Version 123 (modified by anonymous, 16 years ago) (diff) |
ANUGA - Present Applications and Future Potential, 16-17 September 2008 at Geoscience Australia
ANUGA is a Free and Open Source Software implementation of the Shallow Water Wave equations which has been developed by Geoscience Australia (GA) and the Australian National University (ANU) since 2004 (see ModSim 2005 proceedings). The software can be downloaded online at ANUGA has primarily been used for tsunami inundation modelling (see e.g. AusGeoNews 2006), due to the worldwide interest in tsunamis triggered by the events of Boxing Day 2004. Presently, there is an increasing interest in developing ANUGA into a tool for flood modelling, dam break studies and modelling of coastal processes (see e.g. Rigby).
Workshop objectives
- Bringing the user community closer together
- Sharing different case studies where ANUGA is being used to model hydrodynamic systems
- Discussing and making prioritised recommendations for the future development of ANUGA.
- Form the ANUGA Special Interest Group (ASIG):
Dinner Tuesday night
An informal dinner is planned for any interested people on the Tuesday night following Day 1 of the workshop (at own cost). Venue is to be confirmed, but will most likely be the Kingston Pub (fairly close to the suggested hotels).
Please note, registration for this workshop has now closed. Please e-mail miriam.middelmann@… if you are unable to make your nominated day(s) as there is a waiting list of interested persons.
Geoscience Australia (Google Earth)
Cnr Jerrabomberra Avenue & Hindmarsh Drive
Symonston ACT 2601
Switch Board: (02) 6249 9111
Coordinates for GA’s visitor carpark: -35.342927° 149.157996°
A selection of accomodation options close to Geoscience Australia include:
- Best Western Garden City Motel (Google Earth), Jerrabomberra Avenue, Narrabundah, (02) 6295 3322.
- Hotel Heritage (Google Earth), 203 Goyder Street, Narrabundah, 1800 026 346, (02) 6295 2944.
- Best Western Sundown Motel (Google Earth), Narrabundah Lane, Symonston, (02) 6239 0333.
- Canberra South Motor Park (Google Earth), Canberra Avenue Symonston ACT, (02) 6280 6176.
- Miriam Middelmann (Miriam.Middelmann@…)
Presenters and Presentation Abstracts
Special pre workshop presentation
- William Power (W.Power@…) and Jim Cousins (J.Cousins@…): Presenting Earthquake and tsunami losses for the Wellington region.
- Ole Nielsen (Ole.Nielsen@…): Presenting ANUGA - An open source hydrodynamic modelling library.
- Kristy van Putten (kristy.vanputten@…): Presenting Building good inundation models: Data preparation and validation in ANUGA.
- Stephen Roberts (Stephen.Roberts@…): Presenting 1) ANUGA - Underlying Algorithms and Potential Future Development and 2) Parallelising ANUGA.
- Leharne Fountain (Leharne.Fountain@…): Presenting How fine is fine enough? Convergence study of an ANUGA inundation model
- Jane Sexton (jane.sexton@…): Presenting ANUGA in Action: Tsunami impact modelling for Australia.
- Nils Goseberg (goseberg@…): Presenting Inundation modeling due to hypothetical tsunami scenarios for the city of Padang, West Sumatra within "Last-mile - Evacuation"
- William Power (W.Power@…): Presenting Tsunami hazards of Cook Strait modelled with ANUGA.
- Biljana Lukovic (B.Lukovic@…): Presenting What are the key factors that determine the extent of tsunami inundation? Investigations using ANUGA.
- Rudy van Drie (rudy.vandrie@…): Presenting 1) Extending the ANUGA framework with flood modelling capabilities and 2) Validating ANUGA for riverine flood modelling
- Ted Rigby (ted.rigby@…): Presenting Experiences in applying and calibrating ANUGA as a riverine flood model.
- Petar Milevski (pmilevski@…): Presenting Application of ANUGA to urban flooding problems in Wollongong.
- Nick Bartzis (nick.bartzis@…)
- Frederic Saint-Cast (frederic.saint-cast@…)
- James Walker(james.walker@…)
- Jasvinder Opkar (jasvinder.opkar@…)
- Ole Nielsen (ole.nielsen@…)
- Stephen Roberts (stephen.roberts@…)
- Nils Goseberg (goseberg@…)
- William Power (w.power@…)
- Biljana Lukovic (b.lukovic@…)
- Jim Cousins(j.cousins@…)
- Jane Sexton (jane.sexton@…)
- Rudy van Drie (rudy.vandrie@…)
- Ted Rigby (ted.rigby@…)
- Geoff O'Loughlin (geoff.oloughlin@…)
- Andrew Gissing (andrew.gissing@…)
- Trevor Dhu (trevor.dhu@…)
- Alison Kohout (a.kohout@…)
- Russell Blong (russell.blong@…)
- Brad Weir (…)
- Ainslie Frazer (Ainslie.Frazer@…)
- Ross Wilson (ross.wilson@…)
- John Murtagh (john.murtagh@…)
- Sudi Mungkasi (u4435754@…)
- Rhys Hardwick Jones (rhys@…)
- Miriam Middelmann (miriam.middelmann@…)
- Leharne Fountain (leharne.fountain@…), Day 1 only
- Duncan Gray (duncan.gray@…), Day 1 only
- Kristy Van Putten (kristy.vanputten@…), Day 1 only
- Jonathan Griffin (jonathan.griffin@…), Day 1 only
- Richard Mleczko (richard.mleczko@…), Day 1 only
- Garry Tong (garry.tong@…), Day 1 only
- Petar Milevski (pmilevski@…), Day 2 only
- Matthew Apolo (matthew.apolo@…), Day 2 only
- Craig Palmer (cpalmer@…), Day 2 only
- Ian Dinham (idinham@…), Day 2 only
- Danny Rose (drose@…), Day 2 only
- Soori Sooriyakumaran (s.sooriyakumaran@…), Day 2 only
Number of unique viewers since 1 July 2008
hit counter
Attachments (32)
(18.6 KB) -
added by ole 17 years ago.
ANUGA screenshot
ANUGA Workshop Invitation.pdf
(19.7 KB) -
added by ole 17 years ago.
Invitation to ANUGA workshop September 2008
(68.8 KB) -
added by ole 17 years ago.
Paper from Nils Goseberg
- TRigby.pdf (11.1 KB) - added by miriam 17 years ago.
- O.Nielsen.pdf (11.2 KB) - added by Miriam 17 years ago.
- B.Lukovic.pdf (10.7 KB) - added by Miriam 17 years ago.
- W.Power.pdf (10.6 KB) - added by Miriam 17 years ago.
- P.Milevski.pdf (10.7 KB) - added by miriam 17 years ago.
GA visitor car park.kmz
(639 bytes) -
added by ole 17 years ago.
Placemark for GA's visitor car park
Hotel Heritage.kmz
(1.9 KB) -
added by ole 17 years ago.
Hotel Heritage, Narrabundah
- K.VanPutten.pdf (10.6 KB) - added by miriam 17 years ago.
- S.Roberts.pdf (10.4 KB) - added by miriam 16 years ago.
- Power&Cousins.pdf (11.5 KB) - added by miriam 16 years ago.
- J.Sexton.pdf (10.5 KB) - added by miriam 16 years ago.
- Best Western Garden City Motel.kmz (1.1 KB) - added by ole 16 years ago.
- Best Western Sundown Motel.kmz (1.8 KB) - added by ole 16 years ago.
- Canberra South Motor Park.kmz (1.1 KB) - added by ole 16 years ago.
- R.VanDrie_1.pdf (12.0 KB) - added by miriam 16 years ago.
- R.VanDrie_2.pdf (12.1 KB) - added by miriam 16 years ago.
- L.Fountain.pdf (11.1 KB) - added by miriam 16 years ago.
- Programme.pdf (13.4 KB) - added by miriam 16 years ago.
(2.3 MB) -
added by ole 16 years ago.
Nils Goseberg's public version of his talk
(3.4 MB) -
added by ole 16 years ago.
Stephen Robert's talk on ANUGA algorithms
(234.8 KB) -
added by ole 16 years ago.
Stephen Robert's talk on parallelism
(23.2 MB) -
added by ole 16 years ago.
Ole Nielsen's talk
(83.6 MB) -
added by ole 16 years ago.
Petar Milevski's presentation
(1.3 MB) -
added by ole 16 years ago.
Nils Goseberg's ICCE poster
(47.1 MB) -
added by ole 16 years ago.
Kristy's ANUGA slides
(68.8 MB) -
added by ole 16 years ago.
Jane's slides
(3.6 MB) -
added by ole 16 years ago.
Leharne's slides
(10.6 MB) -
added by ole 16 years ago.
Biljana Lukovic presentation
Notes from ANUGA workshop 16-17 September 2008.pdf
(116.0 KB) -
added by ole 15 years ago.