
Jan 23, 2009:

2:55 PM Changeset [6234] by ole
Temporarily reverted reusing Mesh in fit - I found examples of …
12:16 PM Changeset [6233] by ole
Work on patong
2:44 AM Changeset [6232] by ole
Improved test_caching_of_set_quantity - it still needs to be moved to …

Jan 22, 2009:

1:46 PM Changeset [6231] by ole
64 bit issue
1:24 PM Changeset [6230] by ole
Fixed issue with caching of different instances of callable objects as …
11:45 AM Changeset [6229] by ole
Wrote unit test that reveals problem with caching of different …
8:59 AM Changeset [6228] by rwilson
Hand-merged Ole's and my changes, 6221 and 6226 respectively.
8:26 AM Changeset [6227] by steve
Making runup.py consistent with the user manual (so that both use …

Jan 21, 2009:

5:28 PM Changeset [6226] by rwilson
Did PEP8 pass, @brief.
4:57 PM Changeset [6225] by ole
Work on Patong w buildings
4:39 PM Changeset [6224] by ole
Added functionality for clipping buildings by a list of polygons. This …
4:37 PM Changeset [6223] by ole
Various cleanup
4:33 PM Changeset [6222] by ole
Ensured non-contiguous arrays work in caching
4:32 PM Changeset [6221] by ole
Added more keyword arguments and enabled caching of …
12:53 PM Changeset [6220] by rwilson
Added timestamp+version final line.

Jan 20, 2009:

6:20 PM Changeset [6219] by ole
Work on Patong - finer resolution at community and more cleanup.
2:56 PM Changeset [6218] by rwilson
Fixed bug in maxasc that failed test_all.py.
2:04 PM Changeset [6217] by kristy
updated scripts, new poly_all (no land)

Jan 19, 2009:

5:40 PM Changeset [6216] by rwilson
Restored 'local' import path. Full path killed local test.
5:39 PM Changeset [6215] by ole
Removed references to _range in sww files in preparation for new …
5:37 PM Changeset [6214] by rwilson
Restore contents of file overwritten by order_boundary text.
5:25 PM Changeset [6213] by ole
Ross and Ole discovered reasons for maxasc and order_boundary not …
5:00 PM Changeset [6212] by ole
4:54 PM Changeset [6211] by ole
4:44 PM Changeset [6210] by rwilson
Put test file data into test code.
4:12 PM Changeset [6209] by rwilson
Changed checksun to correct value.
4:09 PM Changeset [6208] by rwilson
Added library routine: order_boundary()
4:04 PM Changeset [6207] by rwilson
New library routine: order_boundary
3:44 PM Changeset [6206] by wilson
update 19/01/09
2:34 PM Changeset [6205] by jgriffin
Copy of pt_hedland 2008 to test running in parallel on AC Altix …
2:00 PM Changeset [6204] by kristy
1:19 PM Ticket #312 (Jonathan doesn't have the ability to create a New Ticket!) closed by jgriffin
12:07 PM Changeset [6203] by kristy
12:02 PM Changeset [6202] by kristy
Updating scripts
12:01 PM Changeset [6201] by kristy
Updating scripts
11:59 AM Changeset [6200] by kristy
New model for phase 2 work
10:59 AM Ticket #313 (Ordering CSV files for nearest neighbour) created by kristy
This function will be used on the thinned_boundary_points, so that …
10:56 AM Ticket #312 (Jonathan doesn't have the ability to create a New Ticket!) created by kristy
10:10 AM Changeset [6199] by ole
Minor bug in test
9:18 AM Changeset [6198] by ole
Reduced memory estimate in response to ticket:242 being closed.
9:16 AM Ticket #242 (auto validate, test fit and mem failing.) closed by ole
fixed: This was completed in changeset:6196 and changeset:6197
9:16 AM Changeset [6197] by ole
Found one more instance in set_values where ANUGA mesh can be reused …
9:13 AM Changeset [6196] by ole
Used refactoring from changeset:6191 to allow reuse of ANUGA mesh in …
8:51 AM Changeset [6195] by ole
Reinstated test for subclassing of Domain in quantity. All tests pass.
8:47 AM Changeset [6194] by ole
Work on Patong, diagnostics and one optimisation
7:05 AM Changeset [6193] by ole
Bug in new interface and work on Patong
6:49 AM Changeset [6192] by ole
Work on Patong and some diagnostic output

Jan 18, 2009:

7:39 PM Changeset [6191] by ole
Refactored Mesh-Domain inheritance pattern into a composition pattern, …
12:53 PM Changeset [6190] by ole
Started anuga.interface module

Jan 17, 2009:

7:36 PM Changeset [6189] by ole
Implemented interpolate_polyline in C. Hopefully, the STS file …
3:33 PM Changeset [6188] by ole
3:32 PM Changeset [6187] by ole
Reversed loops in interpolate_polyline to simplify
3:24 PM Changeset [6186] by ole
A bit of cleanup and renaming
2:56 PM Changeset [6185] by ole
Moved interpolate_polyline out of Interpolation class - it had nothing …
2:48 PM Changeset [6184] by ole
Refactored computationally intensive part of interpolate_polyline out
2:45 PM Changeset [6183] by ole
A little more testing of interpolate_polyline
2:36 PM Changeset [6182] by ole
Added test for interpolate_polyline in preparation for optimisation

Jan 16, 2009:

4:06 PM Changeset [6181] by rwilson
PEP8'd file, plus @brief.

Jan 15, 2009:

6:05 PM Changeset [6180] by ole
Changed documentation of create_mesh_from_regions to match changeset:6177
5:55 PM Changeset [6179] by ole
Fixed up tests reflecting changes in changeset:6177
5:45 PM Changeset [6178] by ole
Clean up of Patong script and added new function create_domain_from_regions
4:27 PM Changeset [6177] by kristy
Better error message for boundary segment that has not been tagged.
3:53 PM Changeset [6176] by jgriffin
Folder created for phase 2 scripts. Basic scripts started for Sydney.
2:54 PM Changeset [6175] by ole
Start time adjustment and better diagnostics for time_limit
11:03 AM Changeset [6174] by rwilson
Changed .array(A) to .array(A, num.Int) where appropriate. Helps when …

Jan 14, 2009:

5:47 PM Changeset [6173] by ole
Introduced time_limit in Field_boundary, File_boundary and file_function
4:57 PM Changeset [6172] by rwilson
Removed code that *might* have stomped on the Numeric 'num' module.
4:43 PM Changeset [6171] by ole
Removed use of 'num' as a variable
4:34 PM Changeset [6170] by ole
Removed time limit test - it shouldn't be here
4:21 PM Changeset [6169] by ole
4:15 PM Changeset [6168] by ole
Work on Patong validation
4:10 PM Changeset [6167] by wilson
update 14/01/09
4:07 PM Changeset [6166] by rwilson
Changes: array(A).astype(X) -> array(A, X).
3:55 PM Changeset [6165] by ole
Added num prefixes to new test
3:39 PM Changeset [6164] by ole
Started new test for truncation of time in Interpolation function. Not …
3:24 PM Changeset [6163] by kristy
Better error message for boundary tag out of bounds
3:22 PM Changeset [6162] by rwilson
Changed num.array() calls that should have a defined type.
2:58 PM Changeset [6161] by rwilson
Changed num.array() calls that should have a defined type.
11:17 AM Changeset [6160] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
11:02 AM Changeset [6159] by wilson
updated 14/01/09
9:48 AM Changeset [6158] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.

Jan 13, 2009:

5:42 PM Changeset [6157] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
3:21 PM Changeset [6156] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
3:13 PM Changeset [6155] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
3:03 PM Changeset [6154] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
2:49 PM Changeset [6153] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
2:20 PM Changeset [6152] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
1:50 PM Changeset [6151] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
1:42 PM Changeset [6150] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
1:17 PM Changeset [6149] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
12:12 PM Changeset [6148] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
12:04 PM Changeset [6147] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
11:58 AM Changeset [6146] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
11:51 AM Changeset [6145] by rwilson
Change Numeric imports to general form - ready to change to NumPy?.
11:21 AM Changeset [6144] by ole
A bit more testing of volumetric checking in culvert.
11:12 AM Changeset [6143] by ole
Simplified flow protection at the inlet and wrote better diagnostics.
10:51 AM Changeset [6142] by ole
Developed protection against situation where requested culvert flows …
10:14 AM Changeset [6141] by ole
Tested out idea where Inflow rate is reduced by what is possibel on a …
8:58 AM Changeset [6140] by wilson
version 1.0

Jan 12, 2009:

1:34 PM Changeset [6139] by ole
License file for test file
12:34 PM Changeset [6138] by jgriffin
12:19 PM Changeset [6137] by rwilson
Added .lic files for maxasc test data.
11:56 AM Changeset [6136] by rwilson
Removed default.lic - wrong! Added .lic file for each image.
11:46 AM Changeset [6135] by rwilson
Added licence file for all install guide images.
9:33 AM Changeset [6134] by jgriffin
script to export results and calculate maximum values from multiple …

Jan 9, 2009:

4:35 PM Changeset [6133] by ole
Work towards buildings in Patong simulation
4:10 PM Changeset [6132] by ole
Check for duplicate polygon ids in csv2polygon
3:29 PM Ticket #250 (Extend set_quantity to allow addition of values) closed by ole
fixed: This was documented in changeset:6131
3:12 PM Changeset [6131] by ole
Documented add_quantity and csv2building_polygons
3:03 PM Changeset [6130] by ole
Added polygon values example file
2:47 PM Changeset [6129] by ole
Implemented add_quantity to address ticket:250 and tested. Suite …
1:00 PM Changeset [6128] by ole
Consolidated culverts - tests pass. Outstanding issues are * Close …
12:22 PM Changeset [6127] by ole
Updated time in boundary and quantity statistics to use model time …
11:58 AM Changeset [6126] by ole
Added license files for example rating curves
11:41 AM Changeset [6125] by rwilson
Fixed grammar error.
10:12 AM Changeset [6124] by ole
IP auditing

Jan 8, 2009:

4:54 PM Changeset [6123] by ole
Implented general inlet/outlet control. Works with rating curve but …
12:18 PM Changeset [6122] by ole
Added tests and a debug example for outflow conservation issue.

Jan 7, 2009:

4:34 PM Changeset [6121] by ole
Changed culvert polygons to compute enquiry points and verify that …

Jan 6, 2009:

4:26 PM Changeset [6120] by ole
Added functionality to read multiple polygons with associated values …
11:36 AM Changeset [6119] by ole
Fiddled with dependency graph and minor clean up
9:58 AM Changeset [6118] by ole
Cosmetics in dependency graph
9:39 AM Changeset [6117] by ole
Cleanup in caching
4:49 AM Changeset [6116] by ole
Feeble start on reader of multiple polygons using csv2dict
4:47 AM Ticket #84 (find out module/class dependencies in ANUGA) closed by ole
4:46 AM Changeset [6115] by ole
Customised dependency graphs for ANUGA. This more or less addresses …

Jan 5, 2009:

9:24 PM Changeset [6114] by ole
Cosmetics in csv2dict
2:42 PM Changeset [6113] by steve
Added wireframe visualisation
2:25 PM Ticket #311 (Arrange for regular releases of ANUGA) created by ole
Currently ANUGA is being release on an ad hoc basis whenever "enough" …

Jan 4, 2009:

11:01 PM Changeset [6112] by ole
Started naming conventions document

Dec 24, 2008:

3:56 PM Changeset [6111] by ole
Work on culvert testing. New test disabled due to negative total …
3:03 PM Changeset [6110] by ole
Moved second numpy conversion attempt (due to Ross Wilson) to branches.
2:49 PM Changeset [6109] by ole
Moved original numpy branch to branches directory.
2:44 PM Changeset [6108] by ole
2:40 PM Changeset [6107] by ole
Added new area for Subversion branches - ideally all other code should …
2:21 PM Changeset [6106] by ole
Got test for large NetCDF support in config.py to work on Windows as …
1:50 PM Changeset [6105] by ole
Allowed attempt to use large NetCDF file support to run in a separate …
1:39 PM Changeset [6104] by ole
Tested that input to culvert rating curve are guaranteed to exercise …
12:40 PM Changeset [6103] by ole
Fixed situation where delta_w is larger than what is specified in …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.