Changeset 4096
- Timestamp:
- Dec 19, 2006, 3:46:28 PM (18 years ago)
- Location:
- anuga_work/production/sydney_2006/report
- Files:
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r4090 r4096 25 25 of the regions supplemented with the 100m DEM. 26 26 27 With respect to the offshore data, newly acquire data from the recent27 With respect to the offshore data, newly acquired data from the recent 28 28 NSW Continental Slope Survey has been used, in addition to fairsheet data 29 29 from the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO). As with the onshore data, … … 37 37 38 38 \begin{figure}[p] 39 \centerline{ \includegraphics {../report_figures/NSWData.jpg}}39 \centerline{ \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{../report_figures/NSWData.jpg}} 40 40 41 41 \caption{NSW region highlighting the available bathymetric data.} -
r4093 r4096 16 16 \caption{Parameters used in ANUGA for the the submarine mass failure scenarios.} 17 17 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}\hline 18 Parameter & Bulli & Shovel & Yacaaba\\ \hline19 Length & 16840 m & 13500m & 7050m \\ \hline20 Width & 8860 m & 4350m & 3080m \\ \hline21 Thickness & 424 m & 165m & 144m \\ \hline18 {\bf Parameter} & {\bf Bulli} & {\bf Shovel} & {\bf Yacaaba }\\ \hline 19 Length & 16840 m & 13500 m & 7050 m \\ \hline 20 Width & 8860 m & 4350 m & 3080 m \\ \hline 21 Thickness & 424 m & 165 m & 144 m \\ \hline 22 22 Density & 1.46 & 1.49 & 1.48 \\ \hline 23 Water depth to centre of mass & 2087 m & 968m & 1119m \\ \hline23 Water depth to centre of mass & 2087 m & 968 m & 1119 m \\ \hline 24 24 Bathymetric slope & 4 \degree & 4 \degree & 3 \degree \\ \hline 25 25 Angular orientation & 126 \degree & 118 \degree & 133 \degree \\ \hline … … 28 28 \end{center} 29 29 \end{table} 30 31 The modelling has considered three separate regions based on the location 32 of the potential slide failures. The regions A, B and C refer 33 to Wollongong, Sydney and Newcastle. See Appendix \ref{sec:anugasetup} 34 for the extent of each region. 30 35 31 36 Figures \ref{fig:bulliA}, \ref{fig:bulliB} and \ref{fig:bulliC} … … 46 51 slides are considered to occur in different depths of water, the 47 52 resultant amplitude are approximately equal. 53 54 \begin{figure} 55 \centerline{\includegraphics{../report_figures/depth_vs_amp_dataslide.jpg}} 56 \caption{Relationship between characteristic 3D amplitude and depth 57 for each slide volume.} 58 \label{fig:depthvsamp} 59 \end{figure} -
r4093 r4096 40 40 41 41 To conduct a risk assessment, the likelihood of the event must be known. Without this information, 42 the inundation extents can onlybe viewed only as potential.42 the inundation extents can be viewed only as potential. 43 43 44 44 -
r4093 r4096 15 15 $C_m$ & added mass coefficient \\ \hline 16 16 \end{tabular} 17 \end{center} 17 18 \end{table} 18 \end{center}19 19 20 20 The following relationships are used to derive parameters describing a slide … … 51 51 characteristic three dimensional amplitude 52 52 53 $$\eta_{0,3D} = \frac{\eta_{0,2D}}{1 + 15.5 \sqrt{ \frac{d}{b sin \theta} 53 $$\eta_{0,3D} = \frac{\eta_{0,2D}}{1 + 15.5 \sqrt{ \frac{d}{b sin \theta}}} $$ 54 54 55 55 Assuming a double Gaussian relationship in the $x$ direction (tsunami length) and a $\sech^2$ … … 57 57 58 58 $$\eta(x,y) = \eta_{0,3D} \frac{ (\exp(-(\frac{x-x_0}{\lambda_0})^2) - 59 \kappa \exp(-(\frac{x-\delta x - x_0}{\lambda_0})^2))}{ cosh^2(\kappa\frac{y-y_0}{w+\lambda_0})}$$59 \kappa \exp(-(\frac{x-\delta x - x_0}{\lambda_0})^2))}{\cosh^2(\kappa\frac{y-y_0}{w+\lambda_0})}$$ -
r4089 r4096 38 38 \advance\textwidth -2in 39 39 \newcommand{\degree}{\ensuremath{^\circ}} 40 \newcommand{\sech}{\operatorname{sech}} 40 41 41 42 \date{\today} … … 108 109 \appendix 109 110 110 \section{Metadata}111 \label{sec:metadata}112 \input{metadata}111 % \section{Metadata} 112 % \label{sec:metadata} 113 % \input{metadata} 113 114 114 115 \section{ANUGA modelling parameters}
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