
Nov 27, 2006:

6:17 PM Changeset [4036] by sexton
preparing for slide scenarios
1:36 PM Ticket #60 (Add Crop method to geospatial_data) closed by nick
1:36 PM Ticket #118 (overflow error in geospatial data - on cyclone compute nodes) closed by nick
12:14 PM Changeset [4035] by nick
small change to geospatial_data.py

Nov 24, 2006:

5:32 PM Changeset [4034] by sexton
updating demo stuff in usermanual
5:02 PM Changeset [4033] by duncan
Getting the dam break simulation going
3:34 PM Changeset [4032] by jakeman
update of all major 1d files. No bugs should be present. Furtehr work …
2:30 PM Ticket #117 (test_asc_csiro2sww, test_asc_csiro2sww3, test_asc_csiro2sww4 are failing) closed by duncan <duncan@…>
10:39 AM Changeset [4031] by duncan
trying to fix an error I can't reproduce.
10:02 AM Ticket #101 (urs2mux needs more tests) closed by duncan <duncan@…>
9:18 AM Changeset [4030] by sexton
planning charts (software to update Gantt charts available for …

Nov 23, 2006:

2:01 PM Changeset [4029] by sexton
(i) update Hobart gauges for Mark (ii) update priorities doc

Nov 22, 2006:

2:13 PM Changeset [4028] by nick
fixed error
11:13 AM Ticket #118 (overflow error in geospatial data - on cyclone compute nodes) created by duncan <duncan@…>
doing a test all on cyclone nodes (node 20 and 15), I get the …
9:18 AM Changeset [4027] by duncan
small change

Nov 21, 2006:

8:36 PM Changeset [4026] by jack
Moved the vpython visualiser to obsolete_code and cleared out things …
8:27 PM Ticket #117 (test_asc_csiro2sww, test_asc_csiro2sww3, test_asc_csiro2sww4 are failing) created by jack
Observed at revision 4025. I have no experience with the data manager, …
4:52 PM Changeset [4025] by ole
Modifications with Rosh
4:52 PM Ticket #109 (rounding problems with ferret2sww and (urs2sww)) closed by duncan
fixed: fixed ferret2sww revision:4024 re:Also there was a problem with the …
4:50 PM Changeset [4024] by duncan
fix bug reported in ticket#109, with ferret2sww
3:54 PM Changeset [4023] by sexton
fix up smf function
3:30 PM Changeset [4022] by ole
Removed parallelism from run_okushiri. Use run_okushiri_parallel …
3:02 PM Changeset [4021] by sexton
(i) updates for Dampier report (ii) update cairns demo
2:56 PM Changeset [4020] by ole
Added example to a docstring
2:54 PM Changeset [4019] by ole
Added info about netcdf
1:30 PM Changeset [4018] by ole
Minor fixes
1:19 PM Changeset [4017] by ole
More public interface material, fixed undefined references and a …
11:49 AM Changeset [4016] by duncan
update after meeting about public interface
11:17 AM Changeset [4015] by ole
User manual

Nov 20, 2006:

4:58 PM Changeset [4014] by nick
added maxlon to urs2sww.. pass was missing
4:17 PM Ticket #116 (Change the 'xya' file type in anuga to 'txt') created by Nick
the 'xya' file format should be changed to a 'txt' extension and have …
4:16 PM Changeset [4013] by duncan
testing that origin works in urs2sww
3:25 PM Ticket #115 (Problem with file_boundary using a boundary sww file with no origin) created by Nick
There seems to be a problem loading a file boundary using …
3:05 PM Ticket #114 (Join together output sww files from parallel ANUGA code) created by Nick
Currently when anuga is run in parallel there is one sww file for each …
2:08 PM Ticket #113 (Output data for the centroid of the triangle NOT just the interpolated ...) created by Nick
Currently if exporting gauges the resolution of the mesh and …
11:03 AM Changeset [4012] by ole
Moved supporting file for solitary wave runup. Also updated create …
10:51 AM Changeset [4011] by ole
Renamed runup_convergence to solitary_wave_runup
10:51 AM Changeset [4010] by ole
Moved runup_convergence to validation area

Nov 17, 2006:

6:48 PM Changeset [4009] by sexton
5:19 PM Changeset [4008] by duncan
spelling fix
5:04 PM Changeset [4007] by duncan
updating run_dam
4:46 PM Changeset [4006] by duncan
bug fix
4:30 PM Changeset [4005] by ole
Prettyfied docstring
4:04 PM Changeset [4004] by ole
Added discoverability keywords into docstring
10:27 AM Ticket #112 (runcairns) closed by anonymous
fixed: ASCII grid and projection file added csv files describing internal …
10:24 AM Changeset [4003] by sexton
including data and supporting files for Cairns demo + updating scripts

Nov 16, 2006:

6:13 PM Ticket #112 (runcairns) created by steve
Just tried to run demo program runcairn.py The data files are not …
6:06 PM Changeset [4002] by steve
Changed class name to capitals Screen_Catcher
5:45 PM Changeset [4001] by steve
10:47 AM Changeset [4000] by sexton
update GIS documentation
9:54 AM Changeset [3999] by sexton
dampier report updates
9:33 AM Changeset [3998] by nick
update dampier_2006/run_dampier.py
9:27 AM Changeset [3997] by nick
updates to dampier
9:12 AM Changeset [3996] by sexton
(i) dampier gauges update (ii) minor update to sww2timeseries

Nov 15, 2006:

2:59 PM Changeset [3995] by duncan
fix for linux
9:32 AM Changeset [3994] by duncan
8:24 AM Changeset [3993] by ole
Update prior to planning meeting
6:04 AM Ticket #103 (Get Sydney example to work as a user guide example) closed by ole
fixed: Jane implemented the Cairns example instead.
6:02 AM Ticket #75 (Build in okushiri validation as an automatic validation test) closed by ole
fixed: Done in changeset:3919

Nov 14, 2006:

6:07 PM Changeset [3992] by sexton
update poly for Broome
3:47 PM Changeset [3991] by ole
3:22 PM Changeset [3990] by ole
Allowed distribution script to upload to web
3:08 PM Changeset [3989] by ole
Duncan's suggestions
3:04 PM Changeset [3988] by sexton
dampier report updates
2:42 PM Changeset [3987] by ole
Added demos to packaging script
2:42 PM Changeset [3986] by ole
Renamed swollen to animate
2:25 PM Changeset [3985] by ole
2:23 PM Changeset [3984] by duncan
2:20 PM Changeset [3983] by duncan
new function. Create a directory structure. Handy for writing data to.
2:20 PM Changeset [3982] by ole
Final rearranging and cleanup
2:18 PM Changeset [3981] by sexton
rerun Hobart
2:08 PM Changeset [3980] by ole
Moved a few things in regard to the user manual
1:59 PM Changeset [3979] by sexton
moving cairns demo into user_manual directory
1:59 PM Changeset [3978] by ole
Created graphics dir for user manual
10:29 AM Changeset [3977] by ole
Update to code review form
9:45 AM Changeset [3976] by sexton
hobart report updates

Nov 13, 2006:

5:51 PM Ticket #104 (more tests needed for urs2sww or urs2nc) closed by duncan
worksforme: These tests are aready in urs2sww. I did just extend the tests in …
5:51 PM Changeset [3975] by duncan
extend tests of urs2sww.
4:07 PM Changeset [3974] by duncan
removed print statement
3:35 PM Changeset [3973] by duncan
Added pmw license
3:03 PM Changeset [3972] by sexton
(i) incorporating new supply of interpolated data for Broome (ii) …
2:27 PM Changeset [3971] by sexton
2:14 PM Changeset [3970] by nick
start development of automatic alpha validation
1:53 PM Changeset [3969] by nick
added split and get sample modules to geospatial_data also removed …
11:11 AM Ticket #111 (anuga_user_manual.pdf can not be accessed via trac ) closed by ole
fixed: Updated entire repository at the ANU, so that content of …
10:50 AM Changeset [3968] by ole
Amalgamated code review ideas into first version of code review form.
10:23 AM Changeset [3967] by sexton
update sww2dem so that export can occur at given timestep
9:44 AM Ticket #111 (anuga_user_manual.pdf can not be accessed via trac ) created by duncan <duncan@…>
clicking on; …

Nov 10, 2006:

5:27 PM Changeset [3966] by jack
Added documentation about the visualiser, including design and usage …
4:19 PM Changeset [3965] by sexton
updates (i) export to xya for Broome (ii) gauge investigation for …
3:47 PM Changeset [3964] by duncan
comments and minor changes
12:35 PM Changeset [3963] by jack
Added new method get_quantity_names to domain.py for use by the …

Nov 9, 2006:

8:19 PM Changeset [3962] by steve
5:01 PM Changeset [3961] by sexton
allow sww2dem to work on a given timestep (rather than maximise or …
4:47 PM Changeset [3960] by jack
Converted about 1/2 the realtime vis to use accessor functions rather …
1:10 PM Changeset [3959] by sexton
updates for Dampier
1:07 PM Changeset [3958] by jack
Updated the visualisers to work with the new general_mesh structure.
1:05 PM Changeset [3957] by ole
Minor editorials
12:51 PM Changeset [3956] by ole
More cleanup and refactoring. Also adhered to style guide for …
12:04 PM Changeset [3955] by sexton
(i) dampier report tex and figures (ii) export_results for parallel output
10:41 AM Changeset [3954] by ole
More cleanup of triangle and node formats + better comments
9:42 AM Changeset [3953] by sexton
clean up
9:39 AM Changeset [3952] by sexton
update broome to incorporate new copy files and screen catcher

Nov 8, 2006:

6:41 PM Changeset [3951] by sexton
update broome script to incorporate additional data delivered today
6:22 PM Changeset [3950] by ole
6:20 PM Changeset [3949] by sexton
update for gauge generation script
6:14 PM Changeset [3948] by ole
Work in progress
5:57 PM Changeset [3947] by ole
5:54 PM Changeset [3946] by ole
Quick fix to get parallel anuga to work with changes from changeset:3945
5:35 PM Changeset [3945] by ole
One large step towards major cleanup. This has mainly to do with the …
5:16 PM Changeset [3944] by sexton
(i) update sww2timeseries so can handle gauges which don't fall within …
5:07 PM Changeset [3943] by duncan
comments change
4:31 PM Ticket #108 (Interpolation function (and file_function) need to accept geospatial data) closed by duncan
fixed: Interpolation_function (in interpolate.py) now accepts point …
4:23 PM Changeset [3942] by duncan
a script to execute compile all and test all
4:21 PM Changeset [3941] by duncan
change Interpolation_function (in interpolate.py) so it accepts …
4:04 PM Changeset [3940] by nick
update to dampier
4:01 PM Changeset [3939] by nick
updated start_screen_catcher to work in serials not just parallel
3:01 PM Changeset [3938] by nick
have commented out evolve in parallel_shallow_water.py if problems …
11:28 AM Changeset [3937] by ole
Fine tuned release script.

Nov 7, 2006:

5:26 PM Changeset [3936] by sexton
cairns jpg images for user manual
5:15 PM Changeset [3935] by nick
update code style
4:46 PM Changeset [3934] by ole
Small fixes
4:23 PM Changeset [3933] by ole
Changed names of graphics
2:49 PM Changeset [3932] by nick
visualization run for onslow
2:47 PM Changeset [3931] by nick
generic_boundary_conditions.py updated to allow caching and thinning …
2:40 PM Changeset [3930] by nick
added comments
1:34 PM Changeset [3929] by ole
1:13 PM Changeset [3928] by ole
Parallel domains now store only full triangles in sww files. Still …
12:29 PM Changeset [3927] by ole
11:45 AM Ticket #110 (Move parallel stuff away from shallow_water_domain and above) created by ole
As far as possible, it would be good to avoid references to parallel …
10:57 AM Changeset [3926] by ole
First step towards keeping track of full nodes and triangles in …
10:27 AM Changeset [3925] by sexton
9:13 AM Changeset [3924] by sexton
change figs from eps to jpg/png
9:07 AM Changeset [3923] by sexton

Nov 6, 2006:

5:41 PM Changeset [3922] by ole
Update on automatic bundling of ANUGA for release.
5:39 PM Changeset [3921] by ole
Updated installation guide
5:37 PM Changeset [3920] by ole
Incorporated cylinder.sww in anuga_viewer distro
3:35 PM Changeset [3919] by ole
Automated okushiri validation OK

Nov 3, 2006:

7:47 PM Ticket #106 (Realtime Visualiser hangs on pause) closed by jack
fixed: Fixed in revision 3918.
7:47 PM Changeset [3918] by jack
Fixed ticket#106: Realtime visualiser hangs on pause.
5:26 PM Changeset [3917] by ole
More automated validation
5:16 PM Changeset [3916] by ole
Second stab at automatic validation using okushiri data
5:15 PM Changeset [3915] by ole
Okushiri demo
1:43 PM Changeset [3914] by ole
Added ideas for a code review form
11:35 AM Changeset [3913] by ole
Got similar number of triangles as Aug 2005 okushiri validation

Nov 2, 2006:

1:56 PM Changeset [3912] by steve
10:47 AM Changeset [3911] by ole
Added links to code review forms
9:44 AM Changeset [3910] by sexton
better fix to sww2timeseries
9:29 AM Changeset [3909] by sexton
fixes to sww2timeseries
8:53 AM Changeset [3908] by sexton
adding script for locating indigeneous communities for FESA nominated areas

Nov 1, 2006:

6:14 PM Changeset [3907] by sexton
Areas for inundation modelling (for updating and issuing to PMD and NM&I)
5:21 PM Changeset [3906] by steve
Looking at tvtk as visualiser
5:01 PM Changeset [3905] by nick
this should be a working version of the parallel code
4:15 PM Changeset [3904] by nick
change to pass geo_reference
3:38 PM Changeset [3903] by ole
Renamed file in validation
1:56 PM Changeset [3902] by ole
Small fixes in release script
12:16 PM Changeset [3901] by ole
Good mesh
10:58 AM Changeset [3900] by ole
Added time_thinning to Interpolation_function and improved diagnostics.

Oct 31, 2006:

7:09 PM Changeset [3899] by sexton
identify indigenous communities in study area
12:14 PM Ticket #109 (rounding problems with ferret2sww and (urs2sww)) created by anonymous
when a minlat = -21, 0 ,0 and maxlat = -19, 0, 0 the statistics for …
11:45 AM Changeset [3898] by ole
Added blurb about netcdf
11:42 AM Changeset [3897] by sexton
polygon updates to Broome
11:25 AM Ticket #108 (Interpolation function (and file_function) need to accept geospatial data) created by ole
Currently, Interpolation_function (in interpolate.py) only accepts …
11:23 AM Changeset [3896] by ole

Oct 30, 2006:

6:40 PM Changeset [3895] by ole
Work on okushiri (smaller mesh)
6:33 PM Changeset [3894] by ole
Added comment about where to get netcdf.dll
5:20 PM Changeset [3893] by ole
Allowed set_name to accept extension '.sww'
5:12 PM Changeset [3892] by ole
Script to create distributions
5:04 PM Changeset [3891] by ole
4:31 PM Ticket #107 (add tests to urs2sww to check minlat and minlon are correct) created by anonymous
check minlat is smaller than maxlat and the same with minlon and …
3:42 PM Changeset [3890] by ole
Added distribution for anuga_viewer
3:36 PM Changeset [3889] by ole
Removed automatically generated file Benchmark_2_Bathymetry.pts
3:31 PM Changeset [3888] by ole
Added quick-install info to installation guide
3:28 PM Changeset [3887] by ole
Name change to anuga_viewer
2:01 PM Changeset [3886] by sexton
hobart update for export output
1:56 PM Changeset [3885] by nick
update to dampier
11:44 AM Changeset [3884] by ole
Allowed parallel abstraction to work sequentially without Metis
11:41 AM Changeset [3883] by ole
More cleanup of okushiri prior to release
11:14 AM Changeset [3882] by ole
Added the parallel capability to run_okushiri.py
9:21 AM Changeset [3881] by sexton
broome updates

Oct 29, 2006:

1:06 PM Changeset [3880] by ole
Updated README file
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.