
May 19, 2010:

10:13 AM Changeset [7733] by James Hudson
Fixed unit test failures.

May 18, 2010:

3:51 PM Changeset [7732] by James Hudson
Added separate boundary module to shallow water.
2:54 PM Changeset [7731] by James Hudson
Split boundaries out of shallow_water_domain module.

May 17, 2010:

3:57 PM Changeset [7730] by James Hudson
Widened scope of new ANUGA API test.
12:54 PM Changeset [7729] by sexton
function to read in sts file and convert to csv file for analysis purposes
12:22 PM Ticket #348 (Verify that psyco is being used to optimal advantage in ANUGA) created by James Hudson
It appears that psyco optimisation has been used selectively within …

May 14, 2010:

4:03 PM Changeset [7728] by James Hudson
Added framework and tests for new model API.
3:06 PM Changeset [7727] by steve
Will work on new_culvert_class and test with test_new_culvert_class
2:25 PM Changeset [7726] by steve
Pulled most of the forcing term testing into test_forcing_terms.py
11:57 AM Changeset [7725] by James Hudson
Added test_vertex_within_hole to test fitting on a mesh with a hole.
10:58 AM Ticket #256 (Is parallel anuga working?) closed by James Hudson
fixed: OK, it seems to be running OK for 2 people - I'll close this task. …

May 13, 2010:

10:02 AM Changeset [7724] by James Hudson
Fixed broken unit test that was using nonexistent function.
9:51 AM Changeset [7723] by sexton
9:48 AM Ticket #197 (interpolate can't handle a grid where one vertex is connected to 14 ...) closed by James Hudson
fixed: THe new quadtree code does not place any limits on the number of …
9:42 AM Changeset [7722] by James Hudson
Modified test test_interpolate_one_point_many_triangles to test a …

May 12, 2010:

3:29 PM Ticket #305 (Add breaklines to high level mesh interface) closed by James Hudson
2:45 PM Changeset [7721] by James Hudson
Additional documentation.
10:13 AM Changeset [7720] by James Hudson
Fixed failing unit tests.

May 11, 2010:

10:42 PM Changeset [7719] by James Hudson
refactored mesh_quadtree to remove unneeded trilist conversion code.
8:12 PM Changeset [7718] by James Hudson
Tag for new quadtree complete - beginning optimisations.
4:09 PM Changeset [7717] by James Hudson
Fixed module names to point at new location for mesh_quadtree.
3:12 PM Changeset [7716] by James Hudson
Refactored MeshQuad? into a self-contained class without global elements.
1:28 PM Changeset [7715] by James Hudson
New MeshQuadtree? module, removed unneeded arguments from search.
11:31 AM Changeset [7714] by James Hudson
Minor refactorings and optimisations in quadtree search code
10:59 AM Changeset [7713] by James Hudson
Optimisations to tree traversal added for a 30% speed boost.

May 10, 2010:

2:50 PM Changeset [7712] by James Hudson
Triangles packed into quadtree in reverse order. Updated tests to pass.

May 7, 2010:

4:00 PM Changeset [7711] by James Hudson
Refactored geometry classes to live in their own folder.
12:25 PM Changeset [7710] by James Hudson
Refactored quadtree interface.

May 5, 2010:

6:06 PM Changeset [7709] by James Hudson
Fixed rounding errors which were causing failing unit tests.
4:13 PM Changeset [7708] by James Hudson
Modified benchmark to give profiling info.
4:06 PM Changeset [7707] by James Hudson
New quadtree implementation - unoptimised and no tree balancing. A …

May 4, 2010:

2:35 PM Changeset [7706] by steve
Created new file to work on culverts with changing timestep

Apr 30, 2010:

8:57 PM Changeset [7705] by steve
Ran into a problem with metis with a conflict with the naming of a …
5:11 PM Changeset [7704] by steve
Changed import of boundary conditions

Apr 29, 2010:

6:23 PM Changeset [7703] by James Hudson
Refactored quad.py to remove unused methods and duplicated code.
3:50 PM Changeset [7702] by steve
Using small file
3:14 PM Changeset [7701] by James Hudson
Fixed crash bug if triangles not in numeric form.
11:11 AM Changeset [7700] by James Hudson
Ticket 327 - marginal 5% speed increase by removing is_inside_triangle …

Apr 28, 2010:

5:32 PM Changeset [7699] by James Hudson
Added breaklines to high level interface for task 305.
1:54 PM Ticket #343 (Turn Patong validation into a proper unit test) closed by ole
9:36 AM Changeset [7698] by James Hudson
Added profiling info to benchmark.

Apr 27, 2010:

7:27 PM Changeset [7697] by James Hudson
Added benchmark for testing sww2dem speed.
6:12 PM Changeset [7696] by James Hudson
Removed non-functioning and outdated sww2dem benchmark.
2:04 PM Ticket #292 (sww2csv_gauges needs to ignore gauges that are not in the domain) closed by James Hudson

Apr 25, 2010:

6:34 PM monai-simulation-overhead-slow.avi attached to WikiStart by steve
Okushiri simulation (from overhead) showing large runup
6:27 PM monai-sideview-short.avi attached to WikiStart by steve
Okushiri simulation (from the side) showing large runup (15MB)

Apr 23, 2010:

10:15 PM Changeset [7695] by James Hudson
calc_bearing handles cases where the speed is zero, and outputs NaN.
9:07 PM Ticket #300 (Create ANUGA page on Wikipedia) closed by James Hudson
9:05 PM Ticket #296 (Compile ANUGA viewer for Linux) closed by James Hudson
5:01 PM Changeset [7694] by James Hudson
Gauge logging can be turned off.
4:46 PM Changeset [7693] by James Hudson
ticket 292: sww2csv_gauges needs to ignore gauges that are not in the …

Apr 22, 2010:

3:07 PM Changeset [7692] by habili
Changes to make code more memory efficient

Apr 21, 2010:

2:46 PM Changeset [7691] by James Hudson
Added missing calc_bearing import to gauges.
2:26 PM Ticket #346 (How to check the coastline polygon is ordered correctly) closed by James Hudson
fixed: Rev 7690 - exception is raised on a pathological poly. An O(n log n) …
2:24 PM Ticket #257 (Catch error if polygons are warped) closed by James Hudson
fixed: Rev 7690 - exception is raised on a pathological poly. An O(n log n) …
1:48 PM Changeset [7690] by James Hudson
Check for complex polygons raises an exception.

Apr 20, 2010:

2:59 PM Changeset [7689] by osuchowski
Change of parameters for modelling Mandurah

Apr 19, 2010:

3:11 PM Changeset [7688] by Leharne Fountain
updates to bunbury storm surge model
1:56 PM Ticket #344 (produce asc when there is a hole in the model) closed by James Hudson
1:53 PM Changeset [7687] by James Hudson
Added naive check for complex polygons, and unit tests to test it.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.