Custom Query (375 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#58 Consider migrating ANUGA to use numpy (from scipy) rather than Numeric rwilson defect closed highest
#121 changeset:4107 broke validation test duncan defect closed highest
#126 Validate_okushiri unit test fails ole defect closed highest
#143 setting initial conditions using Polygon_function duncan defect closed highest FESA - Karratha Scenario
#146 unable to browse source via trac steve defect closed highest
#175 Compute flow through a cross section ole enhancement closed highest
#222 Decide on a process for guaranteeing that datasets bundled with ANUGA are free of licenses duncan task closed highest
#241 Nick is experiencing a run-time error on his older Win 2000 PC Duncan defect closed highest
#245 Updating of mesh breaks on 64 bit machines duncan defect closed highest
#279 Concentrated ANUGA development ole task closed highest
#293 File_boundary and Field_boundary to be able to continue past their time interval ole enhancement closed highest
#324 Flow conservation error steve defect closed highest
#351 New tool: csv2sts ole enhancement closed highest
#8 Least squares memory issue (A vs AtA) duncan enhancement closed high least_squares module finished
#65 mesh.get_boundary_polygon does not work as expected if triangles are discontinuous ole defect closed high least_squares module finished
#106 Realtime Visualiser hangs on pause jack defect closed high AnuGA ready for release
#113 Output data for the centroid of the triangle NOT just the interpolated results hudson enhancement closed high ANUGA enhancements
#115 Problem with file_boundary using a boundary sww file with no origin ole defect closed high
#131 Fit to mesh take a lot longer than it used to duncan defect closed high
#134 Problem with URS data?, momentum or conversion problem duncan defect closed high
#136 Allow max inundation level to apply to polygons only ole defect closed high
#141 Problem with parallel code in Field_boundary (Interpolation_function) duncan defect closed high
#144 Investigate small timesteps induced by 'new' slope limiters ole defect closed high AnuGA ready for release
#145 Forcing function implementing Culverts ole enhancement closed high
#164 allow inundation_damage to work with multiple sww files duncan enhancement closed high
#165 "glibc detected" error in exmouth when ran in parallal ole defect closed high
#168 "could not find triangle" crash when exporting a grid from SERIAL results ole defect closed high
#171 test all on cyclone is creating large files and not finishing. Duncan defect closed high
#173 Time series plots have incorrect starttimes nick enhancement closed high
#174 urs_mux_files_validation fails duncan defect closed high
#176 export_grid in data_manager sometimes has memory allocation error duncan defect closed high
#181 Write unit tests for search_functions in fit_interpolate ole defect closed high
#184 Mesh instance has no attribute 'number_of_triangles_per_node' duncan defect closed high
#187 Problem with 400,000+ triangles and Parallel ANUGA ole defect closed high
#195 Convergence problem stephen defect closed high
#202 value error in shallow_water_domain, gravity ole defect closed high
#212 Have proper installers written nariman enhancement closed high
#213 Review vertex and edge limiter steve defect new high
#251 can't find ScientificPython 2.4.9 for use with the installation guide duncan defect closed high
#274 Improved CFL condition ole enhancement closed high
#283 Work on Patong Beach validation john task closed high Validation of GA tsunami modelling methodology
#295 Compute energy through a cross section ole enhancement closed high
#303 sww2dem read in numerous sww to produce one dem Ross Wilson enhancement closed high
#307 sww2csv, overwriting first sww with second. ole defect closed high
#316 Reporting differences between different OS/CPU rwilson defect closed high
#317 Event selection and build_boundary integration rwilson enhancement closed high
#318 error running rwilson defect closed high
#344 produce asc when there is a hole in the model hudson defect closed high ANUGA Flood Modelling Capability
#352 checkpointing progress to restore in case of an interrupted run habili enhancement new high
#356 compute_boundary_flows steve defect new high
#357 Add large netcdf feature to store_timestep in habili enhancement closed high
#1 migrate old svn ole defect closed normal Migrate SVN
#3 Conversion from sww to ERMapper tdhu defect closed normal FESA - Karratha Scenario
#4 improve efficency of least_squares algorithm for speed increase duncan enhancement closed normal least_squares module finished
#5 test ole defect closed normal Migrate SVN
#6 test 2 ole defect closed normal Migrate SVN
#7 get 100m bathymetric data ole defect closed normal FESA - Karratha Scenario
#10 Use CSR format consistently duncan defect closed normal least_squares module finished
#11 Geo referencing duncan enhancement closed normal least_squares module finished
#12 set_quantity API ole defect closed normal ANUGA maintenance
#15 Search for appropriate procedure for OSS release ole defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#18 checkpointing nariman enhancement closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#20 C extensions not used if called as a package ole defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#21 Introduce Point_set class ole enhancement closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#22 test_fit_to_mesh_errorsIII duncan defect closed normal least_squares module finished
#23 bad mesh generated. duncan defect closed normal Mesh generation maintenance
#25 duplication of util_ext.h files ole enhancement closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#26 Loading module inside a package can't find C-extension ole defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#28 Possible issues with compiling pmesh under Linux ole defect closed normal Mesh generation finished
#29 Come up with new 'components' - that cut across milestones ole defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#30 pmesh test_mesh failing on cyclone duncan defect closed normal Mesh generation finished
#31 Move and its extension out from pyvolution to utilities/numerical_tools ole defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#32 Move (and building of C-extensions) up one level ole defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#33 Get buildbot configured and ready to run ole defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#35 Introduce large file support for NetCDF to allow larger than 2 GByte files rwilson defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#36 have trac generate an email to the person a ticket is assigned to duncan defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#37 simplify generateMesh duncan enhancement closed normal Mesh generation finished
#39 testing autogenerated email ole defect closed normal
#41 tests are 'leaking files' ole defect closed normal
#42 Tests are 'leaking' files. ole defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#43 Duplicate points in interior regions cause spurious mesh duncan defect closed normal Mesh generation maintenance
#44 Duplicate points in interior regions cause spurious mesh ole defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#46 test_all at ANUGA level fails for me duncan defect closed normal
#50 Write module for timeseries plotting and report generation jane or nick enhancement closed normal
#51 Integrated damage modelling nick and duncan enhancement closed normal
#52 Investigate reproducibility of model runs nick defect closed normal
#56 Replace pmesh_to_domain_instance with new interface duncan defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#57 Move general_mesh, mesh and mesh_factory from pyvolution into separate dir duncan or ole defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#59 remove dependency on points dicts from export pts to file Nick defect closed normal
#64 cg_solve error Steve defect closed normal least_squares module maintenance
#66 Problem with large meshes and cache nick defect closed normal
#67 possible error in "create_mesh_from_regions ole defect closed normal
#68 possible error in "create_mesh_from_regions ole defect closed normal
#69 possible error in "create_mesh_from_regions ole defect closed normal
#74 Compute values at centroids from sww file Ole defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#76 Allow job recovery after a node crash Ole defect closed normal
#77 test_all is segmentation faulting, some of the time duncan defect closed normal
#79 Create mesh should check that interior regions are contained in bounding polygon duncan defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#80 Enable caching and verbose in create_mesh_from_regions ole defect closed normal AnuGA ready for release
#81 mesh doesn't know it has a geo_reference Ole defect closed normal ANUGA maintenance
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.