
Version 18 (modified by steve, 10 years ago) (diff)


Installation of the Viewer on Ubuntu

Install basic packages

sudo apt-get install libgdal-dev make subversion

Installing open scene graph

At present (June 2014) the packaged version of openscenegraph for Ubuntu 14.04 is missing the plugin for working with freetype fonts. This causes an error when running the viewer. The 'work around' is to compile the latest version of openscenegraph from source. Here are the instructions for installing under Ubuntu 14.04

The following instruction works well for earlier versions of Ubuntu.

sudo apt-get libopenscenegraph-dev  

Download the anuga_viewer Code

The latest version of the code is available from googlecode. Don't use the version on sourceforge.

From your home directory, download the anuga viewer code via

svn checkout anuga-viewer

Change into the new directory anuga-viewer. From this directory build and install the viewer via

sudo make install

Finally we need to setup some environment variables.

Put the following in your .bashrc file (if you use the bash shell).

export SWOLLEN_BINDIR=/home/******/anuga-viewer/bin

where you should replace ***** by the name of your home directory. With some versions of linux you need to put this command in the file .profile

You should rerun your .bashrc file with

source .bashrc

Actually it is usually safer to fire up a new terminal to see if you have been successful in setting up the PATH and SWOLLEN_BINDIR

You can check your PATH with the command

printenv PATH

Check Installation

Change into the anuga-viewer/data directory and run the anuga_viewer via the command

anuga_viewer cairns.sww

Hopefully the viewer fires up and you will see a simple flow. Use the space bar to start the visualisation.