Custom Query (329 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 329)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#168 "could not find triangle" crash when exporting a grid from SERIAL results ole defect high Functionality and features
#160 "could not find triangle" crash when exporting a grid from parallel results duncan enhancement normal Functionality and features
#165 "glibc detected" error in exmouth when ran in parallal ole defect high Functionality and features
#219 A fitting algorithm to investigate. Duncan or steve enhancement low Efficiency and optimisation
#98 A test that failed the first time test_all is run, after an anuga install, but not the 2nd time anybody defect low Testing and validation
#255 ANUGA dies mysteriously in clip of geospatial_data dies with no error message! ole defect low Functionality and features
#308 ANUGA high level API hudson enhancement normal Architecture and API
#267 ANUGA maintenance and development rwilson task normal ANUGA maintenance Project proposals
#368 ANUGA parallel leaking along domain portion edges steve defect normal Architecture and API
#60 Add Crop method to geospatial_data Nick defect lowest Functionality and features
#305 Add breaklines to high level mesh interface hudson enhancement normal ANUGA Flood Modelling Capability Functionality and features
#216 Add documentation of optimal_smoothing_parameter in user manual nick defect normal Documentation
#225 Add functionality to Screen_catcher to print to screen and save nick enhancement low Functionality and features
#357 Add large netcdf feature to store_timestep in habili enhancement high Functionality and features
#227 Add more printed out information about progress create_mesh_from_regions nick enhancement low Functionality and features
#179 Add the number of points read by domain.set_quantity(elevation) to the output stats nick enhancement normal Functionality and features
#319 Add tide function to ANUGA Ole defect normal Functionality and features
#152 Add version info to sww files. nariman defect normal Architecture and API
#49 Address missing logger in cg_solve when tested at the anuga level steve defect low Appearance and visualisation
#276 Allow ANUGA to work with python2.5 Duncan task normal Compilation and installation
#76 Allow job recovery after a node crash Ole defect normal Efficiency and optimisation
#136 Allow max inundation level to apply to polygons only ole defect high Architecture and API
#311 Arrange for regular releases of ANUGA nariman task low Management and planning
#71 Automatically obtain head revision number from subversion ole enhancement low Appearance and visualisation
#93 Axes with units and scales + overlaid polygons in visualisations jack defect normal AnuGA ready for release Appearance and visualisation
#294 Better format for input to Polygon_function nariman enhancement low Functionality and features
#341 Better project/setup_model interface for users hudson enhancement normal Architecture and API
#263 Build boundary object for URS point output jakeman enhancement normal Validation of GA tsunami modelling methodology Functionality and features
#75 Build in okushiri validation as an automatic validation test ole defect low AnuGA ready for release Testing and validation
#14 Bypass arguments for caching ole defect low AnuGA ready for release Functionality and features
#20 C extensions not used if called as a package ole defect normal AnuGA ready for release Architecture and API
#253 Can geospatial_data use caching? ole enhancement normal Efficiency and optimisation
#13 Cancel button on alpha shape window doesn't work duncan defect low Mesh generation maintenance Architecture and API
#257 Catch error if polygons are warped hudson defect normal Functionality and features
#310 Change culvert polygons ole enhancement normal Functionality and features
#116 Change the 'xya' file type in anuga to 'txt' duncan defect normal Functionality and features
#62 Clean up Load ASCII Duncan defect low Efficiency and optimisation
#29 Come up with new 'components' - that cut across milestones ole defect normal AnuGA ready for release Management and planning
#296 Compile ANUGA viewer for Linux nariman task normal Appearance and visualisation
#284 Compiler warning in urs_ext.c jakeman defect lowest Compilation and installation
#172 Compute Maximal Runup height from sww files. ole defect normal Functionality and features
#295 Compute energy through a cross section ole enhancement high Functionality and features
#287 Compute extrema occurring in culverts ole enhancement low ANUGA Flood Modelling Capability Functionality and features
#175 Compute flow through a cross section ole enhancement highest Functionality and features
#74 Compute values at centroids from sww file Ole defect normal AnuGA ready for release Appearance and visualisation
#279 Concentrated ANUGA development ole task highest Functionality and features
#58 Consider migrating ANUGA to use numpy (from scipy) rather than Numeric rwilson defect highest Architecture and API
#309 Consider replacing print statements by logging rwilson enhancement low Other
#195 Convergence problem stephen defect high Functionality and features
#3 Conversion from sww to ERMapper tdhu defect normal FESA - Karratha Scenario Functionality and features
#190 Convert UQ validation into automatic unit test duncan task normal Testing and validation
#156 Could we remove shallow_water_kinetic ? steve task low ANUGA enhancements Management and planning
#288 Create "What's New" guide ole task normal Documentation
#299 Create ANUGA distribution CD with all dependencies nhabili task normal ANUGA maintenance Compilation and installation
#331 Create ANUGA logo ole task low Management and planning
#300 Create ANUGA page on Wikipedia ole task normal Appearance and visualisation
#79 Create mesh should check that interior regions are contained in bounding polygon duncan defect normal AnuGA ready for release Functionality and features
#347 Culverts: the ability to identify a single triangle instead of multiple triangles encompassed by the exchange polygon ole enhancement normal ANUGA enhancements Functionality and features
#222 Decide on a process for guaranteeing that datasets bundled with ANUGA are free of licenses duncan task highest Management and planning
#329 Default blockage for culverts ole enhancement low Functionality and features
#185 Deprecate xya format duncan defect normal Functionality and features
#129 Developer installation guide. Ole defect normal Documentation
#97 Diagnostics about which triangle causes the smallest timestep ole defect normal AnuGA ready for release Functionality and features
#206 Discharge across tagged boundary ole enhancement low Functionality and features
#83 Duplicate edge indices in create_mesh_from_regions should cause an exception to be raised. duncan defect normal Mesh generation finished Appearance and visualisation
#43 Duplicate points in interior regions cause spurious mesh duncan defect normal Mesh generation maintenance Functionality and features
#44 Duplicate points in interior regions cause spurious mesh ole defect normal AnuGA ready for release Functionality and features
#80 Enable caching and verbose in create_mesh_from_regions ole defect normal AnuGA ready for release Functionality and features
#322 Error in unit test using python 2.4 Ole defect normal Compilation and installation
#155 Error msg on Geospatial_data input duncan defect normal Functionality and features
#350 Error with log.critical in ole defect normal Testing and validation
#246 Errors in test_geospatial_data when run on node of cyclone. nick defect low Functionality and features
#317 Event selection and build_boundary integration rwilson enhancement high Architecture and API
#157 Export grid may fail if old sww files are around?? duncan defect lowest Appearance and visualisation
#327 Export of results needs to be faster hudson enhancement normal Efficiency and optimisation
#301 Export_results - momentum - segmentation fault Nielson Ole defect low Functionality and features
#250 Extend set_quantity to allow addition of values ole enhancement normal Architecture and API
#9 Feedback on errors duncan enhancement low least_squares module finished Functionality and features
#293 File_boundary and Field_boundary to be able to continue past their time interval ole enhancement highest Functionality and features
#200 Finish Earthquake generated tsunami source function jane task low Functionality and features
#2 Finish ferret2sww (converting MOST output to SWW format) duncan defect low AnuGA ready for release Functionality and features
#131 Fit to mesh take a lot longer than it used to duncan defect high Efficiency and optimisation
#324 Flow conservation error steve defect highest Functionality and features
#145 Forcing function implementing Culverts ole enhancement high Functionality and features
#285 Generate coastline ole enhancement low Functionality and features
#11 Geo referencing duncan enhancement normal least_squares module finished Functionality and features
#103 Get Sydney example to work as a user guide example someone defect normal Documentation
#61 Get boundary of a Geospatial_data object, to allow addition of high res accurate data and low res region data ole defect low Functionality and features
#33 Get buildbot configured and ready to run ole defect normal AnuGA ready for release Testing and validation
#125 Get version info ole defect normal Compilation and installation
#161 Group directory and file permissions not working correctly when using "mpirun" nick defect normal Management and planning
#89 Have Minimum Water depth accessable when executing run script Duncan defect normal AnuGA ready for release Functionality and features
#212 Have proper installers written nariman enhancement high Compilation and installation
#90 How about having boundary conditions take keyword arguments ole enhancement lowest ANUGA maintenance Architecture and API
#346 How to check the coastline polygon is ordered correctly hudson defect normal Functionality and features
#269 How to extract elevation and other quantitites from sww files ole task normal Validation of GA tsunami modelling methodology Documentation
#140 I can't remember how to compile metis anonymous defect normal Appearance and visualisation
#278 Implement Inflow Boundary Condition ole enhancement normal Functionality and features
#262 Implement option to calculate momentum using centroid speeds ole enhancement normal Efficiency and optimisation
#274 Improved CFL condition ole enhancement high Efficiency and optimisation
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.