
Version 122 (modified by ole, 17 years ago) (diff)


Welcome to the ANUGA Open Source Hydrodynamic Modelling Project: Download ANUGA from SourceForge

ANUGA is the name of a Free & Open Source Software (FOSS) package which is capable of modelling the impact of hydrological disasters such as dam breaks, riverine flooding, storm-surge or tsunamis.

ANUGA is based on the Shallow Water Wave Equation discretised to unstructured triangular meshes using a finite-volumes numerical scheme. A major capability of ANUGA is that it can model the process of wetting and drying as water enters and leaves an area. This means that it is suitable for simulating water flow onto a beach or dry land and around structures such as buildings. ANUGA is also capable of modelling difficult flows involving shock waves and rapidly changing flow speeds (transitions from sub critical to super critical flows).

ANUGA is developed by the Australian National University (ANU) and Geoscience Australia (GA) - hence the name.

Breaking News

ANUGA Workshop 16-17 September 2008 SecondAnugaMeeting
Latest ANUGA (1.0beta_5638) released 11 August 2008 anuga-1.0beta_5638


ANUGA user manual
ANUGA installation guide
ANUGA release notes
Publications related to ANUGA AnugaPublications

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Software Repository (Subversion)
TRAC project management site (this page)
ANUGA case study at Australian Service for Knowledge of Open Source
ANUGA software download at SourceForge (Since Dec 2006)
Work pages WorkPages
Natural Hazards Online (Geoscience Australia)

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