
Aug 28, 2006:

4:58 PM Changeset [3534] by duncan
fixing to work with new structure

Aug 25, 2006:

4:51 PM Changeset [3533] by duncan
Tidy up dam simulation and minimum depth
4:38 PM Changeset [3532] by duncan
name change
1:25 PM Changeset [3531] by duncan
for minimum_allowed_depth to work …
1:08 PM Changeset [3530] by ole
Merged in version developed with Rosh
11:46 AM Ticket #89 (Have Minimum Water depth accessable when executing run script) closed by Duncan <duncan.gray@…>
fixed: minimum_allowed_depth is now a domain attribute
11:19 AM Changeset [3529] by duncan
minimum_allowed_depth is now an attribute of domain

Aug 23, 2006:

5:31 PM Changeset [3528] by duncan
moving test_all and compile to anuga_core
5:13 PM Changeset [3527] by duncan
I'm adding this so given just the anuga directory compiling is still easy.
5:11 PM Changeset [3526] by duncan
Hacking compile.py to avoid errors.
11:39 AM Changeset [3525] by duncan
removing checked in pyd
10:55 AM Changeset [3524] by jack
Improved performance of the offline visualiser.

Aug 22, 2006:

12:35 PM Changeset [3523] by jack
Fixed the SCons build files to work with Duncan's restructure.
11:50 AM Changeset [3522] by ole
10:24 AM Changeset [3521] by ole
Added testing of www-b

Aug 21, 2006:

9:51 PM Changeset [3520] by steve
5:50 PM Changeset [3519] by ole
Parallel timings
4:52 PM Changeset [3518] by duncan
I need this.
4:45 PM Changeset [3517] by ole
Set up for load testing of live flood database
4:39 PM Changeset [3516] by duncan
changing due to restructure
4:38 PM Changeset [3515] by ole
Real version of flood_studies_all.html
4:10 PM Changeset [3514] by duncan
Hi all, I'm doing a change in the anuga structure, moving the code to …
3:58 PM Changeset [3513] by duncan
small change
3:03 PM Changeset [3512] by duncan
WARNING unstable version. This will break the repository. There …
1:17 PM Changeset [3511] by ole
Grid on and snapshots as per request from Rosh.
10:03 AM Changeset [3510] by jakeman
Files now contain inmplementation of method in which advection terms …

Aug 18, 2006:

5:33 PM Ticket #40 (cache exiting from a simulation) closed by ole
fixed: Problem fixed in changeset:3509
5:32 PM Changeset [3509] by ole
Allowed cache to continue with a warning even if a memory error has …

Aug 17, 2006:

6:30 PM Changeset [3508] by ole
Demos for Rosh
6:20 PM Changeset [3507] by ole
Work post suresh kumar visit
6:08 PM Changeset [3506] by ole
Moved runup example to examples
5:56 PM Changeset [3505] by ole
Runup work
4:28 PM Ticket #90 (How about having boundary conditions take keyword arguments) created by ole
Currently Dirichlet and Time Boundaries take triplets (in case of the …
11:24 AM Changeset [3504] by ole
Flood database testing

Aug 16, 2006:

5:30 PM Changeset [3503] by duncan
2:05 PM Changeset [3502] by duncan
2:04 PM Changeset [3501] by duncan
1:19 PM Changeset [3500] by duncan
starting to make new structure
1:10 PM Changeset [3499] by duncan
cleaning things up/ adding to user manual
11:10 AM Changeset [3498] by ole
Driver for flood db test
9:07 AM Changeset [3497] by ole
Franks suggestions

Aug 15, 2006:

5:07 PM Changeset [3496] by jack
More work on the offline visualiser. It's S-L-O-W.
4:58 PM Changeset [3495] by duncan
cleaning up
4:54 PM Changeset [3494] by duncan
cleaning up
4:45 PM Changeset [3493] by jack
Offline visualiser is working fairly well.
4:20 PM Changeset [3492] by duncan
Cleaning things up
4:05 PM Changeset [3491] by duncan
adding copyright info to pmw code
3:57 PM Changeset [3490] by duncan
adding extra info to guide.
3:36 PM Changeset [3489] by duncan
adding copyright to pmw code.
2:32 PM Changeset [3488] by duncan
small change to stop warning during testing

Aug 14, 2006:

12:19 PM Ticket #89 (Have Minimum Water depth accessable when executing run script) created by Nick <nick.bartzis@…>
currently the min water depth is hard wired in the code... somewhere …
11:58 AM Ticket #15 (Search for appropriate procedure for OSS release ) closed by anonymous
duplicate: in oles ppr
11:56 AM Ticket #38 (pmesh2Domain should have its own directory) closed by anonymous
11:44 AM Ticket #64 (cg_solve error) closed by anonymous
11:39 AM Ticket #55 (Negative stage values have been observed in e.g. the Sydney study.) closed by anonymous
duplicate: see ticket:53
11:19 AM Ticket #57 (Move general_mesh, mesh and mesh_factory from pyvolution into separate dir ) closed by anonymous
11:16 AM Ticket #85 (Problem with boundary conditions being interpolated incorrectly to ...) closed by anonymous
11:13 AM Ticket #76 (Allow job recovery after a node crash) closed by anonymous
11:06 AM Ticket #66 (Problem with large meshes and cache) closed by anonymous
10:47 AM Ticket #52 (Investigate reproducibility of model runs) closed by anonymous
10:45 AM Ticket #50 (Write module for timeseries plotting and report generation) closed by anonymous
10:44 AM Ticket #51 (Integrated damage modelling) closed by anonymous

Aug 11, 2006:

8:48 PM Changeset [3487] by ole
Beginnings of convergence test
8:30 PM Changeset [3486] by ole
Attempt to make runup example more interesting and also using the …
7:28 PM Changeset [3485] by ole
Log of parallel performance for wollongong example
4:20 PM Changeset [3484] by steve
12:55 PM Changeset [3483] by ole
Fixed topography for harbour example.
12:40 PM Changeset [3482] by ole
Added priorities from FESA meeting July 2006

Aug 10, 2006:

1:54 PM Changeset [3481] by ole
Update of flood database testing
10:55 AM Changeset [3480] by sexton
investigating pt hedland simulations

Aug 9, 2006:

5:15 PM Changeset [3479] by sexton
pt hedland updates
4:59 PM Changeset [3478] by sexton
figure updates
4:10 PM Changeset [3477] by sexton
(1) updates to Onslow and Pt Hedland reports and (2) introduction of …
2:27 PM Changeset [3476] by duncan
clean up
1:54 PM Changeset [3475] by duncan
getting documentation out of inundation dir
1:49 PM Changeset [3474] by duncan
cleaning up documentation
10:00 AM Changeset [3473] by sexton
inundation modelling perspective of production processes

Aug 8, 2006:

5:50 PM Changeset [3472] by ole
Moved old workplans
5:40 PM Changeset [3471] by ole
Cleanup of obsolete docu
5:32 PM Changeset [3470] by ole
Excluded test of the old least_squares module (now superseded by …
5:25 PM Changeset [3469] by ole
More cleaninig of old doc files
5:20 PM Changeset [3468] by ole
Moved old documentation files away from pyvolution
5:06 PM Changeset [3467] by ole
Added in requirements from pyvolution wiki
5:04 PM Changeset [3466] by ole
4:54 PM Changeset [3465] by jack
More work on the basic setup of the visualiser.
4:50 PM Changeset [3464] by ole
Fixed up test_all.py which failed after removal of pymetis and …
4:37 PM Changeset [3463] by ole
Added source directory in anticipation of restructure
4:34 PM Changeset [3462] by ole
Moved pypar to https://datamining.anu.edu.au/svn/pypar It is now a …
2:30 PM Changeset [3461] by jack
Rearranging the visualiser files.
2:09 PM Changeset [3460] by jack
Moved parallel to development from inundation
2:07 PM Changeset [3459] by jack
Disabled the building of pymetis.
2:06 PM Changeset [3458] by jack
Moved pymetis to development

Aug 5, 2006:

12:39 PM Changeset [3457] by steve

Aug 4, 2006:

5:04 PM Changeset [3456] by duncan
change output from speed to velocity
2:41 PM Changeset [3455] by duncan
2:34 PM Changeset [3454] by duncan
2:30 PM Changeset [3453] by duncan
cleaning up
2:26 PM Changeset [3452] by duncan
In numerical_tools, changing INF name to NAN.
1:43 PM Changeset [3451] by duncan
12:12 PM Changeset [3450] by duncan
documentation fix
11:49 AM Changeset [3449] by duncan
adding documentation

Aug 3, 2006:

2:58 PM Changeset [3448] by jack
Decoupled the VTK visualiser from the shallow water domain. Example …

Aug 2, 2006:

5:14 PM Changeset [3447] by duncan
Making set_region easier to use.
4:32 PM Changeset [3446] by duncan
updating scenario - I have changed the orientation of the tank so a …
4:31 PM Changeset [3445] by duncan
4:23 PM Changeset [3444] by ole
Comment about compilation of pypar
4:21 PM Changeset [3443] by ole
Attempt to add compiler flags for AMD opteron 64
3:58 PM Changeset [3442] by duncan
adding ideas
3:38 PM Changeset [3441] by duncan
add method
3:29 PM Changeset [3440] by duncan
3:04 PM Ticket #88 (test) closed by Duncan <duncan.gray@…>
3:04 PM Ticket #88 (test) created by Duncan <duncan.gray@…>
2:55 PM Changeset [3439] by duncan
2:15 PM Changeset [3438] by ole
Changed parallel code back to using pypar as a third party dependency
2:14 PM Changeset [3437] by duncan
method name change - auto_segment
12:17 PM Changeset [3436] by duncan
12:15 PM Changeset [3435] by duncan
doing a fixme

Jul 31, 2006:

9:29 PM Changeset [3434] by steve
Update import pypar in run_parallel_sw_merimbula_test.py
5:19 PM Changeset [3433] by ole
Removed path again - seems to be unnecessary
5:11 PM Changeset [3432] by ole
Added path for c-extension back in
5:07 PM Changeset [3431] by ole
5:06 PM Changeset [3430] by ole
4:58 PM Changeset [3429] by ole
Fixed import statements to be relative to PYTHONPATH
4:20 PM Changeset [3428] by duncan
Using Dirichlet boundary
4:07 PM Changeset [3427] by ole
3:35 PM Changeset [3426] by duncan
check in code that can compare jagged catchment boundary with …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.