Custom Query (329 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 329)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#89 Have Minimum Water depth accessable when executing run script Duncan defect normal AnuGA ready for release Functionality and features
#91 User manual Sydney example crashes Ole defect normal Other
#92 spam spam anonymous defect normal Appearance and visualisation
#93 Axes with units and scales + overlaid polygons in visualisations jack defect normal AnuGA ready for release Appearance and visualisation
#94 sww2dem - math domain error ole defect normal Appearance and visualisation
#95 adding two clipped data sets fails ole defect normal Appearance and visualisation
#96 exporting points file from clipped datasets ole defect normal Functionality and features
#97 Diagnostics about which triangle causes the smallest timestep ole defect normal AnuGA ready for release Functionality and features
#101 urs2mux needs more tests Duncan defect normal Appearance and visualisation
#103 Get Sydney example to work as a user guide example someone defect normal Documentation
#104 more tests needed for urs2sww or urs2nc ole defect normal Testing and validation
#105 new unit test for create_mesh_from_regions Nick defect normal Testing and validation
#107 add tests to urs2sww to check minlat and minlon are correct duncan defect normal Testing and validation
#108 Interpolation function (and file_function) need to accept geospatial data duncan defect normal Architecture and API
#109 rounding problems with ferret2sww and (urs2sww) duncan defect normal Functionality and features
#111 anuga_user_manual.pdf can not be accessed via trac Ole defect normal Documentation
#112 runcairns ole defect normal Documentation
#114 Join together output sww files from parallel ANUGA code steve defect normal Appearance and visualisation
#116 Change the 'xya' file type in anuga to 'txt' duncan defect normal Functionality and features
#117 test_asc_csiro2sww, test_asc_csiro2sww3, test_asc_csiro2sww4 are failing ole defect normal Testing and validation
#119 unhashable type error on runcairns ole defect normal Testing and validation
#120 Make "set_quantity" read in blocks of file into memory and not the entire file. duncan defect normal Efficiency and optimisation
#125 Get version info ole defect normal Compilation and installation
#127 Some codes in the Examples directory don't work Ole defect normal Functionality and features
#128 okushiri validation fails Ole defect normal Testing and validation
#129 Developer installation guide. Ole defect normal Documentation
#130 Okushiri auto validation unit test broken on cyclone ole defect normal Testing and validation
#132 set mean_stage after the sww boundary file is created. ole enhancement normal Efficiency and optimisation
#135 Optimise compute_fluxes when quantities are equal on either side ole defect normal Efficiency and optimisation
#138 one problem with caching rwilson defect normal Efficiency and optimisation
#140 I can't remember how to compile metis anonymous defect normal Appearance and visualisation
#142 small change in Data_manager that needs to be checked Duncan defect normal Functionality and features
#147 Store min and max values of all quantities in sww file duncan enhancement normal Functionality and features
#148 problem with loading .pts file in Sri lanka duncan defect normal Functionality and features
#150 incorporate the script into anuga source anonymous enhancement normal Efficiency and optimisation
#152 Add version info to sww files. nariman defect normal Architecture and API
#153 get_revision_number doesn't get revision # if executed with IDLE or emacs ole defect normal Functionality and features
#154 quantity.get_vertex_values is slow ole defect normal Efficiency and optimisation
#155 Error msg on Geospatial_data input duncan defect normal Functionality and features
#160 "could not find triangle" crash when exporting a grid from parallel results duncan enhancement normal Functionality and features
#161 Group directory and file permissions not working correctly when using "mpirun" nick defect normal Management and planning
#163 Problem with export grid on tornado duncan defect normal Appearance and visualisation
#166 both of the tests in source/anuga_parallel fail steve defect normal ANUGA enhancements Testing and validation
#167 Trac is not sending duncan emails Ole defect normal Management and planning
#169 export_grid doesn't throw an error if swwfile doesn't exist duncan defect normal Functionality and features
#172 Compute Maximal Runup height from sww files. ole defect normal Functionality and features
#177 test for 'zscale' in ferret2sww in data_manager ole enhancement normal Functionality and features
#178 Time to load and fit mesh file (domain.set_quantity) is the slowest part for large parallel model runs steve enhancement normal Efficiency and optimisation
#179 Add the number of points read by domain.set_quantity(elevation) to the output stats nick enhancement normal Functionality and features
#180 Things to do when we get it support for GA's clusters isb defect normal Management and planning
#183 Modify "get_maximum_inundation_data" to use "get_all_swwfiles" nick enhancement normal Appearance and visualisation
#185 Deprecate xya format duncan defect normal Functionality and features
#188 test_make_plots_from_csv_files fails on Tornado duncan defect normal Testing and validation
#189 pmesh.mesh is leaking duncan defect normal Efficiency and optimisation
#190 Convert UQ validation into automatic unit test duncan task normal Testing and validation
#193 Mesh generation (and consequently, timestepping) differs between Linux and Windows. Nick defect normal Functionality and features
#194 Retire the separate h-limiter stephen defect normal Functionality and features
#201 Memory errors in latest version (1.0beta_4733) - and possible speed problems Duncan defect normal Efficiency and optimisation
#203 current release has no mesh_engine_c_layer module ole defect normal Appearance and visualisation
#204 okushiri validation failing on remotely accessing linux Ole defect normal Testing and validation
#207 Include auto validations in distribution ole defect normal Compilation and installation
#208 Run Cairns Example again and update the manual. jane defect normal Documentation
#209 update "find_optimal_smoothing_parameter" to read a mesh file nick enhancement normal Functionality and features
#216 Add documentation of optimal_smoothing_parameter in user manual nick defect normal Documentation
#218 Try to replace momentum limiters with constant speed versions ole defect normal Efficiency and optimisation
#221 Unit tests on latest sourceforge version and svn version will not complete on ubuntu ole defect normal Compilation and installation
#226 Problem with sww2timeseries output file location is not consistent ole defect normal Functionality and features
#228 test_all failing Duncan defect normal Appearance and visualisation
#232 maximum_inundation_from_sww test failing in windows Ole defect normal Architecture and API
#233 test_fit_time_and_mem fails on Nautilus duncan defect normal Appearance and visualisation
#234 using holes when creating a mesh does not work with fitting James Hudson defect normal Architecture and API
#236 update Cairns example with new plotting functions nick task normal Documentation
#238 Too much output to screen in fitting algorithm ole enhancement normal Functionality and features
#242 auto validate, test fit and mem failing. ole defect normal Architecture and API
#244 Is fit_to_mesh caching properly? ole defect normal Architecture and API
#247 mesh_engine.c not compiling, since it shouldn't be there anyhow. ole defect normal Compilation and installation
#248 test all failing on tornado ole defect normal Management and planning
#250 Extend set_quantity to allow addition of values ole enhancement normal Architecture and API
#253 Can geospatial_data use caching? ole enhancement normal Efficiency and optimisation
#256 Is parallel anuga working? James Hudson defect normal ANUGA enhancements Functionality and features
#257 Catch error if polygons are warped James Hudson defect normal Functionality and features
#260 Validation of the tsunami modelling methodology against the 2004 tsunami jakeman task normal Validation of GA tsunami modelling methodology Project proposals
#262 Implement option to calculate momentum using centroid speeds ole enhancement normal Efficiency and optimisation
#263 Build boundary object for URS point output jakeman enhancement normal Validation of GA tsunami modelling methodology Functionality and features
#264 John to provide Richard with coordinates tracing the existing ANUGA boundary and Richard to do the runs richard task normal Validation of GA tsunami modelling methodology Other
#265 Model to continue beyond end of time in forcing terms such as rainfall ole enhancement normal Functionality and features
#266 Tsunami Online Delivery Framework ole task normal Project proposals
#267 ANUGA maintenance and development rwilson task normal ANUGA maintenance Project proposals
#268 Update installation guide rwilson task normal Compilation and installation
#269 How to extract elevation and other quantitites from sww files ole task normal Validation of GA tsunami modelling methodology Documentation
#271 SWW header modification ole enhancement normal Documentation
#276 Allow ANUGA to work with python2.5 Duncan task normal Compilation and installation
#278 Implement Inflow Boundary Condition ole enhancement normal Functionality and features
#282 The unix home directories are getting a quota of 500 MB, this isn't enough for caching Duncan defect normal Appearance and visualisation
#288 Create "What's New" guide ole task normal Documentation
#289 Make 1D interpolation function ole enhancement normal ANUGA Flood Modelling Capability Functionality and features
#291 Update ANUGA user manual to include Excel plotting Leharne task normal Documentation
#292 sww2csv_gauges needs to ignore gauges that are not in the domain James Hudson defect normal Functionality and features
#296 Compile ANUGA viewer for Linux nariman task normal Appearance and visualisation
#297 Kristy doesn't have the ability to create a New Ticket! ole defect normal Other
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