Changeset 4029
- Timestamp:
- Nov 23, 2006, 2:01:11 PM (18 years ago)
- Files:
- 4 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r3993 r4029 56 56 57 57 \begin{enumerate} 58 \item Onslow, WA - end of June 0 6. This study mainly supports the58 \item Onslow, WA - end of June 07. This study mainly supports the 59 59 FESA funded WA study, but has synergies with projects in other 60 60 lists as well (Nick) 61 \item Complete Sydney (Benfield) project (Jane). Refinements have62 included addressing water loss through the form of the surface63 elevation function, boundary conditions, friction creep and issues64 with ill-conditioned system as a result of a complex internal65 polygon. Whilst a protection has been put in place for friction66 creep, the issue is still outstanding. Final results will be67 delivered to Benfield by Fri 28 April noting the friction issue68 is still outstanding. This project has synergies with the ANUGA69 Demo initiative (Everyone)70 61 \item Port Hedland - end of June 06. Also part of the WA project. (Nick) 71 \item Dampier revisited for CIPMA .72 \item Broome 73 \item Perth 74 \item Busselton 75 \item Shark Bay using survey from 17th July 2006 .76 \item Xmas & Cocos islands tide gauge validation .77 \item Rerun Wollongong with slump (pending better defition of slump sizes) (Nick, Adrian), 2-3 weeks62 \item Dampier revisited for CIPMA - mid-November 2006 63 \item Broome - end of June 07 64 \item Perth - end of June 07 65 \item Busselton - end of June 07 66 \item Shark Bay using survey from 17th July 2006 - when time permits and data available. 67 \item Xmas & Cocos islands tide gauge validation - when time permits and data available.. 68 \item Slide scenarios with data gained from the Continental Slope Survey; Wollongong, Sydney and Newcastle 78 69 \item NSW state study (deferred until 2007 - Matt) 79 70 \item SE Qld study 80 \item Hobart (2007). Trevor Dhu has arranged for TAFI to provide bathymetric data to a 50m contour plus a 25m DEM. Apparently, even better DEM data is available. 71 \item Hobart (Oct 2006). Trevor Dhu has arranged for DPIW to provide bathymetric data to a 50m contour plus a 25m DEM. 72 Apparently, even better DEM data is available. 81 73 \item Other study areas may be identified when the national hazard map has been completed (expected 82 74 within the next 12 months) and consultation has occurred with stakeholders. … … 90 82 our assistance will certainly be required. 91 83 92 84 \begin{enumerate} 85 \item Complete Sydney (Benfield) project (Jane). Refinements have 86 included addressing water loss through the form of the surface 87 elevation function, boundary conditions, friction creep and issues 88 with ill-conditioned system as a result of a complex internal 89 polygon. Whilst a protection has been put in place for friction 90 creep, the issue is still outstanding. Final results will be 91 delivered to Benfield by Fri 28 April noting the friction issue 92 is still outstanding. 93 \end{enumerate} 93 94 94 95 \section*{Research topics} … … 137 138 \item Comparison to tsunami study in NZ where Mike 21 is used for inundation. Contact: Rick Liefting, Coastal Scientist, Tonkin and Taylor Limited,, Hamilton. Email: 138 139 \end{itemize} 139 \item Comparison of MOST and ANUGA over a stretch of deep water. Also, where to pick up boundary condition (Nick). 140 \item Comparison of MOST and ANUGA over a stretch of deep water (some work done for Hobart scenario - Jane). 141 Also, where to pick up boundary condition (Nick). 140 142 \item Momentum sink study (Duncan with Nick Dando) 141 143 Report and talk by end of June 2006. Paper later. … … 150 152 ($R = A^\frac{4}{5} h^ \frac{1}{5}$ where $A$ is the amplitude at some offshore location 151 153 and $h$ is the depth at the same offshore location). Calculate the maximum elevation 152 at which there is water . Need to confirm definition of run-up height.154 at which there is water (completed 2006). 153 155 \item Incorporate asteroid model (parabolic cavity) as an initial condition into ANUGA. 154 156 Compare calculated extent with the approximation of … … 159 161 \item Investigate the topographic effect on water flow and the impact on hydrological hazard (as part of the CRA 160 162 with NSW DNR and SES in contributing to the vulnerability assessment). This could become a graduate 161 or student project (see graduate\_proposal\_topography.doc). 163 or student project (see graduate\_proposal\_topography.doc). This is now a contract between NSW DNR and SES 164 and University of Queensland (Tom Baldock). 162 165 163 166 \item Scenario database (future); this could complement the ATWS … … 201 204 \item Streamlined end-to-end process including production management of files (Nick + Hamish, Neil, Ole, Jane, Duncan) 202 205 In addition to Nick's automatic log of scripts generating the data, also log username and ANUGA version if possible. 206 to be incorporated in final report as ANUGA metadata statement. Also see Production Processes.doc for tasks and activities 207 of each group. 203 208 204 209 \item Map2PDF vs ArcReader (Neil, Lisa) 205 210 \item Easy interface to building regions of variable resolution (Duncan) 206 \item Sydney demo (Jane, Duncan, Ole) - Ask211 \item Cairns demo (Jane, Ole) 207 212 \item Deploy parallel version (Ole, Nick) 208 213 \item Userguide, technical documentation and installation process (Everyone) … … 211 216 \begin{itemize} 212 217 \item Hand crafted using Houdini 213 \item Take Swollen-viewer further, e.g.\ by colour coding quantiti os or applying contour plots218 \item Take Swollen-viewer further, e.g.\ by colour coding quantities or applying contour plots 214 219 \item ANU work on new visualisation techniques 215 220 \end{itemize} 216 \item Automatic coastline buffering .221 \item Automatic coastline buffering - Nick/Neil - completed Nov 2006. 217 222 \item Improve memory efficiency of mesh generator. 223 \item Investigate applying data points in a block fashion for fitting to the mesh. 218 224 \end{enumerate} 219 225 It is the hope that most of these priorities will be adressed before 30 June 2006. … … 261 267 \item \textbf{Hamish Anderson}: Coordinate collection and supply of 262 268 topographic and bathymetric data. 269 \item \textbf{Alex von Brandenstein}: Verify and deliver all data, 270 including metadata. 263 271 \item \textbf{Mike Sexton}: Bathymetric data specialist. 264 \item \textbf{K athryn Tobyn}: Bathymetric data specialist.272 \item \textbf{Kristy van Putten}: Bathymetric data specialist. 265 273 \end{enumerate} 266 274 … … 341 349 \begin{itemize} 342 350 \item \textbf{Duncan}: 4 days/week 343 \item \textbf{Jane}: Three weeks leave in the period 15 June 2006 to 15 July 2006 344 Ole to cover Jane's commitments. 345 \item \textbf{Nick}: Leave from 21 August 2006 to 13 October 2006 346 Duncan to cover off on the production line. 347 \item \textbf{Ole}: Leave for six weeks around August or September. 351 \item \textbf{Jane}: 352 \item \textbf{Nick}: 353 \item \textbf{Ole}: Leave for six weeks around Feb/March 2007. 348 354 Jane to be acting team leader with Duncan responsible for 349 355 software and maintenance issues. -
r4021 r4029 13 13 print 'output dir:', name 14 14 15 which_var = 215 which_var = 1 16 16 if which_var == 0: # Stage 17 17 outname = name + '_stage' … … 27 27 28 28 if which_var == 3: # Speed 29 outname = name + '_speed_ i8'29 outname = name + '_speed_all' 30 30 #quantityname = '((xmomentum/(stage-elevation))**2 + (ymomentum/(stage-elevation))**2)**0.5' #Speed 31 31 quantityname = '(xmomentum**2 + ymomentum**2)**0.5/(stage-elevation+1.e-30)' #Speed … … 36 36 37 37 if is_parallel == True: 38 for i in range( nodes):38 for i in range(3,nodes): 39 39 namei = name + '_P%d_%d' %(i,nodes) 40 40 outnamei = outname + '_P%d_%d' %(i,nodes) … … 42 42 sww2dem(namei, basename_out = outnamei, 43 43 quantity = quantityname, 44 #timestep = 0,44 timestep = 0, 45 45 cellsize = 100, 46 easting_min = project.e_min_area,47 easting_max = project.e_max_area,48 northing_min = project.n_min_area,49 northing_max = project.n_max_area,50 reduction = max,46 #easting_min = project.e_min_area, 47 #easting_max = project.e_max_area, 48 #northing_min = project.n_min_area, 49 #northing_max = project.n_max_area, 50 #reduction = max, 51 51 verbose = True, 52 52 format = 'asc') -
r3996 r4029 96 96 production_dirs, 97 97 report = True, 98 reportname = 'latexoutput_ MRT',98 reportname = 'latexoutput_231106', 99 99 #reportname = 'latexoutput', 100 100 plot_quantity = ['stage', 'speed'], … … 110 110 # Future: generate_report(reportdir, scenario, report_title, 111 111 # project.gauge_filename, max_maps, damage_maps, production_dirs, latex_output) 112 report_name = reportdir + scenario + '_report_ MRT.tex'112 report_name = reportdir + scenario + '_report_mark.tex' 113 113 fid = open(report_name, 'w') 114 114 -
r3981 r4029 79 79 #gauge_filename = gaugedir + 'hobart_gauges_final.csv' 80 80 #gauge_filename = gaugedir + 'hobartGauges20061019.csv' 81 gauge_filename = gaugedir + 'gauges_MRT.csv' 82 gauge_filename_bom = gaugedir + 'gauges_bruny_fine.csv' 81 gauge_filename = gaugedir + 'riskAreas231106.csv' 82 #gauge_filename = gaugedir + 'gauges_MRT.csv' 83 #gauge_filename_bom = gaugedir + 'gauges_bruny_fine.csv' 83 84 #gauge_filename = gaugedir + 'check_boundary.csv' 84 85
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