changeset [4463] by duncan
remove cross platform bug
10:15 AM Changeset [4462] by duncan
adding export_grid
9:19 AM Changeset [4461] by duncan
condensing screen output so information is not scrolled passed when …

May 18, 2007:

4:07 PM Changeset [4460] by ole
Faster code for get_disconnected_triangles
3:41 PM Ticket #154 (quantity.get_vertex_values is slow) created by anonymous
Profiling of okushiri (yieldstep=0.05, finaltime=2) gave the following …

May 17, 2007:

11:34 AM Ticket #153 (get_revision_number doesn't get revision # if executed with IDLE or emacs) created by ole
Running script through IDLE resulted in sww file with revision_number …

May 16, 2007:

4:42 PM Changeset [4459] by duncan
clean up
4:37 PM Changeset [4458] by duncan
removing code to handle lone verts. Triangle does it now.
4:36 PM Changeset [4457] by nick
working version of alpha validation
4:06 PM Ticket #148 (problem with loading .pts file in Sri lanka) closed by duncan
invalid: I've changed the assert to a warning. Note anuga does not check the …
4:03 PM Ticket #147 (Store min and max values of all quantities in sww file) closed by duncan
3:31 PM Changeset [4456] by duncan
stop the warnings when testing
3:13 PM Changeset [4455] by duncan
Adding changes to sww file format. This revision has been tested as stable.
3:00 PM Changeset [4454] by duncan
Maybe unstable
2:58 PM Changeset [4453] by duncan
2:53 PM Changeset [4452] by duncan
This revision is unstable. Don't check in to this revision.
12:09 PM Changeset [4451] by duncan
changing asserts to warnings
12:06 PM Changeset [4450] by duncan
11:53 AM Changeset [4449] by duncan
Getting triangle to automatically remove lone vertices
11:46 AM Changeset [4448] by duncan
only one compile.py cont..
11:32 AM Changeset [4447] by duncan
now there is only one compile.py file.
11:26 AM Changeset [4446] by duncan
Modified to be general, so mesh engine doesn't need its own compile.py file
11:23 AM Changeset [4445] by duncan
changed to run faster
11:20 AM Changeset [4444] by duncan
saman's flume
11:19 AM Changeset [4443] by duncan
friction UA: Taking into account different gauges for rough and smooth …

May 15, 2007:

4:46 PM Changeset [4442] by ole
Comment on runs with two types of limiters
4:45 PM Changeset [4441] by ole
Work with Rudy and Ted 9 May 20007
4:42 PM Changeset [4440] by ole
Examples prepared for Rudy
4:37 PM Changeset [4439] by ole
Work area for collaboration with Rudy van Drie and Ted Rigby 9 May 2007
4:34 PM Changeset [4438] by ole
Inflow forcing function - inspired by Rudy van Drie
4:31 PM Changeset [4437] by ole
Enabled test using new tight slope limiters. It failed before.
4:29 PM Changeset [4436] by nick
clean up and update source function 'eqf however there are still …
4:27 PM Changeset [4435] by ole
Changed compiler name to gcc.exe for Win32 platforms following …
4:19 PM Changeset [4434] by nick
update pt hedland and urs
4:18 PM Changeset [4433] by nick
add get boundary points
4:17 PM Ticket #146 (unable to browse source via trac) closed by anonymous
fixed: Fixed by Matt Oliver by reinstalling Subversion using flat files and …
4:17 PM Changeset [4432] by nick
update onslow and add urs
4:16 PM Changeset [4431] by nick
add broome urs
4:15 PM Changeset [4430] by nick
update dampier
4:13 PM Changeset [4429] by nick
update broome
4:13 PM Changeset [4428] by duncan
4:12 PM Changeset [4427] by nick
updated alpha stuff
4:01 PM Changeset [4426] by ole
Changed compiler name to gcc.exe for Win32 platforms following …

May 14, 2007:

2:48 PM Ticket #152 (Add version info to sww files.) created by ole
Add the ANUGA version number info to sww files. The function, …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.