
Dec 18, 2006:

6:11 PM Changeset [4090] by sexton
minor updates
5:55 PM Changeset [4089] by sexton
slide modelling report
3:00 PM Changeset [4088] by sexton
tex usermanual updates
3:00 PM Changeset [4087] by sexton
user manual updates
10:20 AM Changeset [4086] by ole
Review form from Raj

Dec 14, 2006:

6:37 PM Changeset [4085] by ole
Removed profiling garbage that prevented anuga from running under a …
5:46 PM Changeset [4084] by ole
Small changes pre-release.
4:53 PM Ticket #120 (Make "set_quantity" read in blocks of file into memory and not the ...) created by nick
Currently domain.set_quantity is very slow... especial as we are …
4:42 PM Changeset [4083] by nick
small change
4:01 PM Changeset [4082] by nick
add run_perth
3:57 PM Changeset [4081] by nick
change to perth
1:48 PM Changeset [4080] by nick
working build_perth
1:38 PM Changeset [4079] by nick
how to work with contours
11:49 AM Changeset [4078] by sexton
modified sww2timeseries so that when elevation is positive, will plot …
11:41 AM Changeset [4077] by nick
start perth scenario

Dec 13, 2006:

5:55 PM Changeset [4076] by sexton
add unit test for part of sww2timeseries functionality
1:25 PM Changeset [4075] by ole
My suggestions to SPOT questionnaire
1:04 PM Changeset [4074] by ole
Code review form from Michael Moore (GA)
11:36 AM Ticket #119 (unhashable type error on runcairns) created by steve
I tried to run runcairns.py from the demos. I get the following error: …

Dec 12, 2006:

5:47 PM Changeset [4073] by sexton
(1) DEM SPOT questionnaire (2) update slide modelling

Dec 11, 2006:

6:45 PM Changeset [4072] by sexton
slide modelling updates (based on inundation extents found)
6:36 PM Changeset [4071] by sexton
update planning chart

Dec 8, 2006:

12:23 PM Changeset [4070] by ole
Added function for counting lines of source code

Dec 7, 2006:

5:02 PM Changeset [4069] by sexton
nsw slide modelling updates
2:28 PM Changeset [4068] by ole
More on graphics adapters
2:06 PM Changeset [4067] by ole
Added hardware requirements
9:49 AM Changeset [4066] by nick
updates to dampier
9:18 AM Changeset [4065] by nick
removed old code from util.py get_version_info
9:02 AM Changeset [4064] by nick
small update

Dec 6, 2006:

5:35 PM Changeset [4063] by sexton
updates for nsw slide modelling and cairns demo
5:15 PM Changeset [4062] by sexton
updates for usermanual - cairns demo
12:40 PM Changeset [4061] by duncan
So tests pass
12:34 PM Changeset [4060] by duncan
check in change
12:30 PM Changeset [4059] by duncan
checking in, so I can checkout in another repository…

Dec 5, 2006:

5:30 PM Changeset [4058] by sexton
updates for all slide scenarios
4:44 PM Changeset [4057] by nick
updates to manuals
3:54 PM Changeset [4056] by sexton
update sydney script based on survey data
2:41 PM Changeset [4055] by duncan
friction scripts; update
1:40 PM Changeset [4054] by sexton
gantt chart (pic format)
1:39 PM Changeset [4053] by sexton
update gantt chart

Dec 4, 2006:

6:28 PM Ticket #107 (add tests to urs2sww to check minlat and minlon are correct) closed by ole
fixed: This was actually fixed in changeset:4050 - anonymous just can't see it.
5:22 PM Ticket #107 (add tests to urs2sww to check minlat and minlon are correct) reopened by anonymous
Ticket 4050 does not exist. Also, if you use changeset:<number> it …
12:14 PM Changeset [4052] by duncan
12:10 PM Changeset [4051] by duncan
minor changes
12:00 PM Ticket #107 (add tests to urs2sww to check minlat and minlon are correct) closed by duncan <duncan@…>
fixed: done revision:4050
11:58 AM Changeset [4050] by duncan
do ticket#107
11:16 AM Changeset [4049] by nick
updates to dampier
10:20 AM Changeset [4048] by duncan
10:11 AM Changeset [4047] by duncan
Checking in the scripts I've been using to determine the optimised …

Dec 1, 2006:

2:46 PM Changeset [4046] by sexton
slide updates

Nov 30, 2006:

7:03 PM Changeset [4045] by sexton
updates to pt hedland script (new data provided) and sydney slide scenario

Nov 29, 2006:

4:11 PM Ticket #111 (anuga_user_manual.pdf can not be accessed via trac ) closed by ole
fixed: Jane fixed this in changeset:4040
2:26 PM Changeset [4044] by duncan
make friction a parameter
2:25 PM Changeset [4043] by duncan
Simulate dam break flume experiments to find an optimum Mannnings …
10:26 AM Changeset [4042] by ole
10:16 AM Changeset [4041] by ole

Nov 28, 2006:

4:37 PM Changeset [4040] by sexton
latex fixups
4:01 PM Ticket #111 (anuga_user_manual.pdf can not be accessed via trac ) reopened by duncan <duncan@…>
3:40 PM Changeset [4039] by ole
Update after installation trial on Ken's machine
3:15 PM Changeset [4038] by duncan
11:54 AM Changeset [4037] by duncan
removed bug that broke maxlat and minlat in sww2ferret

Nov 27, 2006:

6:17 PM Changeset [4036] by sexton
preparing for slide scenarios
1:36 PM Ticket #60 (Add Crop method to geospatial_data) closed by nick
1:36 PM Ticket #118 (overflow error in geospatial data - on cyclone compute nodes) closed by nick
12:14 PM Changeset [4035] by nick
small change to geospatial_data.py

Nov 24, 2006:

5:32 PM Changeset [4034] by sexton
updating demo stuff in usermanual
5:02 PM Changeset [4033] by duncan
Getting the dam break simulation going
3:34 PM Changeset [4032] by jakeman
update of all major 1d files. No bugs should be present. Furtehr work …
2:30 PM Ticket #117 (test_asc_csiro2sww, test_asc_csiro2sww3, test_asc_csiro2sww4 are failing) closed by duncan <duncan@…>
10:39 AM Changeset [4031] by duncan
trying to fix an error I can't reproduce.
10:02 AM Ticket #101 (urs2mux needs more tests) closed by duncan <duncan@…>
9:18 AM Changeset [4030] by sexton
planning charts (software to update Gantt charts available for …

Nov 23, 2006:

2:01 PM Changeset [4029] by sexton
(i) update Hobart gauges for Mark (ii) update priorities doc

Nov 22, 2006:

2:13 PM Changeset [4028] by nick
fixed error
11:13 AM Ticket #118 (overflow error in geospatial data - on cyclone compute nodes) created by duncan <duncan@…>
doing a test all on cyclone nodes (node 20 and 15), I get the …
9:18 AM Changeset [4027] by duncan
small change

Nov 21, 2006:

8:36 PM Changeset [4026] by jack
Moved the vpython visualiser to obsolete_code and cleared out things …
8:27 PM Ticket #117 (test_asc_csiro2sww, test_asc_csiro2sww3, test_asc_csiro2sww4 are failing) created by jack
Observed at revision 4025. I have no experience with the data manager, …
4:52 PM Changeset [4025] by ole
Modifications with Rosh
4:52 PM Ticket #109 (rounding problems with ferret2sww and (urs2sww)) closed by duncan
fixed: fixed ferret2sww revision:4024 re:Also there was a problem with the …
4:50 PM Changeset [4024] by duncan
fix bug reported in ticket#109, with ferret2sww
3:54 PM Changeset [4023] by sexton
fix up smf function
3:30 PM Changeset [4022] by ole
Removed parallelism from run_okushiri. Use run_okushiri_parallel …
3:02 PM Changeset [4021] by sexton
(i) updates for Dampier report (ii) update cairns demo
2:56 PM Changeset [4020] by ole
Added example to a docstring
2:54 PM Changeset [4019] by ole
Added info about netcdf
1:30 PM Changeset [4018] by ole
Minor fixes
1:19 PM Changeset [4017] by ole
More public interface material, fixed undefined references and a …
11:49 AM Changeset [4016] by duncan
update after meeting about public interface
11:17 AM Changeset [4015] by ole
User manual

Nov 20, 2006:

4:58 PM Changeset [4014] by nick
added maxlon to urs2sww.. pass was missing
4:17 PM Ticket #116 (Change the 'xya' file type in anuga to 'txt') created by Nick
the 'xya' file format should be changed to a 'txt' extension and have …
4:16 PM Changeset [4013] by duncan
testing that origin works in urs2sww
3:25 PM Ticket #115 (Problem with file_boundary using a boundary sww file with no origin) created by Nick
There seems to be a problem loading a file boundary using …
3:05 PM Ticket #114 (Join together output sww files from parallel ANUGA code) created by Nick
Currently when anuga is run in parallel there is one sww file for each …
2:08 PM Ticket #113 (Output data for the centroid of the triangle NOT just the interpolated ...) created by Nick
Currently if exporting gauges the resolution of the mesh and …
11:03 AM Changeset [4012] by ole
Moved supporting file for solitary wave runup. Also updated create …
10:51 AM Changeset [4011] by ole
Renamed runup_convergence to solitary_wave_runup
10:51 AM Changeset [4010] by ole
Moved runup_convergence to validation area
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.